Статья 72 Конституции Российской Федерации (с изм. от 01.07.2020)
1. В совместном ведении Российской Федерации и субъектов Российской Федерации находятся:
а) обеспечение соответствия конституций и законов республик, уставов, законов и иных нормативных правовых актов краев, областей, городов федерального значения, автономной области, автономных округов Конституции Российской Федерации и федеральным законам;
б) защита прав и свобод человека и гражданина; защита прав национальных меньшинств; обеспечение законности, правопорядка, общественной безопасности; режим пограничных зон;
в) вопросы владения, пользования и распоряжения землей, недрами, водными и другими природными ресурсами;
д) природопользование; сельское хозяйство; охрана окружающей среды и обеспечение экологической безопасности; особо охраняемые природные территории; охрана памятников истории и культуры <*>;
е) общие вопросы воспитания, образования, науки, культуры, физической культуры и спорта, молодежной политики <*>;
ж) координация вопросов здравоохранения, в том числе обеспечение оказания доступной и качественной медицинской помощи, сохранение и укрепление общественного здоровья, создание условий для ведения здорового образа жизни, формирования культуры ответственного отношения граждан к своему здоровью; социальная защита, включая социальное обеспечение <*>;
ж.1) защита семьи, материнства, отцовства и детства; защита института брака как союза мужчины и женщины; создание условий для достойного воспитания детей в семье, а также для осуществления совершеннолетними детьми обязанности заботиться о родителях <*>;
з) осуществление мер по борьбе с катастрофами, стихийными бедствиями, эпидемиями, ликвидация их последствий;
к) административное, административно-процессуальное, трудовое, семейное, жилищное, земельное, водное, лесное законодательство, законодательство о недрах, об охране окружающей среды;
м) защита исконной среды обитания и традиционного образа жизни малочисленных этнических общностей;
н) установление общих принципов организации системы органов государственной власти и местного самоуправления;
о) координация международных и внешнеэкономических связей субъектов Российской Федерации, выполнение международных договоров Российской Федерации.
2. Положения настоящей статьи в равной мере распространяются на республики, края, области, города федерального значения, автономную область, автономные округа.
а) принятие и изменение Конституции Российской Федерации и федеральных законов, контроль за их соблюдением;
в) регулирование и защита прав и свобод человека и гражданина; гражданство в Российской Федерации; регулирование и защита прав национальных меньшинств;
г) установление системы федеральных органов законодательной, исполнительной и судебной власти, порядка их организации и деятельности; формирование федеральных органов государственной власти;
е) установление основ федеральной политики и федеральные программы в области государственного, экономического, экологического, социального, культурного и национального развития Российской Федерации;
ж) установление правовых основ единого рынка; финансовое, валютное, кредитное, таможенное регулирование, денежная эмиссия, основы ценовой политики; федеральные экономические службы, включая федеральные банки;
з) федеральный бюджет; федеральные налоги и сборы; федеральные фонды регионального развития;
и) федеральные энергетические системы, ядерная энергетика, расщепляющиеся материалы; федеральные транспорт, пути сообщения, информация и связь; деятельность в космосе;
к) внешняя политика и международные отношения Российской Федерации, международные договоры Российской Федерации; вопросы войны и мира;
м) оборона и безопасность; оборонное производство; определение порядка продажи и покупки оружия, боеприпасов, военной техники и другого военного имущества; производство ядовитых веществ, наркотических средств и порядок их использования;
н) определение статуса и защита государственной границы, территориального моря, воздушного пространства, исключительной экономической зоны и континентального шельфа Российской Федерации;
о) судоустройство; прокуратура; уголовное и уголовно-исполнительное законодательство; амнистия и помилование; гражданское законодательство; процессуальное законодательство; правовое регулирование интеллектуальной собственности
р) метеорологическая служба, стандарты, эталоны, метрическая система и исчисление времени; геодезия и картография; наименования географических объектов; официальный статистический и бухгалтерский учет;
т) федеральная государственная служба.
Статья 71 Конституции РФ | Правовой портал «Буква закона»
В ведении Российской Федерации находятся:
а)принятие и изменение Конституции Российской Федерации и федеральных законов, контроль за их соблюдением;
б)федеративное устройство и территория Российской Федерации;
в)регулирование и защита прав и свобод человека и гражданина; гражданство в Российской Федерации; регулирование и защита прав национальных меньшинств;
г)установление системы федеральных органов законодательной, исполнительной и судебной власти, порядка их организации и деятельности; формирование федеральных органов государственной власти;
д)федеральная государственная собственность и управление ею;
е)установление основ федеральной политики и федеральные программы в области государственного, экономического, экологического, социального, культурного и национального развития Российской Федерации;
ж)установление правовых основ единого рынка; финансовое, валютное, кредитное, таможенное регулирование, денежная эмиссия, основы ценовой политики; федеральные экономические службы, включая федеральные банки;
з)федеральный бюджет; федеральные налоги и сборы; федеральные фонды регионального развития;
и)федеральные энергетические системы, ядерная энергетика, расщепляющиеся материалы; федеральные транспорт, пути сообщения, информация и связь; деятельность в космосе;
к)внешняя политика и международные отношения Российской Федерации, международные договоры Российской Федерации; вопросы войны и мира;
л)внешнеэкономические отношения Российской Федерации;
м)оборона и безопасность; оборонное производство; определение порядка продажи и покупки оружия, боеприпасов, военной техники и другого военного имущества; производство ядовитых веществ, наркотических средств и порядок их использования;
н)определение статуса и защита государственной границы, территориального моря, воздушного пространства, исключительной экономической зоны и континентального шельфа Российской Федерации;
о)судоустройство; прокуратура; уголовное и уголовно-исполнительное законодательство; амнистия и помилование; гражданское законодательство; процессуальное законодательство; правовое регулирование интеллектуальной собственности;
п)федеральное коллизионное право;
р)метеорологическая служба, стандарты, эталоны, метрическая система и исчисление времени; геодезия и картография; наименования географических объектов; официальный статистический и бухгалтерский учет;
с)государственные награды и почетные звания Российской Федерации;
т)федеральная государственная служба.
Судебная практика по ст. 71 Конституция РФ, «Статья 71. В ведении Российской Федерации находятся:» — Судебная практика, судебные решения 2020
№ дела / Дата |
Категория |
Положительное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Положительное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Положительное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
- Статья 55. Перечисление в Конституции Российской Федерации основных прав и свобод не должно толковаться как отрицание
- Статья 71. В ведении Российской Федерации находятся:
- ГПК РФ Статья 253. Решение суда по заявлению об оспаривании нормативного правового акта
- УК РФ Статья 228. Незаконные приобретение, хранение, перевозка, изготовление, переработка наркотических средств, психотропных веществ или их аналогов, а также незаконные приобретение, хранение, перевозка растений, содержащих наркотические средства или психотропные вещества, либо их частей, содержащих наркотические средства или психотропные вещества
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Положительное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Положительное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Положительное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Положительное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Положительное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
Отрицательное решение
Инстанция: Верховный Суд Российской федерации
90000 90001 The Constitution of the Russian Federation 90002 90003
90004 90004
90006 We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, united by a common fate on our land, establishing human rights and freedoms, civic peace and accord, preserving the historically established state unity, proceeding from the universally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, revering the memory of ancestors who have conveyed to us the love for the Fatherland, belief in the good and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the firmness of its democratic basic, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, proceeding from the responsibility for our Fatherland before the present and future generations, recognizing ourselves as part of the world community, adopt the CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION.90007
First Section. Main Provisions 90009 Chapter 1. The Fundamentals of the Constitutional System 90010 (Art. 1-16) 90011 90012
90009 Chapter 2. Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen 90010 (Art. 17-64) 90011 90012
90009 Chapter 3. The Federal Structure 90010 (Art. 65-79) 90011 90012
90009 Chapter 4. The President of the Russian Federation 90010 (Art. 80-93) 90011 90012
90009 Chapter 5. The Federal Assembly 90010 (Art. 94-109) 90011 90012
90009 Chapter 6.The Government of the Russian Federation 90010 (Art. 110-117) 90011 90012
90009 Chapter 7. Judicial Power 90010 (Art. 118-129) 90011 90012
90009 Chapter 8. Local Self-government 90010 (Art. 130-133) 90011 90012
90009 Chapter 9. Constitutional Amendments and Review of the Constitution 90010 (Art. 134-137) 90011 90012
90045 Second Section. Concluding and Transitional Provisions
90007 90047 The Constitution of the Russian Federation (was Adopted at National Voting on December 12, 1993) 90004
The Constitution came into force on the day of its official publication.90004
The text of the Constitution was published in Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper as of December 25, 1993. 90004
English translation — «Garant-Service» 90047 Alphabetical Index 90004
90055.90000 Chapter 1. The Fundamentals of the Constitutional System 90001
90002 90002 90004 Chapter 1. The Fundamentals of the Constitutional System 90005 90006 Article 1 90007
90006 The Russian Federation — Russia is a democratic federal law-bound State with a republican form of government. 90007
90006 The names «Russian Federation» and «Russia» shall be equal. 90007 90006 Article 2 90007
90006 Man, his rights and freedoms are the supreme value.The recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen shall be the obligation of the State. 90007 90006 Article 3 90007
90006 1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation shall be its multinational people. 90007 90006 2. The people shall exercise their power directly, and also through the bodies of state power and local self-government. 90007
90006 3. The supreme direct expression of the power of the people shall be referenda and free elections.90007
90006 4. No one may usurp power in the Russian Federation. Seizure of power or usurping state authority shall be prosecuted by federal law. 90007 90006 Article 4 90007
90006 1. The sovereignty of the Russian Federation shall cover the whole of its territory. 90007 90006 2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws shall have supremacy in the whole territory of the Russian Federation. 90007
90006 3. The Russian Federation shall ensure the integrity and inviolability of its territory.90007 90006 Article 5 90007
90006 1. The Russian Federation consists of Republics, territories, regions, cities of federal importance, an autonomous region and autonomous areas — equal subjects of the Russian Federation. 90007
90006 2. The Republic (State) shall have its own constitution and legislation. The territory, region, city of federal importance, autonomous region and autonomous area shall have its charter and legislation. 90007
90006 3. The federal structure of the Russian Federation is based on its state integrity, the unity of the system of state authority, the division of subjects of authority and powers between the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the equality and self-determination of peoples in the Russian Federation.90007
90006 4. In relations with federal bodies of state authority all the subjects of the Russian Federation shall be equal among themselves. 90007 90006 Article 6 90007
90006 1. The citizenship of the Russian Federation shall be acquired and terminated according to federal law; it shall be one and equal, irrespective of the grounds of acquisition. 90007 90006 2. Every citizen of the Russian Federation shall enjoy in its territory all the rights and freedoms and bear equal duties provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.90007
90006 3. A citizen of the Russian Federation may not be deprived of his or her citizenship or of the right to change it. 90007 90006 Article 7 90007
90006 1. The Russian Federation is a social State whose policy is aimed at creating conditions for a worthy life and a free development of man. 90007 90006 2. In the Russian Federation the labour and health of people shall be protected, a guaranteed minimum wages and salaries shall be established, state support ensured to the family, maternity, paternity and childhood, to disabled persons and the elderly, the system of social services developed, state pensions, allowances and other social security guarantees shall be established.90007 90006 Article 8 90007
90006 1. In the Russian Federation guarantees shall be provided for the integrity of economic space, a free flow of goods, services and financial resources, support for competition, and the freedom of economic activity. 90007
90006 2. In the Russian Federation recognition and equal protection shall be given to the private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership. 90007 90006 Article 9 90007
90006 1. Land and other natural resources shall be utilized and protected in the Russian Federation as the basis of life and activity of the people living in corresponding territories.90007
90006 2. Land and other natural resources may be in private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership. 90007 90006 Article 10 90007
90006 The state power in the Russian Federation shall be exercised on the basis of its division into legislative, executive and judicial power. The bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power shall be independent. 90007 90006 Article 11 90007
90006 1. The state power in the Russian Federation shall be exercised by the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly (the Council of the Federation and the State Duma), the Government of the Russian Federation, and the courts of the Russian Federation .90007
90006 2. The state power in the subjects of the Russian Federation shall be exercised by the bodies of state authority created by them. 90007
90006 3. The division of subjects of authority and power among the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation shall be fixed by the given Constitution, the Federal and other treaties on the delimitation of the subjects of authority and powers. 90007 90006 Article 12 90007
90006 In the Russian Federation local self-government shall be recognized and guaranteed.Local self-government shall be independent within the limits of its authority. The bodies of local self-government shall not be part of the system of bodies of state authority. 90007 90006 Article 13 90007
90006 1. In the Russian Federation ideological diversity shall be recognized. 90007
90006 2. No ideology may be established as state or obligatory one. 90007
90006 3. In the Russian Federation political diversity and multi-party system shall be recognized. 90007 90006 4.Public associations shall be equal before the law. 90007
90006 5. The creation and activities of public associations whose aims and actions are aimed at a forced change of the fundamental principles of the constitutional system and at violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, at undermining its security, at setting up armed units, and at instigating social, racial, national and religious strife shall be prohibited. 90007 90006 Article 14 90007
90006 1. The Russian Federation is a secular state.No religion may be established as a state or obligatory one. 90007
90006 2. Religious associations shall be separated from the State and shall be equal before the law. 90007 90006 Article 15 90007 90006 1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation shall have the supreme juridical force, direct action and shall be used on the whole territory of the Russian Federation. Laws and other legal acts adopted in the Russian Federation shall not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.90007 90006 2. The bodies of state authority, the bodies of local self-government, officials, private citizens and their associations shall be obliged to observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws. 90007 90006 3. Laws shall be officially published. Unpublished laws shall not be used. Any normative legal acts concerning human rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizen may not be used, if they are not officially published for general knowledge. 90007 90006 4.The universally-recognized norms of international law and international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation shall be a component part of its legal system. If an international treaty or agreement of the Russian Federation fixes other rules than those envisaged by law, the rules of the international agreement shall be applied. 90007 90006 Article 16 90007
90006 1. The provisions of the present chapter of the Constitution comprise the fundamental principles of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, and may not be changed otherwise than according to the rules established by the present Constitution.90007
90006 2. No other provision of the present Constitution may contradict the fundamental principles of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. 90007 90002 Alphabetical Index 90002
.90000 90001 Chapter 3. The Federal Structure 90002 90003
90004 90004 90006 Chapter 3. The Federal Structure 90007 90008 Article 65 90009
90008 1. The Russian Federation includes the following subjects of the Russian Federation: 90009
90008 Republic of Adygeya, Republic of Altai, Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Daghestan, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachayevo-Circassian Republic, Republic of Karelia, Komi Republic, Republic of Crimea, Republic of Mari El, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Republic of North Ossetia — Alania, Republic of Tatarstan, Republic of Tuva, Udmurtian Republic, Republic of Khakassia, Chechen Republic, Chuvash Republic; 90009
90008 Altai Territory, Trans-Baikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Perm Territory, Primorye Territory, Stavropol Territory, Khabarovsk Territory; 90009
90008 Amur Region, Arkhangelsk Region, Astrakhan Region, Belgorod Region, Bryansk Region, Chelyabinsk Region, Ivanovo Region, Irkutsk Region, Kaliningrad Region, Kaluga Region, Kemerovo Region, Kirov Region, Kostroma Region, Kurgan Region, Kursk Region, Leningrad Region, Lipetsk Region, Magadan Region, Moscow Region, Murmansk Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Novgorod Region, Novosibirsk Region, Omsk Region, Orenburg Region, Orel Region, Penza Region, Pskov Region, Rostov Region, Ryazan Region, Samara Region, Saratov Region, Sakhalin Region , Sverdlovsk Region, Smolensk Region, Tambov Region, Tomsk Region, Tver Region, Tula Region, Tyumen Region, Ulyanovsk Region, Vladimir Region, Volgograd Region, Vologda Region, Voronezh Region, Yaroslavl Region; 90009
90008 Moscow, St.Petersburg, Sevastopol — cities of federal importance; 90009
90008 Jewish Autonomous Region; 90009
90008 Nenets Autonomous Area, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Yugra, Chukotka Autonomous Area, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area. 90009
90008 2. The admission to the Russian Federation and the creation in it of a new subject shall be carried out according to the rules established by the federal constitutional law. 90009 90008 Article 66 90009
90008 1. The status of a Republic shall be determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the Republic.90009
90008 2. The status of a territory, region, city of federal importance, autonomous region and autonomous area shall be determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the territory, region, city of federal importance, autonomous region or autonomous area , adopted by the legislative (representative) body of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation. 90009
90008 3. Upon the proposal of the legislative and executive bodies of the autonomous region or autonomous area a federal law on autonomous region or autonomous area may be adopted.90009
90008 4. The relations between the autonomous area within a territory or region may be regulated by the federal law or a treaty between the bodies of state authority of the autonomous area and, accordingly, the bodies of state authority of the territory or region. 90009
90008 5. The status of a subject of the Russian Federation may be changed upon mutual agreement of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation and according to the federal constitutional law.90009 90008 Article 67 90009
90008 1. The territory of the Russian Federation shall include the territories of its subjects, inland waters and territorial sea, and the air space over them. 90009 90008 2. The Russian Federation shall possess sovereign rights and exercise the jurisdiction on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation according to the rules fixed by the federal law and the norms of international law. 90009
90008 3.The borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation may be changed upon their mutual consent. 90009 90008 Article 68 90009
90008 1. The Russian language shall be a state language on the whole territory of the Russian Federation. 90009
90008 2. The Republics shall have the right to establish their own state languages. In the bodies of state authority and local self-government, state institutions of the Republics they shall be used together with the state language of the Russian Federation.90009
90008 3. The Russian Federation shall guarantee to all of its peoples the right to preserve their native language and to create conditions for its study and development. 90009 90008 Article 69 90009
90008 The Russian Federation shall guarantee the rights of the indigenous small peoples according to the universally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation. 90009 90008 Article 70 90009
90008 1.The state flag, coat of arms and anthem of the Russian Federation, their description and rules of official use shall be established by the federal constitutional law. 90009
90008 The capital of the Russian Federation is the city of Moscow. The status of the capital shall be determined by the federal law. 90009 90008 Article 71 90009
90008 The jurisdiction of the Russian Federation includes: 90009
90068 90069 adoption and amending of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, control over their observance; 90070
90069 federal structure and the territory of the Russian Federation; 90070
90069 regulation and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen; citizenship in the Russian Federation, regulation and protection of the rights of national minorities; 90070
90069 establishment of the system of federal bodies of legislative, executive and judicial authority, the rules of their organization and activities, formation of federal bodies of state authority; 90070
90069 federal state property and its management; 90070
90069 establishment of the principles of federal policy and federal programmes in the sphere of state, economic, ecological, social, cultural and national development of the Russian Federation; 90070
90069 establishment of legal groups for a single market; financial, currency, credit, and customs regulation, money issue, the principles of pricing policy; federal economic services, including federal banks; 90070
90069 federal budget, federal taxes and dues, federal funds of regional development; 90070
90069 federal power systems, nuclear power-engineering, fission materials, federal transport, railways, information and communication, outer space activities; 90070
90069 foreign policy and international relations of the Russian Federation, international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation, issues of war and peace; 90070
90069 foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation; 90070
90069 defence and security; military production; determination of rules of selling and purchasing weapons, ammunition, military equipment and other military property; production of poisonous substances, narcotic substances and rules of their use; 90070
90069 determination of the status and protection of the state border, territorial sea, air space, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the expenditures; 90070
90069 judicial system, procurator’s office, criminal, criminal procedure and criminal-executive legislation, amnesty and pardoning, civil, civil procedure and arbitration procedure legislation, legal regulation of intellectual property; 90070
90069 federal law of conflict of laws; 90070
90069 meteorological service, standards, metric system, horometry accounting, geodesy and cartography, names of geographical units, official statistics and accounting; 90070
90069 state awards and honourary titles of the Russian Federation; 90070
90069 federal state service.90070
90105 90008 Article 72 90009
90008 1. The joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation includes: 90009
90068 90069 providing for the correspondence of the constitutions and laws of the Republics, the charters and other normative legal acts of the territories, regions, cities of federal importance, autonomous regions or autonomous areas to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal laws; 90070
90069 protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen; protection of the rights of national minorities; ensuring the rule of law, law and order, public security, border zone regime; 90070
90069 issues of possession, use and disposal of land, subsoil, water and other natural resources; 90070
90069 delimitation of state property; 90070
90069 nature utilization, protection of the environment and ensuring ecological safety; specially protected natural territories, protection of historical and cultural monuments; 90070
90069 general issues of upbringing, education, science, culture, physical culture and sports; 90070
90069 coordination of issues of health care; protection of the family, maternity, paternity and childhood; social protection, including social security; 90070
90069 carrying out measures against catastrophes, natural calamities, epidemics, elimination of their aftermath; 90070
90069 establishment of common principles of taxation and dues in the Russian Federation; 90070
90069 administrative, administrative procedure, labour, family, housing, land, water, and forest legislation; legislation on subsoil and environmental protection 90070
90069 personnel of the judicial and law enforcement agencies; the Bar, notaryship; 90070
90069 protection of traditional living habitat and of traditional way of life of small ethnic communities; 90070
90069 establishment of common principles of organization of the system of bodies of state authority and local self-government; 90070
90069 coordination of international and foreign economic relations of the subjects of the Russian Federation, fulfillment of international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation.90070
90105 90008 2. Provisions of this Article shall be equally valid for the Republics, territories, regions, cities of federal importance, autonomous regions or autonomous areas. 90009 90008 Article 73 90009
90008 Outside the limits of authority of the Russian Federation and the powers of the Russian Federation on issues under joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation shall possess full state power.90009 90008 Article 74 90009
90008 1. In the territory of the Russian Federation it shall not be allowed to establish customs borders, dues or any other barriers for a free flow of goods, services and financial resources. 90009
90008 2. Limitations on the transfer of goods and services may be introduced according to the federal law, if it is necessary to ensure security, protect the life and health of people, protect nature and cultural values. 90009 90008 Article 75 90009
90008 1.The monetary unit in the Russian Federation shall be the rouble. Money issue shall be carried out exclusively by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Introduction and issue of other currencies in Russia shall not be allowed. 90009
90008 2. The protection and ensuring the stability of the rouble shall be the major task of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which it shall fulfil independently of the other bodies of state authority. 90009 90008 3. The system of taxes paid to the federal budget and the general principles of taxation and dues in the Russian Federation shall be fixed by the federal law.90009
90008 4. State loans shall be issued according to the rules fixed by the federal law and shall be floated on a voluntary basis. 90009 90008 Article 76 90009
90008 1. On the issues under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation federal constitutional laws and federal laws shall be adopted and have direct action in the whole territory of the Russian Federation. 90009 90008 2. On the issues under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation federal laws shall issued and laws and other normative acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation shall be adopted according to them.90009 90008 3. Federal laws may not contradict the federal constitutional laws. 90009 90008 4. Outside the limits of authority of the Russian Federation, of the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Republics, territories, regions, cities of federal importance, autonomous regions or autonomous areas shall exercise their own legal regulation, including the adoption of laws and other normative acts. 90009 90008 5.The laws and other legislative acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation may not contradict the federal laws adopted according to the first and second parts of this Article. In case of a contradiction between a federal law and an act issued in the Russian Federation the federal law shall be applied. 90009 90008 6. In case of a contradiction between a federal law and a normative act of a subject of the Russian Federation adopted according to the fourth part of this Article, the normative legal act of the subject of the Russian Federation shall be applied.90009 90008 Article 77 90009
90008 1. The system of bodies of state authority of the Republics, territories, regions, cities of federal importance, autonomous regions or autonomous areas shall be established by the subjects of the Russian Federation independently and according to the principles of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the general principles of the organization of representative and executive bodies of state authority fixed by federal law. 90009 90008 2.Within the limits of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the powers of the Russian Federation on the issue under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation the federal bodies of executive authority and the bodies of executive authority of the subjects of the Russian Federation shall make up a single system of executive power of the Russian Federation. 90009 90008 Article 78 90009
90008 1. The federal bodies of executive power in order to exercise their powers may create their own territorial organs and appoint corresponding officials.90009 90008 2. The federal bodies of executive power by agreement with the bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation may transfer to them the fulfillment of a part of their powers, if it does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal laws. 90009
90008 3. The bodies of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation by agreement with the federal bodies of executive authority may transfer to them the fulfillment of a part of their powers.90009
90008 4. The President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation shall ensure, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the implementation of the powers of the federal state authority in the whole territory of the Russian Federation. 90009 90008 Article 79 90009
90008 The Russian Federation may participate in interstate associations and transfer to them part of its powers according to international treaties and agreements, if this does not involve the limitation of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen and does not contradict the principles of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation.90009 90004 Alphabetical Index 90004
90200.90000 Law on amendment to Russian Federation Constitution • President of Russia 90001 90002 The Federal Law was approved by the State Duma and the Federation
Council on March 11, 2020 року, and as of March 14, 2020 року, has been approved by legislative (representative) bodies of 85 constituent entities of the Russian
Federation. 90003 90002 The Law on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, 90005 On Improving the Regulation of Certain Aspects
of the Organisation and Performance of Public Authority 90006, stipulates
amendments to Chapters 3-8 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to improve the organisation and performance of public authority as an instrument
to achieve constitutionally relevant goals that arise from provisions of chapters
1 and 2 of the Constitution.90003 90002 The law, in particular, provides for the following. 90003 90002 The Russian Federation guarantees respect for and protection of working
persons. The state also guarantees that the minimum wage shall be not less than
the average subsistence rate for working-age people across Russia. 90003 90002 The pension system shall be developed on the basis of the principles of universality, justice and solidarity of generations. Mandatory indexation of pensions shall be implemented at least once a year.90003 90002 The Russian Federation guarantees mandatory social insurance, targeted
social support, and indexation of social benefits and other social payments. 90003 90002 Children are a priority of Russia’s national policy. The Russian
Federation ensures the priority of family education. In case family education
is not possible, the state undertakes parental obligations towards such
children. 90003 90002 The state undertakes the obligation to support and protect culture as a unique heritage of Russia’s multi-ethnic nation.90003 90002 It is proclaimed that the Russian Federation
safeguards the historical truth and honours the feat of the defenders of the Fatherland. Denigrating the feat of the people who defended the Fatherland
shall not be permitted. 90003 90002 The Russian Federation supports compatriots
living abroad in exercising their rights, ensures the protection of their
interests and the preservation of the Russian national cultural identity. 90003 90002 Pursuant to the Law, the following items shall
be added to the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation: the organisation of public
authority; establishment of the basic principles of federal policy and federal
programmes in the sphere of scientific and technical development; information
technologies, and ensuring the security of individuals, society and state when
using them; outer space-related activity; agriculture; establishment of single
legal frameworks for the healthcare system and the education system; ensuring
the provision of accessible and quality healthcare, preserving and improving
public health, promoting a healthy lifestyle and a responsible attitude among
citizens towards their health; protecting the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman; creating conditions for raising children in families with dignity, as well as empowering adult children to fulfil their
duty of caring for their parents.90003 90002 It is established that the Russian Federation
is the successor (continuity state) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
recognising continuity in the development of the Russian state and the unity of the state resulting from the millennial history of our country. 90003 90002 All persons holding public office in the Russian Federation, heads of federal state agencies, shall not be allowed to hold citizenship of a foreign state or to have a residency permit or other
document enabling its holder to permanently reside in a foreign country, as well as open and hold accounts (deposits), or keep money and valuables in foreign banks located outside of the Russian Federation.90003 90002 Pursuant to the Law, decisions taken by supranational bodies in keeping with the provisions of the Russian Federation’s
international treaties shall not be enforced in the Russian Federation if they
contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 90003 90002 The Russian Federation shall take measures to maintain and strengthen international peace and security, ensure the peaceful
coexistence of states and peoples, and prevent interference in the country’s
domestic affairs. 90003 90002 The amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation deal with the constitutional status of the President of the Russian Federation, introducing heightened requirements to candidates to the office of President of the Russian Federation.Thus, a candidate for President
of the Russian Federation must be a citizen of the Russian Federation permanently
residing in the Russian Federation for at least 25 years, who is not and has
not been a citizen of a foreign country or held a residency permit or other
document enabling its holder to permanently reside in a foreign country. 90003 90002 One person can not serve as President of the Russian Federation for more than two terms. This provision shall apply to the President of the Russian Federation in office as of the time this Law enters
into force, discounting the number of terms during which such person has served
in this position as of the time this Law enters into force.90003 90002 Pursuant to the Law, the President of the Russian Federation shall appoint Deputy Prime Ministers of the Russian
Federation and federal ministers, whose candidacies shall be subject to approval by the State Duma, except for ministers in charge of national security,
defence and law enforcement, whose candidacies shall be subject to approval by the Federation Council. 90003 90002 The President of the Russian Federation shall
be vested with authority to appoint, following consultations with the Federation Council, and remove from office the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Deputy Prosecutor Generals, prosecutors of Russia’s
constituent entities or officials holding the same rank, as well as appoint and dismiss other prosecutors, if required under federal law.90003 90002 The President of the Russian Federation may
present a submission to the Federation Council to terminate the appointment of presidents, deputy presidents and judges of courts within the court system of the Russian Federation, if they commit acts that compromise the judge’s honour
and dignity. 90003 90002 Pursuant to the Law, the President of the Russian Federation is vested with the right to form the State Council of the Russian Federation and set forth its purpose, as well as set forth the purpose
of the Security Council of the Russian Federation and the Presidential
Executive Office.90003 90002 The Constitution sets forth elements of the status of the President of the Russian Federation after completing his service
in this position, establishes constitutional guarantees, and determines the procedure
for depriving this person of immunity. 90003 90002 The Law sets out a new approach to forming the Federation Council. The Federation Council shall consist of senators of the Russian Federation, and shall include representatives from each constituent
entity of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Russian Federation
appointed by the President of the Russian Federation, as well as former
Presidents of the Russian Federation, subject to their agreement.90003 90002 The Constitution enables the Federation Council
and the State Duma to exercise parliamentary oversight, including by filing
parliamentary inquiries with the heads of state agencies and local government
institutions. 90003 90002 Pursuant to the Law, the Prime Minister shall
be directly accountable to the President of the Russian Federation for fulfilling the mandate of the Government of the Russian Federation. The following items shall be added to the mandate of the Government of the Russian
Federation: ensuring the implementation of a single socially-oriented state
policy in the Russian Federation; ensuring state support for Russia’s
scientific and technical development, preserving and expanding its research
potential; ensuring the operation of social protections for persons with
disabilities, based on the principles of full and equal enjoyment of human and citizen’s rights and freedoms, and improving their quality of life; supporting
civil society institutions, including non-profit organisations, engaging them
in drafting and implementing state policies; supporting volunteering; promoting
the development of entrepreneurship and private enterprise; taking measures to create a favourable living environment, reduce negative environmental impacts,
preserve the country’s unique natural and biological diversity, promote a responsible attitude towards animals, and create conditions for raising
environmental awareness and culture.90003 90002 Pursuant to the Law, the Constitutional Court
of the Russian Federation shall consist of 11 judges. The Constitutional Court
of the Russian Federation shall have the authority to decide on conformity with
the Constitution of the Russian Federation of draft laws of the Russian
Federation amending the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal
constitutional laws and federal laws, as well as adopted laws before they are
signed by the President of the Russian Federation; to decide on the possibility
of enforcing decisions by supranational bodies based on the Russian
Federation’s international treaties, if they contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well on the possibility of enforcing a binding decision
by a foreign or international (interstate) court or arbitration, if this
decision contradicts the tenets of public order in the Russian Federation;
review laws of the Russian Federation’s constituent entities to ensure their conformity
with the Constitution of the Russian Federation before they are promulgated.90003 90002 Pursuant to the Law amending the Constitution
of the Russian Federation, local government bodies shall be included in a single system of public authority of the Russian Federation in order to maximise their efficiency in fulfilling tasks in the interests of the people
and working together with state agencies. 90003 90002 The enactment of all these amendments shall be
subject to two conditions. The Law amending the Constitution of the Russian
Federation provides for submitting a request to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation for reviewing the conformity of proposed amendments with
Chapters 1, 2 and 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.If the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation issues an opinion confirming
that that proposed amendments are consistent with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a national vote shall be held. 90003 90002 If more than one half of citizens taking part in the national vote approve the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian
Federation, the amendments to Chapters 3 through 8 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation as set out in the Law amending the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall enter into force.90003.
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