Busness English

Федеральное агентство морского и речного транспорта Федеральное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

Волжская государственная академия водного транспорта

Кафедра иностранных языков

Ю.Р. Гуро – Фролова, О.Б. Соловьева

Business English

Учебное пособие для студентов 1 курса

экономических специальностей

Нижний Новгород Издательство ФБОУ ВПО «ВГАВТ»


Федеральное агентство морского и речного транспорта Федеральное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

Волжская государственная академия водного транспорта

Кафедра иностранных языков

Ю.Р. Гуро – Фролова, О.Б. Соловьева

Business English

Учебное пособие для студентов 1 курса

экономических специальностей очной формы обучения

Нижний Новгород Издательство ФБОУ ВПО «ВГАВТ»



УДК 811.111

Г 95

Рецензент: кандидат педагогических наук О.В. Чувилина

Гуро – Фролова, Ю.Р.

Business English: учеб. пособие для студ. 1 курса оч. обуч. эконом. специальностей / Ю.Р. Гуро – Фролова, О.Б. Соловьева. – Н. Новгород: Изд-воФБОУ ВПО «ВГАВТ», 2012. – 57 с.

Целью данного пособия является развитие умений во всех видах речевой деятельности на основе профессионально-ориентированныхтем. Система упражнений направлена в первую очередь на формирование и развитие лексических, коммуникативных навыков, а также умений чтения и перевода со словарем текстов по специальности. Материал пособия организован в виде тематических уроков. К пособию прилагается диск с аудиоматериалами.

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса очной формы обучения по специальности 080100 «Экономика (бакалавриат)», а также может быть использовано для специальности 080200 «Экономика (менеджмент)».

Работа рекомендована к изданию кафедрой иностранных языков (протокол № 2 от 10 октября 2011).

© ФБОУ ВПО «ВГАВТ», 2012


Unit 1

Being an Economist

1.Reading. Read the article and find the following:

1.Carlos Ghosn’s nationality is Brazilian.

2.Two companies that he works for are _______.

3.A city in Asia is _________.

4.Three European cities are ________.

5.A country in Asia is __________.

New words from the article:


иностранный, зарубежный

the head of the company

глава компании



IT (informational technology)

информационная технология

to commute

перемещаться на работу и с работы











Working in a foreign country

Today more and more people travel in their job. Carlos Ghosn is a Brazilian businessman and he travels to different countries for his work. He is the head of the French car

company Renault, and he spends 40 per cent of his time in Paris. He is also the head of Nissan, and he spends 35 per cent of his time in Asia, in Tokyo. He spends 25% of his time in other countries, such as the USA.

Some employees travel to


different countries to work on projects. They are in the country until the project ends and then they return home. For example, many IT engineers live in India but work on projects in the USA. Other people live in a country but go to work every day to a different country. In Europe, workers regularly commute between Brussels, London and Paris. Plane tickets are not expensive and travel between the cities is easy with a European passport.

But is the increase in business travel a good thing? It is interesting for employees to meet different nationalities. It is also good for business to have contacts in different countries around the world. But there are also problems. Some employees spend a lot of time away from their home country and it is not easy for governments to decide exactly where workers should pay tax.

2. Read the article again. Are these statements true or false?

1.Carlos Ghosn is the head of BMW. It is false. He is the head of Renault company.

2.He travels between Asia, Europe and the USA.

3.Some workers travel to different countries to work on projects.

4.Indian software engineers work on projects in the UK.

5.It is difficult to travel between European cities.

6.It is interesting to meet people from different countries.

7.Contacts in different countries are good for business.

8.It is difficult to know what country to pay tax in.

3.Speaking. Do you like the idea of working in a different country as part of your job? What countries do you think are interesting to work in?

4.Complete the table with a country or nationality. 1-5are from the article. Use a dictionary to help you with6-12.






7. Germany
























10. Japan








11. Russian








5. Choose the correct word in italics.

1.We are Britain/Britishbut we live in China / Chinese.

2.There are a lot of Australian / Australia workers in Hong Kong.

3.I am from Poland / Polish and I live in Warsaw.

4.Three of our employees are in Japanese / Japan on a project.

5.The head of the company is Sweden / Swedish.

6.Is this your first visit to Asia / Asian?

6.Talk about the nationalities of these companies. Talk about other companies you know.

Shanghai Tang, Michelin, General Motors, Aeroflot, Adidas, Sony, McDonalds.

Shanghai Tang is a Chinese company.

7.Career skills.

Introducing yourself

When we meet business contacts for the first time, we usually give information about ourselves, for example name, nationality, job title, company, etc. We may also need to ask people for information about themselves. Look at the following examples:

1.What is your name?

I am Tom Allen. (My name is Tom





Where are you from?

I am from Brazil.


What do you do?

I am an IT manager.


What company are you with?

I am with Alcoa.


What countries do you have

We have contacts with Japan and

contacts with?



How many employees are

There are one million employees.

there in your company?



Do you travel a lot on

Yes, quite a lot.



8 (1). Listening. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.


1.Is this Jan’s first or second meeting with Ben?

2.What company is Ben (Jan) with?

3.What is Ben (Jan)?

4.What nationality is Ben’s company?

9. Speaking. Use the information from the table. Introduce yourself to your partner and ask questions.

10.Find the meaning of the following words in the dictionary: production, distribution, consumption, supply, demand, income, entrepreneur, profit.

11.Read the text and explain the words in bold.

What is Economics?

Economics is a social science studying production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services. Economists focus on the way in which individuals, groups, business enterprises, and governments try to achieve efficiently any economic objective they select.

Standard economics can be divided into two major fields. The first, microeconomics, explains how supply and demand in competitive markets create prices, wage rates, profit margins, and rental changes. Microeconomics assumes that people behave rationally. Consumers try to spend their income in ways that give them as much pleasure as possible. As economists say, theymaximize utility. For their part, entrepreneurs seek as much profit as they can extract from their operations.

The second field, macroeconomics, deals with modern explanations of national income and employment. Macroeconomics dates from the book,The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1935), by the British economist John Maynard Keynes. His explanation of prosperity and depression is based on the total or aggregate demand for goods and services by consumers, business investors, and governments.



business enterprises – коммерческие предприятия efficiently –эффективно

objective – цель fields –отрасль

competitive markets – конкурентные рынки wage rates –ставки заработной платы profit margin –размер прибыли

to assume – предполагатьutility – полезность

to extract – извлекать employment –занятость prosperity –процветание

aggregate demand – совокупный спрос

12.Choose words from the list to fill in the gaps, then use them to make sentences:

maximize, aggregate, business, rental

1._______ enterprise

2._______ change

3._______ utility

4._______ demand

13.Answer the questions:

1.What does economics study?

2.What do economists focus on?

3.What are the two major fields in economics?

4.What does microeconomics explain?

5.What does microeconomics assume?

6.What do entrepreneurs seek?

7.What does macroeconomics deal with?

14. Make notes under the following headings:

Economics as a science, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics.

Close your books, look at your notes an talk about economy.


There are two hundred and thirty-nine point three four US dollars to the euro. (to the British pound, etc.)

Listening. Listen and complete the information.

Unit 2


1. Match the countries with the currency.



1. Italy

a. dollar

2. the UK

b. pound

3. Japan

c. yen

4. the USA

d. riyal

5. Saudi Arabia

e. euro

2. What is the currency in your country? Add more currencies to the list above.

Look at how we say large numbers

800 eight hundred

80,000 eighty thousand


fifty million

Look at how we say these numbers




a/one hundred (and) fifty-seven


five hundred (and) seventy-nine


five thousand seven hundred (and) ninety


fifty-seventhousand nine hundred (and) one


five million seven hundred (and) ninety thousand

When we talk about exchange rates, we can say the decimal point (.)


3 (2).

1.We have ______ workers in our factory.

2.There are ______ dollars to the British pound.

3.Their company manufactures more than _______ products every


4.I have _______ Saudi Arabian riyals. How much is that in euros?

5.The world population increases by ______ people every day.


6. Our profits this year are _______ euros.

4. Reading. Read the article and answer the question:

Does the writer think that money is the only thing that rich people can use to help the world?

New vocabulary:







charitable foundation


благотворительный фонд




the rich



the poor









social connections


общественные связи






окружающая среда


The Business of Giving

Today many rich and famous people give money to charity. Technology billionaire Bill Gates recently gave $ 31 billion to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Other technology leaders also give away money. Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay wants to use his billions to help “make the world a better place”.

Why do charities receive so much money? One reason is that there are more rich people than in the past. The world now has 691 billionaires, compared with 432 in 1996. Rich people in many different countries give millions of euros,

riyals, yen and other currencies to charity.



Working in a foreign country — Мегаобучалка


Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

Высшего профессионального образования





к практическим занятиям по дисциплине

«Деловой иностранный язык»

4 семестр



Практикум по английскому языку составлен в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования, рабочим учебным планом и программой дисциплины «Деловой иностранный язык».

Практикум по английскому языку включает в себя тексты и задания по темам занятий и список рекомендуемой литературы.



Составители: канд. филол. наук Касьяненко Л.С.,

канд. филол. наук Митрофаненко Л. М.

Рецензент: канд. пед. наук Савелло Е.В.



Практикум по английскому языку предусматривает работу над языковым материалом, позволяющим использовать иностранный язык в сфере бизнеса. Особое внимание уделяется закреплению словаря и лексических структур официально-делового стиля.

Основной целью данного практикума является развитие навыков работы с текстом официально-делового стиля. Данный практикум призван научить студентов участвовать в обсуждении тем, связанных с бизнесом, и пользоваться специальной терминологией.


© ФГАОУ ВПО «Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет», 2014



Практическое занятие № 1



Теоретическая часть

Данный лексический материал предназначен для знакомства и овладения специальными терминами, активному использованию предлагаемых слов и словосочетаний, подготовки к чтению, переводу и обсуждению текстов официально-делового стиля.

business card визитная карточка

contact контакт

greet приветствовать

greeting приветствие

introduce представлять

introduction представление

job title должность

legal юридический

law Закон

nationality гражданство

qualification квалификация

qualify обладать квалификацией

software программное обеспечение


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Working in a foreign country

There is a new type of worker in today’s global business

Today, more and more people travel in their job. Carlos Ghosn is a Brazilian businessman and he travels to different countries for his work. He is the head of the French car company Renault, and he spends 40 per cent of his time in Paris. He is also the head of Nissan, and he spends 35 per cent of his time in Asia, in Tokyo. He spends 25 per cent of his time in other countries, such as the USA.

Some employees travel to different countries to work on projects. They are in a country until a project ends and then they return home. For example, many IT engineers live in India but work on projects in the UK and the USA. Other people live in a country but go to work every day in a different country. In Europe, workers regularly commute between Brussels, London and Paris. Plane tickets are not expensive and travel between the cities is easy with a European passport.

But is the increase in business travel a good thing? It is interesting for employees to meet different nationalities. It is also good for business to have contacts in different countries around the world. But there are also problems. Some employees spend a lot of time away from their home country and it is not easy for governments to decide exactly where workers should pay tax.

Задание 2. Найдите в тексте “Working in a foreign country” следующую информацию:

1 Carlos Ghosn’s nationality_____Brazilian_____

2 two companies that he works for_________________

3 a city in Asia _________________

4 three European cities_________________

5 a country in Asia _________________

Задание 3. Перечитайте текст “Working in a foreign country” и определите, являются ли данные ниже утверждения истинными (true) или ложными (false):

1 Carlos Ghosn is the head of BMW. false

2 He travels between Asia, Europe and the USA.

3 Some workers travel to different countries to work on projects.

4 Indian software engineers work on projects in the UK.

5 It’s difficult to travel between European cities.

6 It’s interesting to meet people from different countries.

7 Contacts in different countries are good for business.

8 It isn’t difficult to know what country to pay tax in.

Задание 4. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be:

1 _______ you a student?

2 Ali _______a student. He’s an accountant.

3 Leo and Elena_______ from Russia.

4 I_______Chinese.

5 _______ Mr Amery the head of the company?

6 We_______ from the USA We’re British.

7 Dominique_______an engineer.

8 _______SMGP an Indian bank?

Задание 5. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be. Используйте сокращенные формы там, где возможно:

John:________you Rob Shaw?

Rob:Yes, I ________ .

John:Hi. I________John Devlin. I’m with Karlsco.

Rob:Hi, John.________ Karlsco an American company?

John: No, it________a German company. You ________with

Retcorp, aren’t you?

Rob:Yes, I________.________you an engineer?

John: No, I________. I ________a sales manager.

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски данными ниже словами. Используйте неопределенный артикль a / an там, где необходимо:

Accountant, designer, architect, teacher, mechanic, salesperson, lawyer, receptionist

1 Laura is _________-she helps people with legal problems.

2 Marco is_________- he builds offices.

3 Stella is_________- she’s good with cars.

4 I’m _________- I work with money.

5 Gregor and Sam are_________- they give lessons at the college.

6 Philo is_________- she’s good at art.

7 Ronaldo and I work at Walmart — we’re_________.

8 Helen is_________- she welcomes visitors to the company.

Задание 7. Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be или артикль a/an, the:

1A ______you Desmond Drake?

В No, I’______ Howard Drake.

2 A Sabine and Martine______ from France.

В That’s right. Sabine______from Paris.

3 A ______you and George American?

В No, we______. We’______ British.

4 A ______Helma______designer?

В No, she______. She’s______engineer.

5 A _____ Ravi and Ali accountants?

В Yes, they______. They work in _____finance department.

Задание 8. Заполните пропуски названиями стран или национальностей:

1 Mariella is from Barcelona — she’s__________.

2 Apple is an American company. It’s based in__________.

3 Serona is an __________company. It has offices in Rome and Milan.

4 Wei and Fang are__________. Their home is in Shanghai.

5 Elena is __________. She has an apartment in Moscow.

6 I often visit France on business, but I don’t speak__________.

7 We have business contacts in Sao Paulo in__________.

8 Many __________businesses have offices in Delhi.

Задание 9. Составьте вопросительные предложения:

1 you / from / are / Where ?

2 company / with / you / What / are ?

3 do / you / What / do ?

4 your / name / What’s ?

Заполните пропуски составленными вопросами:

1 _____

Diego Rossini.

2 _____


3 _____

I’m a human resources manager.

4 _____

Hemingway Consultants — it’s an American company.

Литература: [1, 5].


Complete the sentences with the words below.

Complete the sentences with the words below.

Read the dialogues and choose the correct answer a-c to complete the sentences.

1. The conversation is between a woman and a …

a) manager. b) friend in an office. c) person in a shop.

2. Franco is …

a) a student. b) a teacher. c) an architect.

3. The conversation is between a man and …

a) an employee from b) a new business contact. c) his mechanic.

the same company.

Dialogue 1

— How much is this pen?

— It’s 10, madam.

— OK, thanks.

Dialogue 2

— Hi, Franco. Are you with JM Architect?

— No, I’m not. I work at the university. I teach English.

Dialogue 3

— Hi, Veronica. I want you to write a letter to my accountant.

— OK, Mr Marsh. Anything else?

— Yes. Is my car ready?

— Yes, the mechanic says it’s fine.

— Good. Thanks, Veronica. Oh, I’d like a cup of coffee, please.

— Ok, no problem.


Level C-D

Complete the sentences with the words below.

the head, Philip, the USA, Cartec, German

_______ (name?) Treanor is from ________ (nationality?). He is the ________ (job title) of _______ (company name?). It is a _________ (country?) company.


2. What questions do you need to ask to complete the information? Write them.


Завдання для самостійної роботи №1

Countries and nationalities. Jobs

Text “Working in a foreign country”

Variant 2

1. Match the words and their meanings. Знайти відповідність між словами та їх визначеннями.

1. tax a) growth

2. easy b) to come back

3. an increase c) not difficult

4. to commute d) that costs much money

5. head e) International Technology

6. to spend time f) a person who works for a company

7. to return g) the person who managers a company

8. expensive h) to travel to and from work

9. an employee i) do something for a certain period of time

10. IT j) the money that a country or employees pay to the government

2. Read the article and find the following. Прочитати статтю, знайти в тексті і записати інформацію про наступне.

1. Carlos Ghosn’s nationality ________________________

2. Two companies that he works for ______________________

3. A city in Asia __________________________________

4. Three European cities ____________________________

5. A country in Asia _______________________________


3. Read the article again. Say if the sentences are true or false. Прочитати текст. Вказати, правильні чи неправильні наступні твердження.

1. Carlos Ghosn is the head of Ford. _______________

2. He travels between Asia and Europe and he never goes to the USA. ________

3. Some workers travel to different countries to work on projects. ____________

4. Indian software engineer work on projects in Ukraine. ________________

5. It’s difficult to travel between European cities._________________

6. It’s interesting to meet people from different countries. _______________

7. Contacts in different countries are useful for business. _________________

8. It isn’t difficult to know what country to pay tax in. ________________


4. Translate the article. Перекласти статтю, та виконати завдання за рівнями.

Level A-B: Make up a plan for the text. Скласти план до тексту.

Level C: Write 2-3 sentences to define the main idea of the text. Сформулювати головну думку тексту, написати 2-3 речення.

Level D: Do you like the idea of working in foreign countries as part of your job? What countries do you think are interesting to work in? Why? (write 8-10 sentences) Чи подобається вам ідея працювати в інших країнах, виконуючи свою роботу? У яких країнах, на вашу думку, було б цікаво працювати? Чому? (написати 8-10 речень)

Business and travel: Working in a foreign country

(1) Today more and more people travel in their jobs. Carlos Ghosn is a Brazilian businessman and he travels to different countries for his work. He is the head of the French car company Renault, and he spends forty per cent of his time in Paris. He is also the head of Nissan, and he spends thirty-five per cent of his time in Asia, in Tokyo. He spends twenty-five per cent of his time in other countries, such as the USA.

(2) Some employees travel to different countries to work on projects. They are in a country until a project ends and then they return home. For example, many IT engineers live in India but work on projects in the UK and the USA. Other people live in a country but go to work every day in a different country. In Europe, workers regularly commute between Brussels, London and Paris. Plane tickets are not expensive and travel between the cities is easy with a European passport.

(3) But is the increase in business travel a good thing? It is interesting for employees to meet different nationalities. It is also good for business to have contacts in different countries around the world. But there are also problems. Some employees spend a lot of time away from their home country and it is not easy for governments to decide exactly where workers should pay tax.

(from The Economist)

Level A-B

Claudine and Vincent are at a conference. Complete Claudine’s business card. Circle the right answer.

Industries Claudine (1) Hardy/Harris (2) IT/Sales Manager (3) VPN/MPG Industries (4) New York/ Sydney    


— Hi. I’m Claudine Harris.

— Hello. Pleased to meet you, Claudine. I’m Vincent Hardy.

— What company are you with, Vincent?

— I’m with MPG Finance. And you?

— I’m with VPN Industries.

— What do you do?

— I’m a sales manager. And you?

— I’m an accountant. Is VPN an Americal company?

— No, it isn’t. It’s Australian. I work in the Sydney office.


Level C-D

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