What do you like to do in your free time?
IELTS Speaking part 1 имеет ограниченный набор вопросов. Это означает, что их все можно классифицировать.
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What do you like to do in your free time? — тип вопросов, который часто задают на тесте. Чтобы на него ответить, вам нужно следовать рекомендациям в посте.
Мы с вами рассмотрим разные типы вопросов и то, как можно на них ответить. Это не является лучшим или единственно правильным ответом. Но я вам рекомендую взять их себе на заметку.
Помните, что хорошая подготовка — залог успешной сдачи любого экзамена.
Итак, когда экзаменатор спрашивает вас подобного рода вопросы
What do you like to do in your free time? — type questions
- What do you like to do in your spare time?
- What do you like to do when you are on holiday?
- What do you like to do when you are not working?
Помните, что вопросы необязательно должны начинаться именно так. Главное, проанализируйте саму суть вопроса, и затем применяйте наши рекомендации.
Порядок ответа:
- Определите парочку вещей, которые вам нравится делать
- Опишите, почему вам нравится это делать.
Вам нужно освоить или повторить следующую структуру:
3 шага к ответу
1.Используйте либо enjoy/like+verb-ing либо like to+verb
(“I like studying foreign languages”/ “I like to study foreign languages – I enjoy studying foreign languages)
2. Используйте один или два фразовых глагола, типичных для носителей языка для выражения мысли «I like»
( (I’m quite into playing computer games”/ “I’m really keen on baking cakes”)
3. Используйте прилагательные положительных чувств для того чтобы показать степень ваших чувств.
(“I like playing ice hockey. It’s exciting”/I’m quite into climbing the mountains. I find it fascinating.) Вы можете записаться на бесплатный пробный урок по английскому языку. З
Шаг 1 Like & Enjoy
Глаголы Like и Enjoy очень распространены, поэтому вам нужно их очень хорошо усвоить.
I like to relax
I like hanging out with friends
I really
Если вы или экзаменатор в процессе разговора уже упомянули деятельность, то обсуждение можно продолжить ссылаясь на него как «it».
“I really enjoy studying English. It’s fun”
Во втором предложении «it» относится к «studying English». Это делается для того, чтобы избежать лексических повторов.
При этом нужно помнить о согласовании числа, например, если ранее вы говорили о чем-то во множественном числе, то соответственно к нему будете говорить «they».
“I like watching football matches — they are so exciting.”
Практическое задание
Each of the sentences below are has at least one mistake. Identify the mistakes and write the correct sentences in the spaces provided.
When I’m not working I really enjoy to cycle in the countryside outside my city. They are a very healthy and exciting pastime.
I really like to getting involved in team sports. It is particularly good for building up cooperative skills and healthy competition.
I especially liking to spend my free time sleeping and being lazy in my dormitory.
My friends and I are really keen on play computer games. It is a really good way to spend an evening.
I enjoy to take part in martial arts like Kungfu. It can keep you fit and make you strong!
She enjoys go out to bars on weekends and hang out with friends.
Шаг 2 Способы сказать «I like»
Давайте рассмотрим способы выражения «I like» в стиле носителя языка.
- I’m quite into + activity/hobby
I’m quite into playing football – I get very excited about it.
- I’m a fan of + activity/hobby
I’m a big fan of hip-hop music – I often go to concerts
- I’m keen on + hobby/activity
I’m really keen on going to eat in Chinese restaurants – I love Chinese food
- I’m interested in + activity/hobby
I’m very interested in law; I’m always reading about the latest laws and legal cases.
Практическое задание
Rewrite the words below in the correct order
1.Quite on detective into stories I’m TV watching
2. Of fan comedies huge a romantic She’s
3. Interested I’m latest in fashions extremely the
4. Very dancing He’s with at clubs on friends keen
Шаг 3 Прилагательные позитивных чувств
Для того чтобы объяснить, почему вам нравится что-то делать, следует использовать прилагательные позитивных чувств. Для неносителей языка очень трудно использовать их правильно и кандидаты часто теряют баллы из-за неправильного их использования.
Используйте to be + verb-ed при описании человека, испытывающего чувства, ощущения
- He’s bored when he has nothing to do.
- She’s fascinated by music
- They’re interested in playing football
- I’m satisfied with my lessons
- The dog’s excited when i give it food.
Используйте to be + verb-ing когда говорите о вещи, вызывающей эмоции
- Curling is boring
- Music is fascinating
- Studying Chinese is interesting
- Seeing a concert is exciting
- Eating a big dinner is satisfying
Практические задания
Complete the sentences below by writing the correct forms of the words in brackets.
- I really enjoy reading; a good book is so … (satisfy)
- I think movies are … (bore)
- My friends are all … (excite) about the concert on Sunday.
- I love studying English! I’m … (fascinate) by the grammar.
- I’m really … (interest) In learning more about other countries.
- Julia finds her art classes incredibly … (satisfy)
Типичные ответы
Interviewer: What do you like to do in your free time?
Candidate: Well, I have lots of hobbies I like to do in my spare time. I’m very interested in studying English and I’m also quite into martial arts – sometimes I combine these two interests by watching Chinese or American movies. What I particularly enjoy is playing table tennis – it’s so exciting.
Interviewer: What do you like to do in the evening?
Candidate: I work really hard during the day so in the evening I like to relax and unwind. I’m a big fan of hip-hop and rock music, and I like hanging out with friends watching gigs. I’m also keen on reading novels and short stories. I’m involved in a reading group at my university and every so often we get together and discuss the latest books we’ve read over dinner – it’s so stimulating to talk and hear different views about the books we’ve all read
По ссылке ниже вы можете получить 15 бесплатных минут для общения с носителем языка
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Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. То take from home
2. Evening drinks
3. Food for relaxation
4. Skipping the meal
5. Foreign cuisine
6. Unusual meals
7. Traditional morning meal
8. Take it ready to eat
A. If you go to a hotel in Britain and ask for a typical English breakfast, you will probably get bacon and eggs, sausage, mushrooms, baked beans, tea and toast. When porridge juice are offered as well, the meal is sometimes advertised as a «full Engilsh breakfast». Many years ago people couldn’t imagine their breakfast without a bowl of cerea or usual bacon and eggs.
B. But how many people in England actually eat an English breakfast? Only one person in ten. One in five people say all they have for breakfast is a cup of coffee, and many children go to school without eating anything. That is happening because people lack time. They are always in a hurry and prefer to choose something light and ready-made, especially in the morning.
C. If in Britain you stay with a family, you will almost certainly be given a «packed lunch» to eat for your midday meal. Some factories and schools have canteens where a packed lunch is the most common thing to eat. A packed lunch usually consists of some sandwiches, a packet of crisps, an apple, and a can of something to drink, for example, Coca-Cola. The quality of the packed lunch can vary.
D. Fish and chips is the classic English takeaway food. It is usually bought ready cooked at special shops — fish and chip shops, or «chippies» as they are sometimes called. This takeaway food is wrapped in paper to be eaten at home or outside. If you go to a fish and chip shop, you’ll be asked if you want salt and vinegar to be sprinkled over your chips. Be careful bec
Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
1. The Special Day of the Union
2. Rich in languages
3. The Aims of the Union
4. Famous for its Economic Development
5. A Big Sports Event
6. The Union of Independent States
7. The Choice of the Former Colony
8. Literary Awards
A. The British Queen is Head of the Commonwealth (or the Commonwealth of Nations). This organization unites 53 countries, most of which are former British colonies. The countries of the Commonwealth can be found in Africa, Asia, Europe, in the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands. Thirty-one of the members are small countries.
B. After the Olympics, the Commonwealth Games is the second largest sports festival in the world. Only members of the Commonwealth can participate. The Games are held once every four years but only in between the Olympic years. The first Commonwealth Games were held in 1930 in Hamilton, Canada. In the Commonwealth Games there are a total of 22 sports and seven para-sports.
C. Jamaica, an island country in the Atlantic Ocean, was the first colony England took by conquest. But it was also the first Caribbean nation to gain independence. This happened in 1962 but the country chose to remain a member of the British Commonwealth. Similar to Canada, Queen Elizabeth II remains the Queen of Jamaica but by tradition only.
D. Singapore is situated in Southeast Asia. It consists of one main island and 63 tiny islands. Most of these islands are deserted. Singapore is a city, the capital and the state at the same time. It is among the 20 smallest countries in the world. However, in spite of its small size, Singapore is the most highly developed nation in the Commonwealth.
E. All the countries of the Commonwealth use English as a common language. However, Cyprus recognizes two official languages: Greek and Turkish. Certainly most locals are able to speak English as the island was colonized by Britain in 1878 and didn’t get independence until 1960. The other languages spoken in the country are Armenian, Arabic, French and German.
F. Commonwealth Day is a day of celebration for all the countries of the Commonwealth. It is held on the second Monday in March every year. Each member of the Commonwealth of Nations celebrates it in its own unique way. In Great Britain a special service is held in Westminster Abbey in London. It is attended by the British Monarch as Head of Commonwealth who delivers a speech. The Monarch’s speech is broadcast throughout the Commonwealth.
G. In 1987, the Commonwealth Foundation set up two prizes for writers: the Commonwealth Book Prize and the Commonwealth Short Story Prize. The first prize is awarded for the best book published in the previous year. It should be the writer’s first book. The second prize is given to the best piece of unpublished short fiction (2000-5000 words).
Дорогие мальчики и девочки!
Вот и опять мы с вами встретились на страницах нашего пособия. В прошлой книге вы узнали о глаголах “to be”, “to have”, о грамматических временах Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense, Present Progressive (Continuous) Tense и о конструкции “there is (are)”.
Я надеюсь, что вы выполнили все упражнения, и это не вызвало у вас больших трудностей. Вот так шаг за шагом мы с вами будем путешествовать по стране знаний под названием «Английская грамматика». Не всегда наше путешествие будет лёгким. Как у всех путешественников, на нашем пути будут встречаться трудности, но мы обязательно их преодолеем. Первый шаг вы уже сделали, а теперь нам предстоит сделать второй, более сложный.
В этой книге вы познакомитесь с новыми грамматическими временами. Как я уже говорила, эта книга – продолжение предыдущего сборника. Если вы хорошо поработали ранее, то у вас не вызовут затруднений упражнения из этой книги.
А мои советы вам остаются прежними: делайте обязательно все упражнения, работайте ежедневно и прочитывайте написанное вслух.
Я убеждена, что вы трудолюбивые и умные ученики.
Я верю в ваш успех!
Правильные глаголы образуют прошедшее время путём прибавления окончания –ed или –d, которое читается как [t], [d], [ıd].
Особенности правописания правильных глаголов:
– удваивается конечная согласная в односложных и двухсложных глаголах с краткой гласной;
skip – skipped
stop – stopped
hop – hopped
– в глаголах, оканчивающихся на согласную с последующей буквой “y”, конечная гласная “y” меняется на “i” и добавляется окончание “ed”.
try – tried
cry – cried
yesterday [‘jɛstədı] вчера
last week (month, year, summer, Sunday) на прошлой неделе (месяце, году, летом, воскресенье)
the day before yesterday позавчера
five minutes ago пять минут назад
an hour ago час назад
the other day на днях
1. Write the verbs in three columns.
washed, cleaned, dressed, helped, played, watched, listened, painted, looked, jumped, skated, skied, skipped, sledged, lived, loved, liked, thanked, wanted.
2. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. The pupils (to run) a race at the stadium last week.
2. Their family (to go) to the seaside a month ago.
3. Margaret (to do) the shopping yesterday evening.
4. They (to listen) to music at the concert hall yesterday.
5. My father (to fix) his car the other day.
6. Fred and Helen (to stay) at a hotel last June.
7. Bat (to water) the flowers an hour ago.
8. We (to travel) by sea last summer.
9. Sally (to try) on a white dress at the shop yesterday.
3. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. You (to go) to the theatre last week.
2. Al (to buy) black shoes three days ago.
3. I (to give) a call to Sam five minutes ago.
4. Alice (to knit) a warm sweater last month.
5. He (to get) off the train a minute ago.
6. They (to watch) squirrels in the park last Sunday.
7. We (to arrive) in Moscow yesterday evening.
8. The children (to learn) new nice poems by heart last week.
9. Carol (to catch) the plane yesterday morning.
4. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. Colin (to celebrate) his birthday last Monday.
2. Her younger sister (to collect) stamps last year.
3. Jake (to travel) by car two months ago.
4. We (to go) to the circus last Saturday.
5. Willy (to answer) my questions a minute ago.
6. My mother (to cook) cabbage soup for dinner yesterday.
7. Polly (to make) coffee in the kitchen five minutes ago.
8. I (to copy) out a text yesterday evening. 9. Paul (to draw) a beautiful picture last week.
5. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. My brother (to join) the army last autumn.
2. Dave (to act) on the stage yesterday evening.
3. I (to wear) a new suit at the party yesterday.
4. Billy (to drink) a cup of coffee an hour ago.
5. We (to discuss) this problem last Tuesday.
6. The secretary (to type) a letter twenty minutes ago.
7. Tib (to translate) a very difficult text from French into English two days ago.
8. They (to visit) their friends last Friday. 9. Bob (to find) his documents yesterday evening.
6. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. The child (to tell) lies a minute ago.
2. Tony (to look) through all magazines yesterday evening.
3. I (to send) a telegram to my Granny last Wednesday.
4. Rose (to take) her medicine half an hour ago.
5. We (to go) boating last summer.
6. George (to draw) a funny animal yesterday.
7. His elder sister (to lock) the door with a key yesterday evening.
8. Liz (to make) lunch for her family five minutes ago.
9. They (dance) in the disco club last Friday.
7. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. We (to go) to the concert two days ago.
2. I (to help) my friend with Maths last week.
3. Sandy (to keep) to a diet last month.
4. They (to laugh) at Sue yesterday evening.
5. David (to leave) for New York two months ago.
6. Liz and Jack (to get) married last year.
7. Their family (to move) to a new flat last Sunday.
8. The children (to play) snowballs last winter.
9. Nan (to meet) her friend at the bus stop yesterday.
8. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. We (to listen) to our Granny’s stories yesterday evening.
2. They (to go) home by car last Monday.
3. Nick (to work) on a farm three years ago.
4. The teacher (to give) a pupil a good mark yesterday.
5. I (to meet) my elder brother at the tram stop an hour ago.
6. Jack (to sit) on a bench under a tree a minute ago.
7. My parents (to pick up) berries in the garden two days ago.
8. Jane (to wash) fruit for lunch ten minutes ago.
9. Willy and Alf (to travel) by car last summer.
9. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. His father (to buy) a new car last month.
2. I (to give) my mother a present for her birthday last Tuesday.
3. We (to get) to the village by train last month.
4. The pupils (to go) to the Winter Palace last week.
5. Molly (to sweep) the floor half an hour ago.
6. My friends (to stay in) after classes the day before yesterday.
7. He (to drive) Liz to work yesterday morning.
8. Rita (to wash) clothes last Thursday.
9. They (to decorate) their children’s room last week.
10. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. We (to sleep) with the window open last night.
2. I (to leave) home for work twenty minutes ago.
3. Betty (to ring up) her friends yesterday evening.
4. She (to cook) fish soup for dinner yesterday.
5. Dick (to look for) his keys yesterday morning.
6. Jane (to tell) funny stories last Friday. 7. Sue (to learn) a difficult text by heart yesterday.
8. My mother (to translate) an article from English into Russian the day before yesterday.
9. They (to have) two cups of coffee five minutes ago.
11. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. I (to help) my grandparents about the house last week.
2. My brother (not to skate) at the stadium last Wednesday.
3. His uncle (to come) home at one o’clock yesterday.
4. We (to have) supper at the café yesterday evening.
5. They (to drink) coffee for lunch yesterday.
6. I (to do) my homework the day before yesterday.
7. Mr. Brown (to go) to the stadium last week.
8. Henry (not to ski) last month.
12. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. My niece (not to have) supper yesterday.
2. Her husband (to take) a shower yesterday morning.
3. Their grandson (not to do) his homework yesterday.
4. My cousin (not to wash up) the day before yesterday.
5. His sister (to go) for a walk last Thursday.
6. Jack and Mary (to play) hide-and-seek yesterday evening.
7. I (not to watch) TV yesterday.
8. Monica (to go) to the swimming pool yesterday afternoon.
13. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. Charlie (to put on) a new suit yesterday.
2. Our mother (not to have) breakfast yesterday morning.
3. She (to eat) an apple for lunch yesterday.
4. I (to go) to the sports ground the day before yesterday.
5. My little nephew (to play) with his cars yesterday evening.
6. Her mother (to go) shopping yesterday afternoon.
7. I (to do) my morning exercises yesterday.
8. We (to have) supper with our friends yesterday evening.
14. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. Her granddaughter (to go) to bed at ten o’clock yesterday.
2. I (to go) to Moscow last week.
3. We (not to walk) last Sunday.
4. My brother (to get up) at nine o’clock the day before yesterday.
5. Our aunt and uncle (to come) home at eleven o’clock last Monday.
6. The children (to go) to school at a quarter to nine yesterday.
7. His niece (not to have) lunch yesterday morning.
8. I (to eat) soup for dinner yesterday.
15. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. We (to swim) in the swimming pool last autumn.
2. My nephew (not to help) his mother last Monday.
3. His uncle (not to ski) last winter.
4. I (not to eat) porridge for supper the day before yesterday.
5. My grandparents (to write) a letter to their friends yesterday.
6. The child (not to wash) his face yesterday morning.
7. His daughter (to run) at the stadium last week.
8. Mr. Brown (to have) dinner at a restaurant yesterday.
16. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. Molly (to drink) milk for lunch yesterday.
2. Den (to wake up) at ten o’clock the day before yesterday.
3. My sister (to do) her homework yesterday afternoon.
4. Their aunt (not to read) books yesterday evening.
5. Bill (not to wash) his face yesterday evening.
6. Her friend (to write) a letter to her grandmother yesterday.
7. You (not to play) chess last week.
8. Our relatives (to go) to Novgorod last month.
17. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
1. Our uncle (not get up) at eight o’clock yesterday.
2. Their little sister (to make) the bed yesterday morning.
3. My niece and nephew (to wash up) yesterday afternoon.
4. I (not to do) my homework the day before yesterday.
5. My parents (to come) home at eight o’clock yesterday.
6. Meggy (to clean) her teeth yesterday morning.
7. Her cousin (to go) to school last Saturday.
8. His little brother (to wake up) at ten o’clock yesterday.
18. Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Simple.
Michael: That test was so long! Four hours! I really do not understand why we have to take this test anyway. Are our grade point averages not good enough for college?
Charlotte: That test did seem long, didn’t it? But since the curriculum of one high school is slightly different from another high school, this test allows the colleges to consider each student equally. Although one student might have taken different classes from another student, all high school students take the same test.
Michael: I suppose that makes sense. Either way, I really hope I do not have to take that test again!
Charlotte: Same here. Well, we will just have to wait and see. The scores will be out in a few weeks. Anyways, have you gotten your recommendation letters yet?
Michael: I have asked Mrs. Smith for one already, and I am thinking about asking Mr. Johnson for another one. I liked both their classes and I think they got to know me better than my other teachers, so hopefully the letters will be well-written. What about you?
Charlotte: I have also asked Mrs. Smith for a letter. Do you know Mr. Lawson? I would like to get a recommendation letter from him. I hope he remembers me as I have not had a class with him since last year. I am not sure who else I could have asked.
Michael: Well, at least we have one letter each. Mrs. Smith is the best, isn’t she? I wish I could have another class with her, but this is our last semester, and after that it is graduation!
Charlotte: I agree. Mrs. Smith really enjoys teaching, and that definitely helps her students to enjoy learning.
Michael: What colleges are you thinking of applying to? Have you visited any campuses yet?
Charlotte: I am still considering whether I should stay close to home or go to an out-of-state school. I have toured the Stanford campus and the people there were very friendly. I have also visited Notre Dame, the university in Indiana. What about you? Have you toured any campuses yet?
Michael: I want to stay close to home so I am hoping to go to either a California State University or the University of California.
Charlotte: Which one? There is practically one or the other in each of the big cities.
Michael: Perhaps to the University of California. But I am not too worried about getting into a college just yet. I am more worried about this test at the moment!
Charlotte: I understand how you feel. However, we should still consider what should be done next. It will be bad if we fall behind and don’t make it into college by next fall. Have you decided what to study yet? I’m thinking about majoring in English myself.
Michael: English is definitely a possibility. I was thinking about becoming an English teacher like Mrs. Smith.
Charlotte: I do not think you have to worry about getting into college. Still, let’s just keep trying our best!
My Hobby — Хобби — English for everyone
![My Hobby](/800/600/https/teachershelp.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/My-Hobby.jpg)
My Hobby
My Hobby 1
I have many hobbies because there are many interesting things to do. Unfortunately I don’t have much spare time as I’m going to be a student. That’s why I have to study a lot. I like doing different things: Such as reading detective stories, listening to the music, playing tennis with my classmates. But my favorite hobby is solving crossword puzzles. It’s not only interesting, but also very useful. When you try to solve the puzzle you find out and learn a lot of different facts. Because in puzzles there are questions about famous people, geographical places, countries, scientific achievements and so on. You also train your brain. The crosswords are published in newspapers and magazines and there are special newspapers that contain only crosswords. I sometimes try to make up my own puzzle and I can say that it is not less interesting. All the members of our family like to take part in solving the puzzles and this unites us very much.
My Hobby 2
Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. A hobby is what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some people are fond of music, others like to read books. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer gardening or hiking or taking photographs. Some people like to cook, others like to knitter sew. Generally speaking, a hobby is a matter of taste.
My hobby is playing computer games. Both grown-ups and children are fond of it now. It has become one of the most popular hobbies nowadays. I think that playing with a computer is very interesting. It is not only «wasting time» as some people say.
Computer games make us to think things over proper-ly, they widen and develop our mind and imagination. I have a good collection of different games and when I have some free time I play them with great pleasure. My favourite game is…
Some of my friends have the same hobby and we like to play together.
Spare Time, My Hobby
A hundreds years ago there was no problem of what working people could do with their spare time. Their hours of work were so long that they had hardly any leisure. Nowadays it’s even hard to name all the activities, entertainments and hobbies run by people in their free time. A growing number of people prefer watching films, performances, sporting events on TV to attending them. There exists quite a different sort of leisure activities, betting and gambling for example, which give thousands of people hope for a huge prize, and a sense of excitement and expectation. There are various pursuits that people choose to pass away their free time. Nowadays people spend ours watching different informational, educational or environment programs. Other popular occupations are listening to the radio, reading books, painting and so on. Many people prefer to go in for different kinds of sports and lead an active way of life. Sometimes they participate in competitions or contests and have a very good pastime. There are people that prefer calm way of spending their free time. They are fond of quite rambles or walks in parks or gardens. More serious people prefer to visit museums, art galleries or theaters. Aerobics and shopping are two of the most popular pursuits for women. Cooking is also very widespread activity among them. But nothing can be compared with the feeling of those who take got really interested in some field of activity, which has become something favorite and admired. A «hobby» is a special interest or activity that you do in you free time off. Some people have animals as hobbies. They keep rabbits or go fishing. They train dogs to do tricks or keep pageants to race and carry messages. Some are crazy about plants. They try to grow cacti or rare tropical flowers in their kitchens and sitting rooms. Others are mad about their cars or their motorbikes. They spend their Saturdays and Sundays washing them, painting them or buying new bits and pieces to make them go even faster. Children and teenagers are great collectors. They collect stamps or postcards or pictures of a favorite football or pop star. Many people make things as a hobby. I have several hobbies which occupy me after school, both in and out of the house. Sometimes I wonder how I fit them all into my schedule because I have a lot homework. Everyday I have not much time to relax. In that period I usually rest after hard school day, listen to music, watch TV and videos, read books and magazines. Computer is one of my main hobbies and interests. I choose computer technology as one of my options and now I study in Belarussian State University in that field of science. Sometimes I play games to relax. Every weekend I spend a lot of time in World Wide Web. I use Internet for educational process, for finding special technical literature in different subjects and of cause for fun. I have a great number of web friends and we like to spend a lot of time talking to one another.
Also I have great interest in computer programming. Moreover I have big collection of cd-disks and records. They include reggae, pop, classical, jazz, easy listening. My mum always telling me off for putting my hi-fi on too loud. Whenever I get spare time, I go in different sport clubs and complexes and play different team and single games such as tennis, football, volleyball, and basketball. It keeps me fit and happy. I can say with confidence that reading is my favorite hobby. Books brings pleasure and delight. Besides books help to mould a persons character from his moral values. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly and of cause books is the richest source of information. Sometimes my friends and I exchange opinions about books, speak about them, exchange books. Among my favorite gainers are fantasy, philosophy and technical literature. I think that hobbies and interests are an important factor of life. They help to form person, to relax and forget problems for a short while. They can be fun, educational, satisfying and also you can pursuer them when you are old and retired.
Nowadays people work all day long and rarely have spare time to rest and to do something they like. But if they have it they try to waste it in the way they prefer. And there are a lot of possibilities to do it perfect. People can choose everything from sport to spending a good time in the country according to desires. And there are a lot of things to do that can help you not to feel bored. And activity is much better then doing nothing. The most active way, in my opinion is go in for sport. You can do sports all the year round because there are a lot of kinds of sport for all seasons. Basketball, Football players are always on stadiums. And in winter a lot of ski-walkers occupy the snowy slopes and skaters walk on ice of stadiums and icy rivers. Moreover it can be risking sports, which is more exiting to do. Doing such kind of sport you feel that our life doesn’t stay it’s going forward. Our friends also help us to spend a good spare time. Because they often have interesting ideas of spending free time and it’s much better to spend free time with them. Nowadays music occupies the most part of people’s mind among teenagers especially. People communicate according to their music tastes. They visit disco clubs, concert halls to listen music and to dance. People also have pop idols that attract them by their voice or appearance and they are ready to follow them to the ends of the earth. Some people say that theatres are not popular nowadays but I think that a lot of people still enjoy the play of actors and marvelous productions of plays. And our theatres are world known. Theatres teach you to feel hate and love, joy and unhappiness… In other words theatre help you to become more human. Reading books, papers and magazines is also a way of spending leisure time. You can choose a genre according to your mood and read whatever you want. From magazines and papers you know the latest news in the world of politics, fashion, cooking, technology. But technology is developing so fast that such way of getting information becomes old. With developing of Internet information is available in each point of earth. Moreover it’s a way of communicating with people.
And people all over the world sit at the computers chatting or exploring the Internet all day long. Children spend a lot of free time playing computer games. And statistic shows that 70% of users of Internet are teenagers. But some people prefer to go to a country to breath fresh air and resting or travel somewhere. Traveling becomes more and more popular. People like to visit other places to escape from daily routing. And all resorts are full in the time of holidays. As for me I think that the most exciting leisure time spending can be all activities like sport or traveling somewhere with friends because I never feel bored with my friends. For example every holiday I go somewhere with my best friend from Moscow. And we always have a good time wherever we go. And I think that everyone can find an occupation. Maybe in some countries people have more opportunities for recreation because of the new inventions or another factors. But I think that each man can travel everywhere and try each way of spending free time. Moreover the city where we live give us a lot of places to go. And from day to day the number of places of interest grows. But the only thing that is necessary for citizens is fresh air and little islands of nature. People need to walk in the parks that become more and more rare. In spite of this people always can find a way to spend leisure time. Because our world is full of new interesting and exiting thing that every man want to explore.
My Hobby
A hobby is something that people like to do when they are not busy with their usual work and have some free time. It is something done entirely for pleasure. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four large classes: doing things, making things, collecting things and learning things.
The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, everything from gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.
Gardening is one of the oldest of man’s hobbies. It is known that the English are very fond of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.
Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculptures, designing costumes, handicrafts. Two of the most famous amateur painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.
Almost everyone collects something at some period of his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books, records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books and other objects d’art. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries and public galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.
As for as I am concerned, I was always fond of collecting stamps. My mother had started collecting stamps long before I was born. She gave me her six albums of stamps as a birthday present when I was twelve. Then I continued collecting stamps myself. It helped me to learn a lot about other countries and other peoples’ traditions, the world’s fauna and flora. I used to bring the albums to school and sometimes exchanged stamps with my schoolmates.
About a year ago my parents bought me a tape recorder and I decided to collect tapes. I am fond of listening to music. I like rock and pop music and classical music too. Now I collect tapes of my favourite groups and singers. I also try to find out everything about the singers I like. I read specialised magazines and try not to miss musical shows on TV, because I want to keep up with the news in the world of music. I write letters to some fan clubs in other countries, so I have to brush up my English. I never miss a concert by my favourite group if they come to our city.
No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning from it. By reading about the things he is interested in, he is adding to what he knows. Learning things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
My Hobby
Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies.
I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day.
Sport is very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.
Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball.
I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions.
To be in a good shape I’m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises.
Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV.
If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often.
Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well — built. Sport is not for weak, because, you have to learn how to lose, and it’s not easy.
My favourite proverb says: «A sound mind in sound body».
1. What is your hobby?
2. What sports do you go in for?
3. Do you like summer (winter) sports?
4. What does it mean to be healthy?
5. Why did you choose tennis?
6. Who is your favourite tennis-player?
Мое хобби
О вкусах не спорят. Разным людям нравятся разные вещи, поэтому у разных людей различные хобби.
Я занимаюсь спортом, мне нравится играть в теннис. Я играю в теннис каждый день.
Спорт является важной частью нашей жизни. Много людей увлекаются спортом, они бегают, занимаются ходьбой, плавают, катаются на коньках и лыжах, тренируются в клубах и различных спортивных секциях.
Физическая культура — важный предмет в школе. Ученики играют в волейбол, футбол, баскетбол.
Я играю в теннис уже 5 лет. Теннис стал очень популярен сейчас. Я принимаю участие во многих соревнованиях.
Чтобы поддерживать хорошую форму, я бегаю каждое утро и делаю утреннюю зарядку.
Каждый человек должен делать все возможное, чтобы оставаться здоровым и должен выбрать спорт, который его интересует. Я не понимаю людей, которые говорят, что им нравится спорт, а между тем они смотрят его только по телевизору.
Если заниматься спортом, то чувствуешь себя намного лучше, выглядишь намного лучше, спишь намного лучше. Твое тело тоже изменится. Ты станешь стройнее и изящнее. Но еще более важно — ты не будешь часто болеть.
Почему я занимаюсь спортом? Потому что я считаю, что для мужчины очень важно быть сильным и хорошо сложенным. Спорт не для слабых, потому что там нужно научиться проигрывать, а это не всегда легко.
В моей любимой поговорке говорится «В здоровом теле — здоровый дух».
Источник: 100 тем английского языка. Авторы Каверина В. Бойко В. Жидких Н.
Leisure time
It is not easy to say exactly what teenagers in different countries do in their leisure time. I think that, in the main our interests and tastes do not differ very much. They are engaged in sports activities. They listen to their favourite music bands or take part in different concerts. Teenagers discover the world and themselves. In the main, all young people are individualists. Youth is the time when young people work out their outlook. At the same time they need collective experience to share their dreams and interests. Teenagers unite in specific organisations.
The first organisation that brought together thousands of teenagers in different countries was that of the Scouts. The aim of this association was originally to train boys in various different skills such as lighting a fire and to develop their character. Now the Scouts are active all around the world. The motto of the Scouts is «Be Prepared.» After the October Revolution a similar Pioneer organisation was created in Russia. The Pioneers were supported and sponsored by the government. Now the Pioneers do not exist in our country.
The Scouts and Pioneers were the first, but not the only organisations of the young people. For example today the volunteer movement is extremely popular among the teenagers. It dates back to the year 1921, when a French soldier decided to restore a German house after World War I free of charge. The movement flourished only in the late 1990s when young people of Europe and the United States went to different parts of the world helping local communities to solve their problems. Today volunteerism is very popular in American community and political life. Volunteerism implies assisting people through privately initiated agencies. Volunteers do not receive any salary for what they are doing, but at the same time their work is highly motivated. They react very quickly, immediately coming to help to whoever may need it. There are several types of volunteer work: workcamps, mid-term and long-term volunteering projects. Any young man from any continent can come to workcamps. These camps attain certain objectives in social, ecological, archaeological fields. Usually all works are done under the supervision of professionals. The mid-and long-term projects usually concern the social sphere. They include assistance to children, old people, crippled or immigrants. Volunteer fund-raising groups unite to help the needy in all spheres. They can do almost any work that is necessary. Volunteers can be found in any part of the globe. In the United States six out of ten pupils are members of some volunteer organisations.
All three organisations that were mentioned above are more or less formal. At the same time there are many informal associations of teenagers. Very often they are not even registered, and if they are, no one cares about what they are doing. No records are kept of their activities. They emerge, evolve and disintegrate without leaving trace in history. Nevertheless such organisations are extremely important for their participants. They serve as a means for teenagers to express themselves, meet new friends that have common interests, discuss problems that are really important to them. Quite often a famous book, a movie or a musical band can serve as an impulse for creating such organisations. Fan clubs of different rock and pop groups are numerous. Fan clubs usually consist of teenagers. Members of such clubs listen collectively to their favourite songs, attend concerts, write letters to their idols.
The most spectacular example of unofficial organisation is presented by the Tolkienist movement. J.R.R. Tolkien, the famous British writer created a magic world of elves, dwarves, and hob-bits. Any person who likes Tolkien’s novels can become a Tolkienist. This community is open to everyone; young people come and go, they choose a race, becoming, for example, an elf or a goblin. Their imagination will carry them as far as they want. In Russia Tolkien is extremely popular now. In Moscow there are several places where his fans assemble to share their views and ideas.
Other teenagers go much further. They are not satisfied with the world they are living in, and the worlds created by others do not attract them either. They create their own worlds and universes. In this context Role-Playing Games (also called RPG) should be mentioned. The first RPG was Dungeons and Dragons (D’n’D), a Dungeon Muster (DM) is responsible for outlining the rules of the newly created world, while other players act as the inhabitants of this world, Participating in such activity can be really thrilling, but the danger of quitting the real world for an imaginary one is always present. Such groups and organisations are escapists in their essence. Unlike volunteers they are not aimed at making our world better.
– Why do the young organise their clubs?
– The young do not want to accept the world of the adults with their organisations for the teenagers. They rebel against it in different ways, sometimes in the form of creating their unofficial organisations and clubs. They organise according to their interests into different sub-cultural groups.
– Do you belong to any group or organisation?
– No, I do not. My elder brother used to be a Pioneer, but now such official or semi-official organisations do not attract me. For a couple of years I attended the meetings of the Tolkienists, acting as a little dwarf. Although I am still a great fan of Tolkien’s books, I do not think any longer that I should waste my time living an imaginary life in the imaginary world. The world we all are living in is full of wonders. There is always somebody who needs our help. A lot of my friends are supporters of Greenpeace, and I will soon join their actions. Greenpeace is doing a very important job of rescuing the nature. People of different ages help Greenpeace, and I believe that young people should participate in the activities of this organisation more actively.
– What do your friends do in their leisure time?
– As I have already said, some of my friends help Greenpeace. I still have many friends among the Tolkienists. Some of my friends are fond of RPGs. They meet every Saturday in groups of 5 or 6, They draw a map and for hours discuss the fates of their heroes. One game can last several months or sometimes a year. Although my best friend who is a Dungeon Master often invites me to join his RPG, I am sure that the real life is much more interesting than any imaginary adventures.
Spotlight 8, Workbook, 7a – АНГЛИЙСКИЙ в полном порядке
На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 8 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 7a.
Exercise 1. Match the words to form collocations. Then use them to make sentences, as in the example.
Упражнение 1. Соотнесите слова и упoтребите полученные сочетания в предложении, как показано в примере.
1) chat
2) send
3) play
4) listen
a. games
b. online
с. to music
d. messages
1) Vicky can’t do without her MP3 player. She loves listening to music.
2) ___
3) ___
4) ___
1) chat online – болтать (разговаривать) онлайн
2) send messages – отправлять сообщения
3) play games – играть в игры
4) listen to music – слушать музыку
1) Vicky can’t do without her MP3 player. She loves listening to music. – Вики не может обойтись без своего MP3-проигрывателя. Она любит слушать музыку.
2) Sarah can’t do without her laptop. She loves chatting online. – Сара не может обойтись без своего лэптопа. Ей нравится болтать онлайн.
3) Jeff can’t do without his mobile phone. He loves sending messages. – Джефф не может обойтись без своего мобильного телефона. Он любит отправлять сообщения.
4) Scott can’t do without his games console. He loves playing games. – Скотт не может обойтись без своей игровой консоли. Он любит играть в игры.
Exercise 2. Complete the gaps with the correct word.
Упражнение 2. Допишите правильное слово.
Julia is a typical ‘Generation M’ teenager. When there’s no opportunity for face-to-face c___, she uses the I___ to stay in touch with her best triends, Katie and Maya. “I’m always t___ them or chatting to them online!”
Like most teenagers, Julia loves to talk with her friends about everyday things: schoolwork, gossip and tnendship. But, every now and then, her dad t___ her о___.
“Dad says I should stop gossiping on the Net and с___ on my homework. He says the keyboard is becoming an e___ of my arm!”
In this f___-p___ world we live in, Julia’s unlikely to give up her mobile or the Internet but she says she promises to spend a little more time on her studies!
Julia is a typical ‘Generation M’ teenager. When there’s no opportunity for face-to-face communication, she uses the Internet to stay in touch with her best triends, Katie and Maya. “I’m always texting them or chatting to them online!” – Юлия является типичным подростком “поколения м”. Когда есть возможность пообщаться лицом к лицу, она использует интернет, чтобы поддерживать отношения со своими лучшими подругами Кэти и Майей. “Я всегда отправляю им текстовые сообщения или болтаю с ними онлайн!”
Like most teenagers, Julia loves to talk with her friends about everyday things: schoolwork, gossip and tnendship. But, every now and then, her dad tells her off. – Как большинство подростков, Юлия любит разговаривать со своими друзьями о повседневных делах: школьной работе, слухах и дружбе. Но время от времени ее папа ругает ее.
“Dad says I should stop gossiping on the Net and concentrate on my homework. He says the keyboard is becoming an extension of my arm!” – “Папа говорит, что мне следует прекратить обсуждать слухи и сосредоточиться на моей домашней работе. Он говорит, что клавиатура превращается в продолжение моей руки!”
In this fast-paced world we live in, Julia’s unlikely to give up her mobile or the Internet but she says she promises to spend a little more time on her studies! – В этом быстро развивающимся мире, в котором мы живем, вряд ли Юлия бросит свой мобильный телефон или интернет, но она говорит, что обещает тратить немного больше времени на свою учебу!
Exercise 3. Fill in: generation, occasionally, technological, computer screen, deal with, impact, gadgets, fixed.
Упражнение 3. Вставить: generation, occasionally, technological, computer screen, deal with, impact, gadgets, fixed.
1) Tom had his eyes __ on Wendy the whole time he was at the party.
2) I __ buy things online because items can sometimes be cheaper.
3) The Internet has had a great __ on learning outside of schools.
4) The younger __ are obsessed with new technology.
5) Alex can’t __ the stress of moving to a new area.
6) Paul has lots of __ but his favourite is his MP3 player.
7) From computers to mobiles, recent __ developments have changed our lives.
8) Joe’s eyes hurt because he spent all day looking at the __ .
1) Tom had his eyes fixed on Wendy the whole time he was at the party. – Том не отводил глаз от Венди все время, пока он был на вечеринке.
2) I occasionally buy things online because items can sometimes be cheaper. – Время от времени я покупаю вещи онлайн, потому что они могут быть иногда дешевле.
3) The Internet has had a great impact on learning outside of schools. – Интернет имеет большое влияние на обучение вне школы.
4) The younger generation are obsessed with new technology. – Более молодое поколение одержимо новой технологией.
5) Alex can’t deal with the stress of moving to a new area. – Алекс не может справиться со стрессом от переезда на новое место.
6) Paul has lots of gadgets but his favourite is his MP3 player. – Пол имеет много гаджетов, но его любимый – это MP3-проигрыватель.
7) From computers to mobiles, recent technological developments have changed our lives. – От компьютеров до мобильных телефонов – недавние технологические разработки изменили нашу жизнь.
8) Joe’s eyes hurt because he spent all day looking at the computer screen. – Глаза у Джо болят, потому что он проводил весь день, смотря на компьютерный экран.
Упражнение 4.
a) Match the words to form phrases.
Соотнесите слова, чтобы образовать фразы.
1) text
2) download
3) watch
4) read
5) go
6) listen
7) divide
8) edits
a. attention
b. friends
с. DVDs
d. to the radio
e. online
f. pictures
g. songs
h. books
1) text friends – отправлять друзьям текстовые сообщения
2) download songs – скачивать песни
3) watch DVDs – смотреть DVD
4) read books – читать книги
5) go online – заходить в интернет
6) listen to the radio – слушать радио
7) divide attention – разделять внимание
8) edits pictures – редактирует фотографии
b) Use five of the phrases in Ex. 4a to complete the sentences. Add any necessary words.
Испoльзуйте пять фраз в следующих предложениях. При необходимости добавьте слова.
1) I usually use the Internet to __ and films.
2) I love to __ and magazines on a Sunday morning.
3) A photographer __ he has taken on his computer.
4) Multi-taskers are able to __ between different activities.
1) I usually use the Internet to download songs and films. – Обычно я использую интернет, чтобы скачивать песни и фильмы.
2) I love to read books and magazines on a Sunday morning. – Я люблю читать книги и журналы в воскресное утро.
3) A photographer edits pictures he has taken on his computer. – На своем компьютере фотограф редактирует фотографии, которые он сделал.
4) Multi-taskers are able to divide attention between different activities. – Те кто делает несколько дел одновременно могут разделять свое внимание между различными видами деятельности.
90000 ENGLISH FILE Intermediate — PDF Free Download 90001 90002 Chapter.The Weekend 90003 90004 90005 Chapter 3 The Weekend T he weekend begins on Friday night and ends on Sunday night. Our weekend lives are usually different from our weekday lives. We may relax and have fun. We may also work at weekend 90006 More information 90007 90002 SALE TODAY All toys half price 90003 90004 90011 Name: Class: Date: KET Practice PET TestPractice Reading Test and Reading Writing KET PET Part 1 Questions 1 5 Which notice (A H) says this (1 5)? For Questions 1 5 mark the correct letter A H on your 90006 More information 90007 90002 Jahresabschlusstest 1 90003 90004 90017 Jahresabschlusstest 1 Let s simply continue Please fill in the gaps with either the simple present or the present continuous forms of the verb in brackets.1. Samantha usually (drink) a cup of coffee in 90006 More information 90007 90002 始 ま り の ブ ザ ー が 鳴 る ま で ペ ー ジ を め く っ て は い け ま せ ん 90003 90004 90023 2013 年 度 青 山 学 院 高 等 部 一 般 入 学 試 験 問 題 英 語 始 ま り の ブ ザ ー が 鳴 る ま で ペ ー ジ を め く っ て は い け ま せ ん 下 記 の 注 意 事 項 に 目 を 通 し て おい て く だ さ い 問 題 用 紙 は 1 ペ ー ジ か ら 12 ペ ー ジ ま で あ る の で 始 ま り の ブ ザ ー が 鳴 っ た ら す ぐ に 確 認 す る こ と 解 答 は す べ て 別 紙 の 解 答 用 紙 に 記 入 す る こ と と じ て あ る 90006 More information 90007 90002 www.britishcouncil.org / learnenglish 90003 90004 90029 Series 2 Episode 8: Happy New Year Introduction This support pack accompanies: This support pack contains the following materials: Before you listen Comprehension Task Grammar Task Vocabulary Task Audio 90006 More information 90007 90002 Entry Exam 2016 in English 90003 90004 90035 Entry Exam 2016 in English Family Name: First Name: Present School: Duration: 50 minutes Your are not allowed to use pencil.Use a pen! You may leave early. (When finished, turn your test upside down and 90006 More information 90007 90002 B.A. ENGLISH ENTRANCE TEST 90003 90004 90041 B.A. ENGLISH ENTRANCE TEST Time allowed: 60 min Total marks for the test: 100 Marking scheme: 1 mark for each correct answer In each multiple choice question, only one of the four answers is correct. Choose 90006 More information 90007 90002 FOOD QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS 90003 90004 90047 FOOD QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS QUESTION 1 How many meals do you usually eat every day? At what times do you eat your meals? STUDENTS ANSWERS 3-4 meals a day Breakfast 7.00 Lunch 12.00 Dinner- 16-20.00 Supper 90006 More information 90007 90002 Placement test Written test 90003 90004 90053 Placement test Written test CEF A1 to C1 Choose the best answer for each question Stop when the questions become too difficult Spend no more than 40 minutes on the test 1 Where from? I m from Russia A 90006 More information 90007 90002 The Doctor-Patient Relationship 90003 90004 90059 The Doctor-Patient Relationship It s important to feel at ease with your doctor.How well you are able to talk with your doctor is a key part of getting the care that s best for you. It s also important 90006 More information 90007 90002 ANGOL B1 szint A sorozat, labor 90003 90004 90065 ANGOL B1 szint A sorozat, labor BEHÍVÓKÓD: 1. Hallgassa meg kétszer az elhangzó szöveget, majd adja meg angol nyelven a kért információkat! Elérhetı pontszám: 10 pont In this task you will hear information 90006 More information 90007 90002 Trip to Kristiansund — Norway 90003 90004 90071 Trip to Kristiansund — Norway Sophia, Nico and Vincent from Germany Thursday, 20.09.2012 This is my story of the unforgettable days in Kristiansund, Norway. We went from our hometown Mering with the train 90006 More information 90007 90002 7.5 Emphatic Verb Tense 90003 90004 90077 Chapter 7 Verb Usage 211 7.5 Emphatic Verb Tense The emphatic tenses of a verb are used to add emphasis. In addition, the emphatic tense can be used with the word not in negative sentences and to form 90006 More information 90007 90002 TeachingEnglish Lesson plans 90003 90004 90083 Worksheets — Negotiations (1): Building relationships 1.Negotiations quiz 1. In what situations do you negotiate? Who do you negotiate with? Think about both your work and your private life. 2. What s 90006 More information 90007 90002 1999 Simon Baron-Cohen, Michelle O Riordan, Rosie Jones & Kate Plaisted. Faux Pas Recognition Test. (Child Version) 90003 90004 90089 Citation for use of this test: Faux Pas Recognition Test (Child Version) Created by Simon Baron-Cohen, Michelle O Riordan, Valerie Stone, Rosie.Baron-Cohen, S., O Riordan, M., Jones, R., Stone, V.E. & 90006 More information 90007 90002 English Phrasal Verbs 90003 90004 90095 English Phrasal Verbs 70 units of vocabulary reference and practice Self-study and classroom use Michael McCarthy Felicity O’Dell PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE The Pitt 90006 More information 90007 90002 Reading aloud to a child 90003 90004 90101 Reading aloud to a child Festivals and celebrations: introduction Me and my culture: festivals and celebrations Contents Festivals and celebrations: teachers notes Festivals and celebrations: classroom 90006 More information 90007 90002 Part 1 LISTENING.Task 1 90003 90004 90107 Part 1 LISTENING Task 1 Listen to Joel telling his elder sister about his friends. Where would they like to work one day? For questions 1-5, write a letter -H next to each person. You will hear the conversation 90006 More information 90007 90002 DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION 90003 90004 90113 Servicio de Inspección Educativa Hezkuntzako Ikuskapen Zerbitzua 2 0 1 1/1 2 DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION 4th YEAR of PRIMARY EDUCATION ENGLISH LITERACY Name / surname (s) :… School: … Group: … City / Town :. 90006 More information 90007 90002 THE FORGIVING FATHER 90003 90004 90119 BOOK 1, PART 3, LESSON 4 THE FORGIVING FATHER THE BIBLE: Luke 15: 11-32 THEME: We can discover what Jesus wants us to do and be by hearing the parables Jesus told. PREPARING FOR THE LESSON MAIN IDEA: Jesus 90006 More information 90007 90002 Grammar Unit: Pronouns 90003 90004 90125 Name: Miss Phillips Period: Grammar Unit: Pronouns Unit Objectives: 1.Students will identify personal, indefinite, and possessive pronouns and recognize antecedents of pronouns. 2. Students will demonstrate 90006 More information 90007 90002 TeachingEnglish Lesson plans 90003 90004 90131 Worksheets Meetings (1): Getting down to business Reading: Text 1 Let s stop wasting time and get on with it! TeachingEnglish Lesson plans Did you know you can download a clock from the internet to calculate 90006 More information 90007 .90000 ENGLISH FILE Intermediate — PDF Free Download 90001 90002 SALE TODAY All toys half price 90003 90004 90005 Name: Class: Date: KET Practice PET TestPractice Reading Test and Reading Writing KET PET Part 1 Questions 1 5 Which notice (A H) says this (1 5)? For Questions 1 5 mark the correct letter A H on your 90006 More information 90007 90002 Money matters and budgets 90003 90004 90011 Money matters and budgets Approximately 60 minutes worth of materials for a Year 8 Citizenship / PSHE lesson on Managing money / Personal finance.Learning objectives: understand that different people have 90006 More information 90007 90002 PHRASAL VERBS INTRODUCTION. The Òsmall wordsó in phrasal verbs are important, because they completely change the meaning. 90003 90004 90017 PHRASAL VERBS INTRODUCTION Phrasal verbs have two parts: a verb (eg: put, take, get, give, go, etc) and one or sometimes two «small words» (eg: on, up, out, in, etc) which go with the verb.Compare: 90006 More information 90007 90002 B.A. ENGLISH ENTRANCE TEST 90003 90004 90023 B.A. ENGLISH ENTRANCE TEST Time allowed: 60 min Total marks for the test: 100 Marking scheme: 1 mark for each correct answer In each multiple choice question, only one of the four answers is correct. Choose 90006 More information 90007 90002 Parable of The Prodigal Son 90003 90004 90029 Parable of The Prodigal Son Teacher Pep Talk: Children need to know that they are loved unconditionally.In fact, we all need to know it! In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus assures us that God will 90006 More information 90007 90002 ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST 90003 90004 90035 ENGLISH PLACEMENT TEST NAME: Look at these examples. The correct answers are underlined. a) In warm climates people like / likes / are liking sitting outside in the sun. b) If it is very hot, they sit 90006 More information 90007 90002 Making Friends at College 90003 90004 90041 Unit 1 + 1 Making Friends at College Study Buddies Passage 02 One of the most challenging aspects of college life is finding the right balance between social and academic activities.Everyone wants to have 90006 More information 90007 90002 Placement test Written test 90003 90004 90047 Placement test Written test CEF A1 to C1 Choose the best answer for each question Stop when the questions become too difficult Spend no more than 40 minutes on the test 1 Where from? I m from Russia A 90006 More information 90007 90002 1999 Simon Baron-Cohen, Michelle O Riordan, Rosie Jones & Kate Plaisted.Faux Pas Recognition Test. (Child Version) 90003 90004 90053 Citation for use of this test: Faux Pas Recognition Test (Child Version) Created by Simon Baron-Cohen, Michelle O Riordan, Valerie Stone, Rosie. Baron-Cohen, S., O Riordan, M., Jones, R., Stone, V.E. & 90006 More information 90007 90002 Entry Exam 2016 in English 90003 90004 90059 Entry Exam 2016 in English Family Name: First Name: Present School: Duration: 50 minutes Your are not allowed to use pencil.Use a pen! You may leave early. (When finished, turn your test upside down and 90006 More information 90007 90002 THE FORGIVING FATHER 90003 90004 90065 BOOK 1, PART 3, LESSON 4 THE FORGIVING FATHER THE BIBLE: Luke 15: 11-32 THEME: We can discover what Jesus wants us to do and be by hearing the parables Jesus told. PREPARING FOR THE LESSON MAIN IDEA: Jesus 90006 More information 90007 90002 TeachingEnglish Lesson plans 90003 90004 90071 Born, Bread and Buttered in London In this lesson students hear a man being interviewed about his life in London.He talks about the different parts of London he has lived in and how things have changed 90006 More information 90007 90002 TeachingEnglish Lesson plans 90003 90004 90077 Worksheets — Negotiations (1): Building relationships 1. Negotiations quiz 1. In what situations do you negotiate? Who do you negotiate with? Think about both your work and your private life. 2. What s 90006 More information 90007 90002 Level 2 6.4 Lesson Plan Session 1 90003 90004 90083 Session 1 Materials Materials provided: image of 3R symbol; 4 environment images; Word Map; homework puzzle. Suggested additional materials: examples of compostable and non-compostable waste, i.e., apple 90006 More information 90007 90002 始 ま り の ブ ザ ー が 鳴 る ま で ペ ー ジ を め く っ て は い け ま せ ん 90003 90004 90089 2013 年 度 青 山 学 院 高 等 部 一 般 入 学 試 験 問 題 英 語 始 ま り の ブ ザ ー が 鳴 る ま で ペ ー ジ を め く っ て は い け ま せ ん 下 記 の 注 意 事 項 に 目 を 通 し て おい て く だ さ い 問 題 用 紙 は 1 ペ ー ジ か ら 12 ペ ー ジ ま で あ る の で 始 ま り の ブ ザ ー が 鳴 っ た ら す ぐ に 確 認 す る こ と 解 答 は す べ て 別 紙 の 解 答 用 紙 に 記 入 す る こ と と じ て あ る 90006 More information 90007 90002 Health Care Vocabulary Lesson 90003 90004 90095 Hello.This is AJ Hoge again. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for Health Care. Let s start. * * * * * At the beginning of the conversation Joe and Kristin talk about a friend, Joe s friend, whose name 90006 More information 90007 90002 Part 1 LISTENING. Task 1 90003 90004 90101 Part 1 LISTENING Task 1 Listen to Joel telling his elder sister about his friends. Where would they like to work one day? For questions 1-5, write a letter -H next to each person.You will hear the conversation 90006 More information 90007 90002 TeachingEnglish Lesson plans 90003 90004 90107 Worksheets Meetings (1): Getting down to business Reading: Text 1 Let s stop wasting time and get on with it! TeachingEnglish Lesson plans Did you know you can download a clock from the internet to calculate 90006 More information 90007 90002 Chapter. The Weekend 90003 90004 90113 Chapter 3 The Weekend T he weekend begins on Friday night and ends on Sunday night.Our weekend lives are usually different from our weekday lives. We may relax and have fun. We may also work at weekend 90006 More information 90007 90002 SAY IT BETTER IN ENGLISH 90003 90004 90119 PHRASE GUIDE FOR THE BOOK SAY IT BETTER IN ENGLISH Useful Phrases for Work & Everyday Life Directions for use: This guide contains all the phrases included in the book Say it Better in English. If you 90006 More information 90007 90002 Level 2 l Intermediate 90003 90004 90125 1 Warmer Do you live with your parents? Why? Why not? Do you own your own house or flat? If not, would you like to? Why? Why not? 2 Key words Fill the gaps in the sentences using these key words from the 90006 More information 90007 90002 Jahresabschlusstest 1 90003 90004 90131 Jahresabschlusstest 1 Let s simply continue Please fill in the gaps with either the simple present or the present continuous forms of the verb in brackets.1. Samantha usually (drink) a cup of coffee in 90006 More information 90007 90002 Making Inferences Picture # 1 90003 90004 90137 Making Inferences Picture # 1 Casey and Josie are standing in front of East Moore Middle School. Making Inferences Picture # 2 Sue surprised her friend with a gift. Making Inferences Picture # 3 Angela isn 90006 More information 90007 90002 PUSD High Frequency Word List 90003 90004 90143 PUSD High Frequency Word List For Reading and Spelling Grades K-5 High Frequency or instant words are important because: 1.You can t read a sentence or a paragraph without knowing at least the most common. 90006 More information 90007 90002 Reading aloud to a child 90003 90004 90149 Reading aloud to a child Festivals and celebrations: introduction Me and my culture: festivals and celebrations Contents Festivals and celebrations: teachers notes Festivals and celebrations: classroom 90006 More information 90007 90002 Language at work To be Possessives 90003 90004 90155 Unit 1 Language at work To be Possessives To be Positive: I am / m a receptionist.You / We / They are / re Polish. He / She / It is / s from Brazil. Negative: I am not / m not a team leader. You / We 90006 More information 90007 90002 DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH 90003 90004 90161 DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH When the actual words of the speaker are reproduced, it is called direct speech. Example: He said, I am going to school. When the main idea of a speaker s words is reported by 90006 More information 90007 .
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