Do you think it is important to follow our grandparents’ traditions? Why?

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Traditions are a part of our culture, so we should carefully observe them to respect our ancestors and feel that we are a nation.


CARD № 16

Let’s talk about customs and traditions of Great Britain. What can you tell about holidays in Britain?

The British are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. They celebrate such public holidays as Christmas, Easter, Easter Monday, May Day, the Spring Bank Holiday and the Summer Bank Holiday. There are other festivals, such as Pancake Day, April Fool’s day, Halloween, Guy Fawkes night, St Valentine’s Day and others. Halloween is a day on which many children dress up in unusual costumes and go from house to house saying, “Trick or treat!” It is my favourite British holiday. It has a Celtic origin and happens on the 31st of October. The symbols of Halloween are ghosts, spiders, skeletons, witches, black cats, and, of course, pumpkins.

Do you find some British customs and traditions special? Why (not)?

Yes, I do. Some British customs and traditions are very old and you can find them only in Britain. Take, for example, Changing the Guard or the Beefeaters of the Tower of London.

What questions can you ask a British teenager about his/her favourite holiday?

What is your favourite holiday?

Why do you like it?

How do you usually celebrate it?

Whom do you celebrate this holiday with?

Which British holiday celebration would you like to visit?

I would like to see a Bonfire Night which is celebrated on the fifth of November in Britain and take part in burning bonfires.

Nowadays more and more people are getting interested in customs and traditions of different countries. What do you think about it?

It’s very important to know traditions and customs of different countries. It will help you to understand different people and learn their language.


CARD № 17

1. Let’s talk about mass media. Which of these does your family like?

Mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilization. People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media. The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio and television. To tell you the truth, I’m not really interested in any traditional media. To my mind, television, radio and newspapers are becoming less and less popular. As for my family, my mum likes watching TV, but she says there is too much crime on it. My dad prefers watching the news and some sporting events on TV. I don’t read newspapers. Instead I look through the news summarized on the Internet.

Do you think all means of communication will exist in future? Why?

Yes, I do. To my mind people will try to find information and learn about what is happening in the world by all means of communication.

What questions will you ask people who live without a TV set, computer or radio?

Where do you get information from?

Why don’t you use radio?

Is it boring to live without news?

Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time to surf the net, but I would like to do it. Which sites would you recommend visiting?

The Internet is a great source of information and entertainment for many people. It depends on your preferences and interests. I would advise you to visit sites about nature or recipes. They will help you to practice navigating from page to page.

Nowadays many people don’t write letters as often as in the past. Do you think it is true?

Yes, it is. Nowadays people needn’t write letters to their relatives because they use mobile phones and such a computer programme as Skype to communicate with each other.


CARD № 18

Let’s talk about a healthy way of life. What influences a person’s health?

The advantages of a healthy way of life are obvious. If your body and your mind suffer from any disorder you can’t be good either at work or at studies. That is why nowadays people are conscious about their health more than ever. They understand that a lot depends on their behaviour – their decisions to smoke, to drink, to over-eat and so on. Income, housing, environment and healthy food are also among factors that influence a person’s health. Living a healthy lifestyle is a matter of choice and like most good choices it takes effort.

Do you agree that smoking is an unhealthy habit?

Yes, I do. Smoking is harmful for all people and especially for children. Also smoking may cause heart diseases and spoil your teeth and skin. So it is better not to begin smoking because in future you will have to make a lot of efforts so as to get rid of this bad habit.


What questions will you ask a person who is on a diet?

How long have you been on a diet?

How much water do you drink a day?

Do you avoid eating sweets and chocolate?

Do you do any sport in order to lose weight?

What can you advise a person who wants to lose weight?

I can advise not to follow someone’s advice from your friends or mates but to have regular exercises and to move as much as possible, to eat more fruit and vegetables and reject junk food, to eat in small portions at regular hours and be positive in your attitude towards your appearance.


Fast food leads to health problems. What do you think about it?

Fast food is high in sodium, fat and cholesterol. Eating too much fast food over a long period of time can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. Fast food also lacks many of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals our bodies need.


CARD № 19

Let’s talk about sport. What role does sport play in our life?

Sport is very important in our life. Sport makes our bodies strong, quickens our reaction and shapes the wits. It also prevents us from getting too fat, gives us so valuable practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work together and makes us more self-organized and better disciplined.

I’m absolutely sure that doing sports is the best way to keep fit. There is always a kind of sport which will suit you and there are many different kinds to choose from. It is popular with both young and old people. Sport helps people to keep fit and stay healthy. As for me, I play basketball, volleyball and from time to time I do my morning exercises.

Do you do any sport?

I play volleyball. / I go in for swimming (fitness).

What questions will you ask a professional sportsman?

Why did you choose a sport career?

Is it difficult to do sports professionally?

What competitions did you take part in?

What are your plans for the future?

What kind of sport could you recommend to take up a person who wants to lose weight?

I would recommend take up swimming together with fitness. They help to lose weight and be fit and at the same time strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles.

They say the most popular sport among pupils is volleyball. What do you think about it?

I agree with it. Volleyball is a team kind of sport. Pupils like to take part in different competitions that take place between schools.


CARD № 20

Let’s talk about fashion. What role does fashion play in your life?

Fashion, as I see it, is the prevailing style in clothes and behavior. The way to fashion is led by fashion designers, media, celebrities and musicians. Of course, the clothes presented at the fashion shows are usually inappropriate in a day-to-day life. That’s why I don’t pay too much attention to fashion. I believe that it is more important to create your own style. I prefer to wear classic clothes that are comfortable and complement my personality, while at home my outfit is definitely more casual.

Do you follow the latest fashion trends? Why (not)?

I can’t say that I do, but I think that if you follow fashion trends you have more chances to make a good impression on others.

What questions would you ask a fashion designer?

What is the difference between fashion and style?

What is your favourite trend?

What colour is in fashion this season?

Is it really important to look stylish?

What can you advise your friend who wants to change something about his/her style?

I can advise to be confident in a new style. Move forward to colors that appeal to him/her. Buy only those clothes that he/she really likes. Change his/her hairstyle if it is necessary.

Личный сайт Кузнецовой О.Н. — Family Traditions

2. Family traditions


  1. Let’s talk about family traditions. Why is family important for you?

Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding. You feel secure when there’s a family behind you. They are people you can trust and rely on, people who won’t let you down and who share your joys and sorrows. In happy families parents are frank and honest with their children, they treat their children with respect without moralizing or bossing them, and children in their turn learn how to treat other people and how to form relationship with their peers.


I enjoy the honest and open relationship in my family. I like it when parents trust their children, give them enough freedom and respect them. I think these things make family relations warm and pleasant. There is no so-called “generation gap” in our family, though we may argue and disagree on certain issues. I can always bring my friend home and my parents are very positive about it, although they don’t always approve of our tastes, views and clothes.


In fact I have a closer relationship with my mother. We understand each other better, which I think is quite natural. We can spend hours and hours talking about our family problems, fashion, views on education, people’s relations, their ambitions and the like.


I guess, when people spend more time together they are closer to each other. It’s a pity, but my parents and I are usually very busy during the weekdays and we seldom have a chance to spend time together. Sunday is the day when we can sit at a table and talk over everything that happened during the week. Eating together makes us feel close and we often have our most frank conversations at these times. Also once a week my parents give the flat a big clean. Of course I help them with it. By the way it’s not so boring. I turn on music and we even have fun. Then we may go shopping together. I like to go shopping with my parents because they always buy me something. During our shopping rounds we discuss a lot of things and make plans for the next weekend.


Almost every weekend we visit our grandparents; sometimes we visit my uncle (aunt) and his family.


I’d like to become more independent from my parents in future, nevertheless we’ll always be the best friends because my parents are the most important people in the world.

Family is very important for me, because it gives me a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding. I feel secure when there’s a family behind me. They are people I can trust and rely on, people who won’t let me down and who share my joys and sorrows. My parents are frank and honest with me, they treat me with respect without moralizing or bossing, and I in my turn learn how to treat other people and how to form relationship with my peers.


  1. Are there any family traditions that you follow?

We have some family traditions. But to my mind we haven’t got anything special or original in our family. All our family traditions are connected with some holidays. Apart from national holidays there are family holidays like birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. A birthday is always a happy event in our family. On these days we usually have a party. Friends and relatives come with flowers and gifts and a festive dinner is served with plenty of delicious food to eat. Afterwards the guests either dance or sing, listen to music or just chat. One more family tradition is spending summer holidays together either at the seaside or in the country, which I enjoy very much. I’d like to become more independent from my parents in future, nevertheless we’ll always be the best friends because my parents are the most important people in the world.


  1. What will you ask a British teenager about his/her relatives?

-Have you got many relatives?

-How many cousins have you got?

-Have you got close relations with them?


  1. What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with their parents and grandparents?

I think we are old enough to realize that adults are not saints and may make mistakes and that the so-called generation gap should not spoil our relations. Good children are prepared to compromise and meet their parents halfway, render any possible help to their parents, treat their parents in the way they would like to be treated themselves.

So first of all I can advise for anyone to try to understand the feelings of your parents and show respect to them. Even if you don’t agree with their thinking, try to make them understand politely, don’t use harsh words with them which may hurt. It’s important to celebrate your parents’ and grandparents’ birthdays. It will make them realize that you care for them.


  1. They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about this problem?

I often hear this term “generation gap”, but I hope it’s not about my family. To my mind misunderstanding may happen if people don’t respect each other. Of course different generations have different ideas and values, nevertheless children and parents love each other. So any problem can be discussed. It’s much easier to find the way out together.

Билеты № 1-3 Family — English for School

 Билет №1
1. What role does family play in each person’s life?Every person needs a place where he can feel happy and quiet. One needs people with whom he could speak freely about his problems, share his joys and his sorrows. Such place and such people are his family. We may say that a family is an emotional centre of a person’s life. Your family will never ignore you; you will always get support and understanding from your family, no matter whether you are good or bad. You can’t live without your family’s help and respect, but you should remember that your family members also need your attention and support.
2. Do you have your own family traditions?Yes, we do. We have our own family traditions, but not many.
3. What will you ask your British friend about his/her family?Is your family big or small?
Have you got a sister or a brother?
Do you get on well with your sister/brother?
What traditions have you got in your family?
4. What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?If you want to have a happy family, try to be patient and understanding.
5. Why are there many one-parent families? How does the state help such families?Many marriages these days end in divorce. Besides, one parent may die. In both cases a child is brought up by one parent only. The state helps such families providing financial support.


Билет №2

1. What is family for you?Every person needs a place where he can feel happy and quiet. One needs people with whom he could speak freely about his problems, share his joys and his sorrows. Such place and such people are his family. We may say that a family is an emotional centre of a person’s life. My home is the best place in the world for me and my family are the dearest people for me. We trust each other. My parents treat me with loving care and I, in my turn, love, respect and obey my parents.
2. Are there any things that you do with your parents together? Additional: Unfortunately, my parents are usually very busy during the weekdays and we don’t have a chance to spend time together.(But) There is a very good tradition in our family to have dinner together and chat about the events of the day.
3. What will you ask your British friend about his/her family relationships?Do you get on well with your family members?
Do you talk over your problems together?
Is there sometimes misunderstanding between you and your parents?
Do you share your domestic chores?
4. What can you advise a person who wants to have a close and happy family?If you want to have a happy family, try to be patient and understanding.Additional: Respect and support your family members. Talk over your problems together. Share your domestic chores. Keep your family traditions.
5. Nowadays an average family has one child. From your point of view, how many children should there be in a family?I suppose, there should be two or three children in a family. You will never feel lonely having a sister or a brother.


Билет №3

1. Let’s talk about your family. Why is family important for you?My home is the best place in the world for me and my family are the dearest people for me. I’m happy to have a close and friendly family. In my family I can speak freely about my problems, share my joys and sorrows with my parents and with my sisters. I can say that my family is an emotional centre of my life. My family members never ignore me; I always get support and understanding from my family. I can’t live without my family’s help and respect. I understand that my family members also need my attention and support. So I, in my turn, love and respect my family and try to obey my parents.
2. Are there any family traditions that you follow? Yes, there are. We usually celebrate family holidays together and it’s a tradition in our family to have dinner together and chat about the events of the day.
3. What will you ask a British teenager about his/her relatives? Have you got any brothers or sisters?
What are their names?
Do your grandparents live with you?
How old are your parents?
4. What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with their parents and grandparents? If I were you, I would spend more time with my family, love, respect and obey my parents and grandparents.
5. They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about this problem?I think, the talk about the generation gap is exaggerated. Of course, there is some misunderstanding between generations and always was. To my mind, this is because people don’t try to understand each other. They don’t talk over their problems together, hurt each others feelings and then find an excuse in a generation gap.

Билеты 1-3

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Holidays and traditions — топик на английском

Every nation has its own customs and long-lived traditions. (Каждый народ имеет свои обычаи и долголетние традиции)

There is a great number of exciting events which take place in every country throughout the year. (Есть большое количество волнующих событий, которые происходят в каждой стране на протяжении года)

Traditions play a more important role in the life of the people. (Традиции играют большую роль в жизни людей)

I think if we keep up our traditions, we preserve national history and culture. (Я думаю, если мы придерживаемся своих традиций, мы сохраняем национальную историю и культуру)

Holidays are especially rich in old traditions. (Праздники особенно богаты старыми традициями)

There are three types of holidays in different countries: state or public holidays, religious holidays and family holidays. (Есть три вида праздников в разных странах: государственные или национальные праздники, религиозные и семейные)

State holidays usually relate to state history and impotent events of the country. (Государственные праздники обычно относятся к государственной истории и важным событиям страны)

Such holidays unite people, make them feel proud of their nation. (Такие праздники объединяют людей, заставляют их чувствовать гордость за свой народ)

For example, in my country there are state or public holidays such as Constitution Day, New Year’s Day, the International Women’s Day, May Day, Victory Day, Independence Day and others. (Например, в моей стране есть такие государственные или общественные праздники как День Конституции, Новый Год, Международный женский день, День Победы, День Независимости и др.)

State organisations, banks and companies do not work on these days. (Государственные организации, банки и компании не работают в эти дни)

People spend holi¬day time with their families and friends; they go to theatres or exhibitions, or go to city centre where there are usually folk festivals and concerts in the open air and celebrate with other people. (Люди проводят праздничное время с семьями и друзьями; ходят в театры или на выставки, или идут в городской центр, где обычно фольклорные фестивали и концерты на открытом воздухе и празднуют с другими людьми)

I think that some like holidays are in many other countries. (Думаю, что некоторые подобные праздники есть во многих других странах)

New Year’s Day is the major family holiday for many Russians. It is a national holiday in Russia, on which most businesses and public offices are closed. Schools and universi¬ties are closed too. (Новый Год – главный семейный праздник для многих русских. Это народный праздник в России, на который большинство деловых и государственных офисов закрыты. Школы и университеты закрыты тоже.)

Religious holidays include Christmas, Easter and some others. There is also a pagan holiday — Shrovetide or Pancake Day. (Религиозные праздники включают Рождество, Пасху и некоторые другие. Есть также языческий праздник Масленица или Блинный день)

Preparation for Christmas are always pleasant: buying gifts, sending Christmas cards and decorating Christmas tree with small, bright-colored lights. Churches hold a special Christmas services. Christmas starts in the morning with the smell of cookies, cakes, chocolate and cinnamon. (Приготовление к Рождеству всегда приятно: покупка подарков, отправление Рождественских открыток и украшение Рождественской ели маленькими, цветными огнями. Церкви проводят специальные Рождественские службы. Рождество начинается утром с запахом печенья, пирожных, шоколада и карицы.)

I like also to prepare for Easter with my family: we colour and decorate Easter eggs, cook Easter cakes and paskha, attend a church service. (Я также люблю готовиться к Пасхе с моей семьей: мы красим и украшаем Пасхальные яйца, готовим Пасхальные куличи и пасху, посещаем церковную службу.)

Shrovetide is very fine holiday in Russia. It is the time to say goodbye to long cold Russian winter. (Масленица очень веселый праздник в России. Это время проводить долгую холодную русскую зиму.)

People cook and eat very many pancakes, go to city centre where there is a fair with folk concerts, outdoor traditional games and funs. In the end of this holiday people burn in effigy of winter. (Люди готовят и едят очень много блинов, идут в центр города, где ярмарка с фольклорными концертами, традиционными подвижными играми и забавами. В конце этого праздника люди сжигают чучело зимы.)

Family holidays include birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and other family celebrations. Different families have different traditions of celebrations. (Семейные праздники включают дни рождения, свадьбы, юбилеи.и др.семейные празднества.)

My favourite family holiday is New Year’s Day. A week before the celebration we decorate a New Year tree with colourful glass balls and toys. My family usually has the New Year dinner. When the clock strikes midnight, we give each other presents. Later, we watch TV and relax and go outside to watch fireworks. (Мой любимый семейный праздник Новы Год. За неделю до празднования мы наряжаем елку красочными стеклянными шарами и игрушками. Моя семья обычно имеет Новогодний ужин. Когда часы бьют полночь, мы дарим друг другу подарки. Позднее смотрим ТВ и отдыхаем и идем на улицу смотреть фейерверки)

Another celebration which I like is my birthday. (Другой праздник, который я люблю – мой ДР)

Usually my friends and I get together, have a party either at my flat or in a cafe and then go’ for a walk. I like getting presents and having fun. (Обычно мои друзья и я проводим вместе, устраиваем вечеринку в моей квартире или в кафе, а затем идем гулять. Я люблю получать подарки и веселиться.)

I think that holidays and traditions are important because they connect people and give them an opportunity to have fun and enjoy themselves. (Думаю, праздники и традиции важны, потому что они соединяют людей и дают им возможность веселиться и радоваться.)

Личный сайт Кузнецовой О.Н. — Ситуации общения

About Britain

The official name for the British flag is Union Jack, while the English flag is called the Flag of St. George, the Scottish is called the Flag of St. Andrew, and the Welsh flag is called the Flag of St. David.


The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.Mark Twain




 Тематика и вопросы  для собеседования по экзаменационным ситуациям


     Card № 1.

  1. Let’s talk about family. What role does it play in each person’s life?
  2. Do you have your own family traditions?
  3. What will you ask your British friend about his/her family?
  4. What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?
  5. Why are there many one-parent families? How does the state help such families?


    Card № 2.

  1. Let’s talk about family traditions. Why is family important for you?
  2. Are there any family traditions that you follow?
  3. What will you ask a British teenager about his/her relatives?
  4. What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with their parents and grandparents?
  5. They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about this problem?


Card № 3.

  1. Let’s talk about family relationship. What is family for you?
  2. Are there any things that you do with your parents together?
  3. What will you ask your British friend about his/her family relationships?
  4. What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?
  5. Nowadays an average family has one child. From your point of view, how many children should there be in a family?        


Card № 4.

  1. Let’s talk about friendship and relationship with friends. What role do friends play in your life?
  2.   Can you rely on your best friend? Why (not)?
  3. What questions do you usually ask when you want to get acquainted with someone?
  4.   What can you advise a teenager who has no friends?
  5. They say: “A person has just one true friend”. What do you think about this?


Card №  5.

  1. Let’s talk about education. What can you tell me about your school?
  2. Do you agree that Belarusian secondary school provides a person with good knowledge? Why (not)?
  3. Ask me whether I liked school when I was a pupil.
  4. What ideas from Belarusian school can you advise a teacher from Great Britain to use in British school?
  5. Today some young people think that having a good education is not very important. Do you agree with them?


Card № 6.

  1. Let’s talk about studying at school. What’s your school like?
  2. Do you agree that our school gives a person a good start in life? Why (not)?
  3. Ask me what kind of pupil I was at school.
  4. Which school club would you advise your classmate to join?
  5. Today some young people think that having a good education is very important. Do you agree with them?


Card № 7.

  1. Let’s talk about school traditions. What can you tell me about the place where you study?
  2. Does your school have any traditions?
  3. Ask me about my school life.
  4. What can you advise a student who is not very good at languages to do to achieve better results?
  5. Nowadays some young people complain that they have lots of problems at school. Do you agree with them?


Card №  8.

  1. Let’s talk about choosing a career. What would you like to become?
  2. Does a person need to possess special qualities to become a good specialist in this or that particular field? Why?
  3. What questions will you ask your future employer at a job interview?
  4. Give me some advice on what I need to think about while choosing my future career.
  5. Some people think that it is necessary to have a good command of a foreign language to get a good job. Do you agree with them?


 Card № 9.

  1. Let’s talk about life in the city and in the country. Tell me about the house/ flat you live in.
  2. Where would you like to live: in a city or in the country? Why (not)?
  3. What questions would you like to ask a teenager who lives in the country?
  4. If your parents ask for your opinion where to move: to the city or to the country, what would you recommend them to do?
  5. They say that living in the country is better than living in a city. What do you think about this?


Card № 10 .

  1. Let’s talk about different types of houses. Tell me about the house/ flat you live in.
  2. Does the place where a person lives reflect his/ her personality? Why (not)?
  3. What questions will you ask your friend who is going to move about his/ her new home?
  4. Your friend wants to decorate his/ her new flat. Give him/ her some advice how to furnish it.
  5. What type of house would you prefer to live in? Why?


Card № 11 .

  1. Let’s talk about Belarusian national cuisine. What can you tell me about eating habits in Belarus?
  2. Do you like cooking? Why (not)?
  3. What questions will you ask a friend who has invited you to a pot-luck party?
  4. Which cafes would you recommend to visit in your place? Why?
  5. What is your favourite Belarusian national dish? What is its recipe?


Card № 12.

  1. Let’s talk about national cuisine of an English-speaking country. What do people eat in Britain?
  2. Do you know many recipes?
  3. What questions can you ask a British teenager about their national cuisine?
  4. My friend wants to know more about national cuisines. Which national dishes would you recommend him to taste?
  5. Scientists say that fast food is unhealthy but teenagers can’t stop eating it. What do you think about it?


Card № 13.

  1. Let’s talk about shopping. Who does the shopping in your family?
  2. Do you like shopping? Why (not)?
  3. What questions will you ask a shop assistant to help you to choose a purchase?
  4. What can you advise a person who wants to buy many things (clothes, foodstuff, etc.) but has little time?
  5. Parents usually give pocket money to their children. How do you usually spend your pocket money?


Card №  14. 

  1. Let’s talk about your leisure time. What do you like doing in your free time?
  2. Do you find it useful to go to the theatre or cinema? Why (not)?
  3. What questions can you ask a British friend about his/her free time?
  4. Give me some advice on what to do in my free time.
  5. Many parents think that children should spend less time playing computer games, that they should play outside or do some sport instead. What do you think about this?


Card №15 .

  1. Let’s talk about Belarusian customs and traditions. What can you tell me about your favourite holiday in Belarus?
  2. Are you proud of our national holidays and traditions? Why?
  3. What questions can you ask a British teenager about his/her birthday celebration?
  4. Which holiday celebration will you recommend your British friend?
  5. Do you think it is important to follow our grandparents’ traditions? Why?


Card № 16. 

  1. Let’s talk about customs and traditions of an English-speaking country.

Do you find some British holidays and traditions special? Why (not)?

  1. Would you like to take part in a British holiday celebration? Why?
  2. What questions can you ask a British teenager about his/her birthday celebration?
  3. What national souvenirs would you buy in Britain?
  4. Nowadays more and more people are getting interested in customs and traditions of different countries. What do you think about it?


   Card №17. 

  1. Let’s talk about mass media: TV, newspapers, radio. Which of these does your family like?
  2. Is there any means of communication you can’t live without? Why (not)?
  3. Which questions will you ask the participants of Dom 2, a TV reality show?
  4. I’d like to watch an interesting programme on TV. What can you advise me?
  5. Many people say that newspapers and radio are not as popular as TV and very soon they will lose their importance. What is your point of view?


Card № 18.

  1. Let’s talk about a healthy way of life. What do you do to keep fit?
  2. Do you agree that bad habits, like smoking, can be dangerous? Why?
  3. What questions will you ask a fitness coach?
  4. What can you advise a person who wants to lose weight?
  5. What is the best way to promote a healthy way of life among young people? Why is it important to stay healthy?


Card № 19. 

  1. Let’s talk about sport and a healthy way of life. What steps do you follow to stay healthy?
  2. Some people think that sport is only for professional sportsmen and fans. What is your point of view?
  3.   What questions will you ask a fitness coach?
  4. What can you advise a person who doesn’t know what kind of sport to take up?
  5. Some doctors say that sport can help people to get rid of bad habits. Do you think it will work?


Card №  20.

  1. What role does fashion play in your life? 
  2. Do you prefer fashionable clothes to comfortable ones? Why?
  3. What questions can you ask a shop assistant in a big shop?
  4. What would you advise your friend who wants to buy some new clothes?
  5. A famous person once said: “Style knows who you are and what you want to say.” Do you agree with this? Why?


Card №  21.

  1. Let’s talk about travelling. What role does it play in your life?
  2. How do you like to travel?
  3. What questions should you ask a travel agent to learn more about a tour?
  4. What can you advise a person who doesn’t know where to spend his/her holiday?
  5. What difficulties can you have when visiting a foreign country? Is it possible to avoid them?


Card №  22.

  1. Now let’s talk about environment. People say that our planet is in danger. Do you share this opinion?
  2. What do you think people should do to protect the environment?
  3. What would you like to ask your British friend about measures that are taken to protect the environment in Britain?
  4. A friend of yours wants to develop a programme to protect the city where he lives. Give him a piece of advice.
  5. Green school of the year content is held in the country and you want your school to enter it. Give ideas for some “green events”.


Card №  23.

  1. Let’s talk about weather and climate. What is happening to weather and climate nowadays?
  2. Are you weather dependent?
  3. What questions would you ask a meteorologist?
  4. What can you advise a person who wants to become a meteorologist?
  5. They say there is no bad weather, there are bad clothes. What do you think about it?


Card №  24.

  1. Let’s talk about the Republic of Belarus. What can you tell me  about our Motherland?
  2. What parts of Belarus have you visited?
  3. What questions about Belarus do you expect to hear from a British teenager?
  4. What Belarusian sights would you advise a foreigner to visit?
  5.  What sights in our country belong to world heritage?


Card №  25.

  1. Let’s talk about Britain. What do you know about this country?
  2. Would you like to visit Britain? Why (not)?
  3. What would you ask a British teenager about national holidays in Britain?
  4. Give me a piece of advice on what sights to see in London.
  5. Do the British differ greatly from Belarusian people in character? Why?




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Family | sounds good

Let’s talk about family.

What role does it play in each person’s life?What  is family for you? Why is family important for you?  What role does it play in your life?

I believe that everything has its beginning in the family. In my opinion, a family is an emotional centre of a person’s life, transmitter of culture, traditions, moral values, the place where children are raised. It is a place where you feel support and understanding, where you learn how to behave, communicate and interact with other people. My family means the world to me I would do anything for them. My family consists of  my mother, and my brother.  I love my parents, because they take care of me, they are kind and sympathetic; they are always ready to help me.  My parents never ignore me; they always support me and understand all my problems. I can’t live without their help and respect, and I know that they also need my attention.

When I am discouraged, I come to my parents. I tell them my feelings and ask them to help me understand why I’m depressed. They understand and comfort me.

My parents  set a good example for me and I  look up to them.

Our family is very united. We don’t see eye to eye on some things but on the whole my parents are very understanding. We are a happy family. I can say that our family is well knit. We love and respect each other. I am proud of my family. We are happy when we are together.

Do you have your own family traditions?Are there any things that you do with your parents together?

Yes, we have our own family traditions. We celebrate holidays together, for example we celebrate our birthdays, New Year, Easter, Christmas. Before New Year we tidy up the flat, decorate the Christmas Tree, do the shopping, cook tasty dishes together. We give each other presents on birthdays and New Year.  Every summer we go to the seaside together, where we rest, relax, and have fun. We like  doing the sight together , going on excursions, I especially enjoy going shopping with my mum.

What will you ask your British friend about his her family?

  1. What traditions are there in your family?
  2. Is there a generation gap in your family?
  3. Are you on good terms with your sister?
  4. Do you get on well with your parents?
  5. How do you spend your free time in your family?
  6. Do you discuss your problems with your family?

 What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with their parents and grandparents?

If you want to have a good relationship with your parents and grandparents you should always remember that they love you and mean the best to you.  You should appreciate what they do for you , show respect, and try to understand them. Be polite, don’t use harsh words. Remember their birthdays and other special events.  Show your gratitude with a little gift a flower or a hug. Make them realize that you care for them. If you go out in the evening remember that they worry about you, don’t forget to call them and tell where you are.  Moreover, help about the house because your parents get tired at work.   If you tidy up your room, do the washing up , do the shopping or cooking  you will let your parents rest and make them happy.They say that parents and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about this problem?A generation gap is misunderstanding between parents and children grown-ups and teenagers. Adults and teenagers don’t see eye to eye on many things. Teenagers fight for their freedom, they want to be independent, to make their own decisions.  Moreover, they don’t look up to their parents   don’t want to obey them, and want to do whatever they want. To protest teens shock people around them. Sometimes they take to drugs, smoking, alcohol. Some of them can be rude, heartless, ill-behaved.  It is my firm belief that we must do our best to understand each other, to be polite, and respect each other’s opinion.In my family I don’t have this problem , my parents love me, understand me, support me and I pay them in the same coin

Nowadays an average family has one child. From your point of view, how many children should there be in a family?

  1. In my opinion, there should be 2 or 3 children in a family because an only child is often selfish and spoilt. When a child has siblings he learns to share his toys, to care for others, to get on with others, to put up with many things so he becomes more sociable, more responsible  and has better interpersonal skills. I think it is more fun to have a sister or a brother and later in life sisters and brothers can help each other if they run into any difficulties.
  2. I am an only child in a family and I like it. Being an only child  has some advantages. I don’t have to share my room with siblings. All my parents’ love and attention are mine. But at the same time it is a big disadvantage. You should be careful because you can become selfish and spoilt. It this case you are doomed to loneliness .  If you have siblings your life will be easier. For example if you get in trouble your brothers or sisters will have your back to the fullest. They will be with you in wealth and in poverty when you are healthy and when you are ill. On the other side, when you solve your problems yourself you tend to become a strong and rational person. So in future I want to have a tight –knit family with two children and my children will become sociable and less spoilt.
    Which is better : being an only child in a family or having a lot of sisters and brothers?
  3. I am an only child in the family but I think it would be better if I had a brother or a sister. Being an only child has some advantages.  Of course, if you are an only child in the family your parents do their best to please you. You become the most important person in your immediate family. They buy everything you want, give you all their love and attention and you don’t have to share these things with anyone else.  What is more, you don’t have to share my room with your siblings. You can spend a lot of time on your own and nobody will disturb you, for example, your little sister who can ask to play with her or an elder brother who can listen to loud music. But on the other hand, your brother or sister can become your best friend, you will never feel lonely because you can  share your secrets with them, moreover  they will help and support if you are  in trouble.

So when I grow up, I want to have a big family with lots of children .What is more , to my mind  a family with lots of children is more tight-knit, and when a child is an only child he often becomes a selfish person.

What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?

In my opinion if you want to have a tight-knit  family you should respect and support your partner, you should be understanding , friendly, tolerant, polite,  sympathetic. Both parents should be involved in childcare. The members of the family should always communicate with each other. If they don’t see eye to eye on some things they should  talk it over.  Moreover, the members of the family should share joys and sorrows as well as domestic chores. It goes without saying they should help each other in a difficult situation. You should try to spend  a lot of quality time together.If  you form and keep your family traditions it will do your family a lot of good. The members of the family should appreciate what they do for each other and be grateful to each other.

What is an ideal family for you?

First of all, I’d like to point out that there are no ideal families But I’d like my future family to be  a two- parent family where both parents are involved in childcare. Just think of a family where people are friendly, tolerant sympathetic, considerate.  The members of the family always communicate with each other. If they don’t see eye to eye on some things they talk it over.  Moreover, the members of the family share joys and sorrows as well as domestic chores. It goes without saying they help each other in a difficult situation.

Parents are involved in bringing up their children, they do their best to improve their parenting skills, and they set a good example through their own behavior, so their children look up to them. The family spends a lot of quality time together; they have their own family traditions which make their family tight-knit.

Each member of the family knows that when he is in trouble all people in the family will support him. Furthermore, the children appreciate what their parents do for them and are grateful to their parents, the help their parents about the house, obey their parents, show respect, are always polite but at the same time have some freedom to make their own decisions. It goes without saying that nobody is neglected or ignored in such a family. To conclude I’d like to say that I hope I will have such a family in future.


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Метки: готовимся к экзамену

Примерные ответы на задание ОГЭ по английскому языку

1. You are going to give a talk about travelling.

  • why most people like travelling
  • whether it is easier to travel nowadays than centuries ago, and why
  • what country or continent you would like to visit

I am going to give a talk about travelling. I think most people like travelling because it is a good way to relax and to experience new positive emotions. It gives you an opportunity to communicate with different people and get to know their lifestyles and traditions.

That’s no doubt that nowadays it’s easier to travel than centuries ago, because there had been a great growth in industry, production technologies and inventing gadgets. So now we are plenty of planes, trains, big journey ships and cars. Travelling with their help is faster and more comfortable than travelling on foot or using horses.

As for me, I would like to visit Japan. I am very interested in the customs and traditions of this country. This country seems another world to me. It is an Asian country and differs a lot from European countries and Russia as well. There is a kind of mystery in it I’d like to uncover.

I hope my dream will come true some day.

That’s all I can say about travelling, thank you for listening.

2. You are going to give a talk about your career choice.

  • what jobs, in your opinion, will be popular in the future, and why
  • what sort of job you would like to do
  • what school subjects will be important for your future job

I am going to give a talk about my career choice. I would like to say that nothing will be as popular as working in IT.

To my mind, the IT sphere has been getting really widely spread lately. The list of new technologies expands very quickly: neural networks, machine learning, data analysis and so on. So, as IT continues developing it requires new high quality specialists. There’s a great variety of technologies nowadays, so it delivers a great number of jobs as well.

As for me, I am really interested in tourism and want to become a tour guide in the future. There are two reasons why I have chosen this job. First, I like travelling and sightseeing. Besides, I am very sociable and enjoy communicating with different people. I think this kind of job gives me such an opportunity.

I think geography and history are the most important subjects for my future job as I have to know much and to tell people about the nature and history of different places, about their customs and traditions and different architectural styles. Besides, it would be also very useful to know foreign languages as there are often a lot of foreigners on excursions.
That’s all I can say about my career choice, thank you for listening.

3. You are going to give a talk about your career choice.

  • what job and education opportunities young people have after finishing the 9th form
  • what job you would like to do in the future, explain your choice
  • what advice your parents have given you about your career choice

I am going to give a talk about my career choice. After finishing the 9th form students have different opportunities. They can go to the tenth form and then to university, or they can find a job and help their parents, also they can go to a college or to a vocational school. As for me, after finishing the ninth form I would like to go to the tenth form and then to university.

I am really interested in tourism and want to become a tour guide in the future. There are two reasons why I have chosen this job. First, I like travelling and sightseeing. Besides, I am very sociable and enjoy communicating with different people. I think this kind of job gives me such an opportunity.

My parents advise me to become a doctor but I’m not sure that the job is appropriate for me. First of all, I am good at geography, history and English and very sociable too. Second, tourist business is actively developing and they think it will be easy to find a job. So, I think my parents will support my career choice and help me to enter into good university.
That’s all I can say about my career choice, thank you for listening.

4. You are going to give a talk about environmental problems.

  • why people worry about environmental problems nowadays
  • what the most serious environmental problem in the place where you live is
  • what young people can do to improve the ecological situation

I am going to give a talk about environmental problems. People discuss environmental problems a lot nowadays. There are lots of TV programmes and newspaper articles that explain that if we don’t stop polluting the air and if we continue to destroy the forests, the situation will become very dangerous for all of us. Global warming is one of the examples.

There are some environmental problems in our town, too. The first one is that we suffer from air pollution as there are too many mines, factories and cars in the streets. Another problem is our river. It’s very dirty and it’s dangerous to swim there. There’s rubbish on the beach and on the banks of the river.

Ordinary people and teenagers like me can’t solve global environmental problems but we can clean up our town and keep our parks and river banks tidy. Many of us can work as volunteer workers. As for me, I never throw plastic bottles or ice cream packages on the ground. We should do everything we can to save nature and ourselves.

That’s all I can say about environmental problems, thank you for listening.

5. You are going to give a talk about animals.

  • what wild animals live in your region
  • why people build zoos in the cities and towns
  • whether it is a good idea to keep a wild animal as a pet, and why

I am going to give a talk about animals. Many wild animals, such as the fox, brown bear, wolf, hare, lynx, and beaver live in our region. Today it’s common thing to protect different species of animals, especially if they’re in danger, because everyone can hear that the number of endangered species steadily grows. In such a way the question is how humanity can stop extinction. So, people build zoos in the cities and towns; create special areas — national parks.

I don’t think it would be a good idea to keep any wild animal as a pet. They cannot be pets. Most owners do not know how to look after a wild animal properly and books on the subject are not always accurate. Wild animals need special food and they often get sick when they do not live in their natural habitats. Furthermore, they can be dangerous.
That’s all I can say about animals, thank you for listening.

6. You are going to give a talk about books.

  • what kind of books modern teenagers enjoy reading
  • whether libraries are necessary nowadays or not, and why
  • what book you have read recently, and what it was about

I am going to give a talk about books. I think it’s an interesting and actual topic in our life. Modern teenagers enjoy reading fantasy novels because they find them thrilling. When they read this kind of books, they lose touch with reality and immerse into a magic world of dragons, witches and other mythical creatures.

To my mind, libraries are necessary nowadays and people will go there at all times. Also, libraries function as cultural centers and homes for rare books. They organize music concerts and poetry parties for local people.

People like reading and so do I. I have read “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens recently. It was about an orphan who was born in the London’s slums. The main character fell into a den of thieves, but was finally rescued by a wealthy benefactor. The novel described scandalous investigations in workhouses which, actually, functioned as semi prisons, and where children were exploited for labour.

That’s all I can say about books, thank you for listening.

7. You are going to give a talk about your best friend.

  • what people need friends for
  • how long you and your friend have known each other
  • what you enjoy doing together

I am going to give a talk about my best friend.  I think that everyone needs good friends, otherwise life becomes boring. We all need people to laugh and to cry with, to go out and to have fun with, to play active and board games with and finally to share darkest secrets with.

As far as I am concerned, I am lucky to have a loyal friend. We’ve known each other since first grade. He is open, sociable and sympathetic. However, sometimes we do quarrel and argue with each other.

All in all, we have much in common and spend much time together. Both of us enjoy sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and pay special attention to studies. Also, we enjoy going for walks, playing computer games and riding bikes. I’ll hope we’ll be friends forever.

That’s all I can say about my best friend, thank you for listening.

8. You are going to give a talk about your school holidays

  • when you have school holidays
  • what school holidays you would make longer, and why
  • what you enjoy doing during your school holidays

I am going to give a talk about my school holidays. They occur four times a year: in spring, in autumn, in winter and in summer. It is a brilliant opportunity to take some rest from your studies, to gather new strength and to revise the material learnt.

As for me, I would make longer spring holidays because it’s one of the most exciting times during the year. People often go for walks in the park, have picnics or sit by the lake in order to enjoy the natural beauty of the world. Besides, spring is a good time to revise the material learnt and to prepare for exams.

So, school holidays are the time for travelling, fun and pleasure. I enjoy reading books, listening to music, swimming, sunbathing and playing different games during my summer holidays. In autumn I like to walk in the park and admire the colourful beauty of autumn leaves. Winter is a good time for skating, skiing and sledding. I like to play snowballs or make a snowman.

All in all, every student enjoys school holidays and spends much time out.

That’s all I can say about my school holidays, thank you for listening.

9. You are going to give a talk about your school.

  • what you like about your school most of all
  • how many lessons you usually have
  • what school subjects you have chosen for your exams, and why

I am going to give a talk about my school.  There are a lot of things I like about my school. First, I really like my teachers. They are very understanding, helpful and are very good at explaining things. Besides, I like our school canteen. It is very comfortable, looks nice and the food is really tasty.

As a rule I have six lessons a day. When all my lessons are over, I usually have one or two extra classes. We are getting ready to take our school-leaving exams.

As for me, I have chosen English and Social Science because the knowledge of these subjects can help me to enter the Military University. Also, I have a chance to get a prestigious job and to find out more about my country.

That’s all I can say about my school, thank you for listening.

10. You are going to give a talk about travelling.

  • why modern people travel so much
  • what tourists usually do while travelling
  • what places in your region you recommend tourists should visit 

I am going to give a talk about travelling. Today most people travel so much for different purposes. First of all, it is a good way to relax and to experience new positive emotions. Secondly, they travel on business or visit their relatives and friends. Nevertheless, I think it gives modern people an opportunity to communicate with different people and get to know their lifestyles and traditions.

So, while travelling tourists usually spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. Also, they walk, bathe and laze in the sun. Most tourists take pictures of everything that interests them – the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes and waterfalls.

In Kemerovo region I recommend to visit historical cultural and natural museum-preserve “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”, the Kemerovo Regional Museum of Regional History and Folk Life and the museum-reserve “Krasnaya Gorka”. To my mind, tourists will be great to visit Kemerovo Drama Theatre and the Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library named after Fedorov V.D.

That’s all I can say about travelling, thank you for listening.

11. You are going to give a talk about sports.

  • why a lot of young people do sports nowadays
  • what sports clubs and teams there are in your school
  • what you do to keep fit  

I am going to give a talk about sports. I believe doing sports has become more popular nowadays. First, sport helps young people to stay in a good shape, keep them fit and healthy. Besides, people have more opportunities to do sports now. We have more gyms and sports grounds.

As for sports clubs and teams in my school, there are football, basketball and volleyball teams. Sports competitions usually take place in my school.

As for me, I don’t do much to keep fit. I just do morning exercises for 15 minutes every day and do boxing three times a week. Also, I try to eat regularly and to avoid eating sweet things.

All in all, keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and everyone should do something to stay healthy and feel happy.

That’s all I can say about sports, thank you for listening.

12. You are going to give a talk about healthy lifestyle.

  • why doing sport is very important for modern teenagers
  • what else besides sport  young people do to keep fit and healthy
  • what you  enjoy doing in your free time

I am going to give a talk about healthy lifestyle. I think the polluted and unhealthy world of today makes modern teenagers realize the importance of going in for sport. To my mind, sport is a good way to keep fit too.

Besides sport young people need all types of vitamins to keep their body healthy. It also deals with the right way of eating. Keeping to a diet has become very popular today. To keep fit and healthy it is important to relax and to do things that they enjoy.

As for me, I enjoy walking, riding a bike, swimming in summer. In winter I am eager for skating and skiing. Sometimes I prefer to stay at home and relax. Reading, listening to music and playing computer games are my hobbies.

All in all, keeping fit and going in for sport are very important and everyone should do something to stay healthy and feel happy.

That’s all I can say about healthy lifestyle, thank you for listening.

13. You are going to give a talk about films.

  • what kinds of films modern teenagers enjoy
  • where you prefer watching films: on TV, on the Internet or in the cinema, and why
  • what film you have seen recently, what  it was about

I am going to give a talk about films. To tell the truth, modern teenagers enjoy different kinds of films. Thrillers, comedies, adventures, science fiction films and even horrors are among teenagers’ favourite films. Besides, some of teens prefer watching action films and, unfortunately, crime films.

In my opinion, watching films on the Internet is more convenient because I can always pause the film when I really need it. For example, if I have to answer the phone call. More than that, watching films on the Internet is free, that’s why I can do it every day if I want to.

Personally, I watch films online very often. I have seen “The Match” recently. The film is a patriotic action movie about love between the Dinamo team captain and a German language schoolteacher during World War II. Although, the Soviet team wins, the ending of the film is tragic.

That’s all I can say about films, thank you for listening.

14. You will give a talk about school uniform.

  • whether it is important to wear uniform at school, and why
  • what clothes you wear to school
  • what you like most about your school

I am going to give a talk about school uniform. I think it’s important to wear school uniform because it is an integral part of school life in many countries. First of all, when children wear a school uniform, they realize that they are at school not at a swimming-pool or stadium. It adjusts them to school atmosphere and helps to study harder. Secondly, school uniforms prevent social inequality. It means that both rich and poor children wear the same clothes. Finally, children don’t have such problem as what to wear in the morning. 
As for me, I wear black trousers, a white shirt and a dark blue vest with emblem of our school.

There are a lot of things I like about my school. I really like my teachers. I believe that they are very understanding, helpful and are very good at explaining things. Besides, I like our school canteen. It is very comfortable, looks nice and the food is really tasty. All in all, I feel like that my school is part of my family.

That’s all I can say about school uniform, thank you for listening.

15. You will give a talk about travelling.

  • why people like travelling
  • what means of transport is the best for travelling, in your view
  • what places in Russia you would like to visit

I am going to give a talk about travelling. I think most people like travelling because it is a good way to relax and to experience new positive emotions. It gives you an opportunity to communicate with different people and get to know their lifestyles and traditions.

I believe the best means of transport is your own car. It is very convenient. Firstly, you don’t have to wait for your bus or train at the station. It saves your time. Secondly, you can choose the route yourself to take the most of your trip and enjoy most picturesque places. Besides, you can stop any time you feel tired to stretch your legs after a long sitting or have a bite if you are hungry.

As for me, I would like to visit Tver by car. It is the city near the place where one can find the source of one of the most beautiful rivers – the Volga.

I hope my dream will come true some day.

That’s all I can say about travelling, thank you for listening.

16. You will give a talk about foreign languages.

  • why a lot of young people learn foreign languages
  • how people can improve their language skills
  • what foreign languages you would like to learn and why 

I am going to give a talk about foreign languages. I think lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays because international relations in all spheres of economy are becoming stronger and stronger. So, companies need specialists of all kinds with the knowledge of foreign languages. That’s why people who want to be successful in their career study languages.

To my mind, people can improve their language skills, if they practice every day or 3–4 times a week. Also, they can watch their favourite TV shows or the news, listen to the radio, read books, magazines or browse news on the internet in the language they want to improve!

As for me, I would like to learn English, because it is one of the most useful and important language in modern world. All in all, the knowledge of English will help me to get good education and be successful in my career. Besides, I can communicate with my English pen friends (writing messages and chatting via Skype).

That’s all I can say about foreign languages, thank you for listening.

17. You will give a talk about television.

  • why people spend time watching TV
  • what most teenagers prefer: watching TV or  browsing the Internet, and why
  • whether there is a TV programme you really like

I am going to give a talk about television. To my mind, television plays a big role in our society. It provides a great opportunity for people to learn latest news, watch educational programmes, children’s programmes, old and new films and soaps operas on TV.

I think, most teenagers prefer browsing the Internet to watching TV. Firstly, they can chat with friends all over the world, read news, find necessary information for their studies. Secondly, teenagers can send letters to their friends without the need of buying an envelope, and the letter will be delivered in a few seconds. Finally, they like social media sites.
As for me, I don’t spend much time watching TV. However, there is a TV programme I really like. It is a musical show “Voice” (Голос). Singers compete with each other presenting their wonderful voices and their interpretations of famous songs.

That’s all I can say about television, thank you for listening.

18. You are going to give a talk about school life.

  • what your weekday is like
  • what you like about your school most of all
  • whether you prefer classroom learning or online learning, and why

I am going to give a talk about school life. My weekday usually starts at 8 am. As a rule I have six lessons a day. All the students of my class have lunch after the fourth lesson. When all my lessons are over, I usually have one or two extra classes. We are getting ready to take our school-leaving exams.

There are a lot of things I like about my school. I really like my teachers. I believe that they are very understanding, helpful and are very good at explaining things. Besides, I like our school canteen. It is very comfortable, looks nice and the food is really tasty. All in all, I feel like that my school is part of my family.

As for me, I prefer classroom learning to online learning because I get to have face-to-face interactions with my classmates and teachers.

That’s all I can say about school life, thank you for listening.

19. You are going to give a talk about the seasons and weather.

  • what season is the best time in the region where you live
  • whether you agree with the proverb «There is no bad weather, there are only bad clothes»
  • what you usually do when it is nasty and cold

I am going to give a talk about the seasons and weather. I think late spring is the best time in Kemerovo Region, because the ground is covered with emerald – green grass and the first flowers. Besides, the trees are in full blossom. The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy.

However, I agree with the proverb “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”. It means that people like all the seasons, all kinds of weather. Every season is good in its own way. Each person likes this or that season. It depends on his character, mood.

As for me, when it is nasty and cold, I usually read books, play computer games and listen to music. All in all, I can organize my free time in any weather.

That’s all I can say about the seasons and weather, thank you for listening.

20. You are going to give a talk about books.

  • whether reading is still popular with teenagers, and why, or why not
  • what kind of books you like reading
  • why many people prefer e-books to paper books

I am going to give a talk about books. To my mind, reading is not so popular nowadays as it was a couple of decades before. There are several reasons for this. First, teenagers now have far more ways to entertain themselves. We have an opportunity to play computer games, listen to countless number of songs and watch any films we like on the Internet.

As for me, I like reading very much. My favourite kind of books is adventure stories. I like adventure stories because they make my monotonous life more exciting and interesting, give me an opportunity to travel around the world.

Most people nowadays prefer e-books to paper ones, as paper books cost more and occupy a lot of place in your home. Some really huge paper books are too heavy to be taken with you. As for the e-book, you can take it with you wherever you go.

All in all, despite the fact that reading is not so popular nowadays, it continues to remain one of my favourite pastimes.

That’s all I can say about books, thank you for listening.

Считаете ли вы важным следовать традициям наших дедушек и бабушек? Зачем?

каждый в стране есть свои традиции, некоторые из которых просуществовали века. На мой взгляд, надо сделать все возможное, чтобы сохранить их.

я думаю, что традиционные праздники доставляют огромное удовольствие и интерес, и они, безусловно, стоит сохранить.Семейные традиции часть нашей семьи и нашей национальной культуры. Они являются неотъемлемой частью часть культурного наследия.

Так мы несем ответственность за это наследие и не должны повторять ошибки тех поколений, которые уничтожили наши национальные сокровища и забыл нашу историю.

16. Обычаи и традиции англоязычной страны

  1. Что можешь рассказать мне о своем любимом отпуске в Британии?

  2. Будет вы хотите принять участие в праздновании британского праздника? Зачем?

  3. Что вопросы вы можете задать британскому подростку о хороших манерах в их страна?

  4. Что хорошие манеры вы порекомендуете британскому туристу Беларусь?

  5. Сейчас все больше и больше людей интересуются таможней и традиции разных стран.Что вы думаете об этом?

Что вы можете рассказать о своем любимом отпуске в Британии?

мой Любимый праздник в Британии — Рождество. Он отмечается в двадцать пятый из Декабрь. Перед Рождеством люди отправляют открытки ближайшим и дорогой. Еще они поют карты и ставят рождественские украшения. внутри и снаружи домов. Они украшают свои дома вечнозеленые растения, потому что они символ жизни. В Рождество люди ходят в церковь.Они празднуют Рождество вместе с семьи. Люди едят рождественский ужин. Типичная рождественская еда — это жареная индейка, курица или гусь и жареный картофель или другое овощи.

Вы бы хотели принять участие в праздновании британского праздника? Зачем?

Мне бы хотел бы принять участие в Хэллоуине. Это один из самых известных британских традиции. Хеллоуин всегда отмечают 31 октября. На той ночью многие люди будут выглядеть пугающими существами, такими как вампиры или призраки.Делают это с помощью специальной одежды. и краска для лица.

На В ночь Хэллоуина дети надевают маски и другую одежду. Они идут из дома в дом с криком «Кошелек или жизнь!». Если люди в дома им не угощают, дети могут подшутить над их.

Некоторые взрослые надевают костюмы и посещают хеллоуинские вечеринки. Они тоже украсить свои дома. Очищают тыкву изнутри и режут смешные рожи на поверхности. Затем они помещают внутрь горящую свечу.Некоторые люди развешивают фальшивых летучих мышей, паутину и другие вещи вокруг домой.

Какие вопросы вы можете задать британскому подростку о хороших манерах в их стране?

  1. Являются англичане вежливые люди?

  2. Является вежливо говорить громко?

  3. Как англичане ведут себя на улице?

Какими хорошими манерами вы посоветуете следовать британскому туристу в Беларуси?

  • Типичное приветствие в Беларуси — крепкое рукопожатие с сохранением прямой зрительный контакт и своевременное приветствие дня.

  • когда близкие самки встречаются, они целуются в щеку трижды.

  • когда близкие самцы встречаются, они могут похлопать друг друга по спине и обнять.

  • мужчина ожидается, что гости принесут цветы.

  • Если Вас пригласили в белорусский дом, снимите уличную обувь. Вам могут дать тапочки.

  • Предложение помочь хозяйке с приготовлением или уборкой после еды обслуживается.


8 причин, почему традиции важны

Прямо перед праздником моя дочь спросила меня, что такое традиции. Я думал, что это урок, который она проводила в школе. Но, как выяснилось; это было просто модное слово в сезоне. Она везде его слышала и читала.

Я начал с очень простого ритуала, который мы разработали с тех пор, как приехали в этот город. Каждое воскресенье после совершения Евхаристии мы с дочерью приходили к этой тележке с попкорном. Купили бы хотя бы пачку (да, не в ванне).Мы ели это, когда болтали наша маленькая мама с дочерью. Часто она также покупала рюкзак, чтобы принести домой своему Лоло (Зофо / абуэло / дедушке). Она улыбнулась, говоря; «То, что мы всегда делаем на обычном бае».

Затем я попросил ее вспомнить то, что мы делали до того, как приехали сюда. Я сказал, что это «прерванная традиция», которой мы не занимаемся какое-то время. Я попросил ее вспомнить, как мы будем встречать китайский Новый год. У нас был бы небольшой стол с определенным набором блюд. Еще у нас был «тикой» или нянь гао.Это липкая сладкая закуска, которую обычно подают в это время года. Считалось, что это подношение богу кухни китайцев. В этот праздник мы также сажаем несколько овощей для будущего использования на кухне в качестве подарка Богу кухни. Она снова просияла и сказала: «Что-то, что мы делаем на празднике».

Что ж… Традиции, как мы в основном знаем, — это истории, верования, обычаи и распорядки, которые были переданы нам от старших поколений. Они были переданы из поколения в поколение в надежде сохранить его до следующих поколений.Исследования показывают, что распорядок дня и традиции являются частью здоровой семьи. Это дает безопасность молодым людям, нашим детям. Эти традиции помогают удовлетворить потребность детей в принадлежности. То, что наша семья занимается особенными делами, помогает нашим детям обрести чувство принадлежности, давая им чувство непрерывности и рутины, от которых они могут зависеть из года в год. Такие мероприятия способствуют укреплению здоровых отношений между поколениями, когда все получают удовольствие и от них ждут. Дети запоминают особые переживания семейных традиций больше, чем игрушки и подарки.Фактически, соблюдение традиций учит наших детей тому, что ценится в наших семьях. Традиции помогают сплотить нас как семью. И хотя не у всех из нас есть такие идеальные семейные отношения, семейные традиции так важны и должны передаваться из поколения в поколение, поскольку они создают связывающую силу для большинства.

Мы все пережили какие-то торжества за последние недели. Но традиции — это не только эти грандиозные ежегодные праздники; они могут варьироваться от очень больших до очень маленьких событий.И что действительно важно, так это воспоминания, которые мы делаем из них.

Как наши семьи меняются, так и происходит. Фактически, моя находится в постоянном вихре изменений. Традиции и создание традиций жизненно необходимы.

Идентичность и принадлежность

Традиции и ритуалы часто рассказывают историю о семье. Они служат напоминанием о событиях, которые повлияли на вашу семью и жизнь ваших детей. Помогает создать индивидуальность для ребенка; что-то, что он / она тоже может связать.

Кроме того, поскольку это часто говорит о семейной истории, это показывает нашим детям, что они являются частью чего-то большего. Это говорит им, что они не одни, а, скорее, часть большего целого. Психология обнаружила, что дети, которые хорошо знают историю своей семьи, обычно более приспособлены и уверены в себе, чем дети, которые этого не делают. Есть что-то в понимании своего прошлого и знании того, что вы принадлежите к чему-то большему, что вселяет уверенность в детей.

Эти моменты, проведенные вместе с предсказуемым распорядком дня в особые дни, помогают детям развить положительное чувство принадлежности к нашей семье. Когда мы намеренно и осознанно проводим время вместе, как семья, мы посылаем нашим детям сигнал о том, что они особенные, важные, которых ценят и любят. Они часть нашей семьи. Без них наша семья не будет полной.

Культурное и религиозное наследие

Многие семейные традиции передавались из поколения в поколение.Продолжать их в своей семье — отличный способ рассказать детям о культуре и религиозности своей семьи. Во многих отношениях это усиливает индивидуальность наших детей.

Если ваша семья в чем-то похожа на мою, то у нас не так много «семейных традиций». Это не значит, что я не могу создавать традиции для себя и своего ребенка. Тонны вдохновения можно почерпнуть из культуры и религии.

Ценности Инструкция

С течением времени ритуалы — религиозные или светские — использовались для передачи и укрепления ценностей.Я считаю, что то же самое и с семейными традициями. Ежедневная семейная молитва, соблюдение воскресенья и святых дней показывают нашим детям важность веры. Он усилен. Регулярные семейные обеды или мероприятия с семьей говорят нашим детям, что семья и солидарность имеют особое значение. Когда мы тратим время на вечерние сказки на ночь, ценность образования, чтения и обучения на протяжении всей жизни снижается.

Крепкие семейные узы через поколения

Традиции — это хорошая среда, которая дает редкую возможность для личного общения между семьями.Традиции дают членам семьи возможность лучше узнать друг друга и довериться друг другу. Совместное использование моментов создает связь, которая возникает из чувства, что вы являетесь частью чего-то особенного. Кроме того, они часто позволяют молодому поколению проводить время со старшими. Семейные исследователи обнаружили, что у детей с высоким уровнем вовлеченности бабушек и дедушек меньше эмоциональных и поведенческих проблем. Фактически, высокая вовлеченность бабушек и дедушек также в большинстве случаев коррелирует с меньшим материнским стрессом и более высокой вовлеченностью со стороны отца.Исследователи также постоянно находили, что семьи, которые часто придерживаются традиций, сообщают о более сильной связи и единстве, чем семьи, которые не установили совместные ритуалы.

Circle of Life

У Короля Льва есть особенная вещь, чтобы прижать его. Моя дочь оценила это благодаря фильму. Но по мере того, как поколения семей изменяют свои жизненные циклы, в игру вступает большее понимание и понимание. Круговая концепция времени и желание следовать естественному ритму дней и времен года глубоко укоренились в нас.Наш мир и вселенная состоят из циклов — смерти и возрождения, заката и восхода солнца. Традиции помогают конкретизировать то, как жизнь движется по циклическим схемам постоянно меняющихся и развивающихся моментов, которые дети оценят.


Этот счастливый момент ожидания чего-то особенного всегда является стихией для каждого. Прилив гормонов счастья поддерживает нас в позитивном ключе. Традиции — это поистине особенные моменты, которых мы с нетерпением ждем. Моя дочь с нетерпением ждет попкорна и парковых скамеек после воскресных евхаристических праздников.Она наслаждается ощущением купания под вечерним небом, когда горожане ходят вокруг нее. Это обычное занятие, но его ждут радостные ожидания.


Положительные детские воспоминания могут помочь нашим детям стать более счастливыми и щедрыми взрослыми. Недавние исследования показали, что нежные размышления о своем прошлом на самом деле дают множество положительных результатов, включая противодействие одиночеству, повышение щедрости по отношению к незнакомцам и предотвращение беспокойства.Это контрастирует с былой верой в то, что ностальгия является признаком депрессии,

Преднамеренное воспитание

Семейные традиции позволяют нам осознанно использовать свое время вместе с детьми. Это подталкивает нас к тому, чтобы проводить время каждый день, неделю, месяц и традиционные занятия вместе. Эти преднамеренные выборы важны. Наши дети вырастут быстро на наших глазах. Они есть и будут детьми только однажды, традиции — это семена, посеянные нашими намеренными усилиями.Они рассказывают нашим детям, из чего мы сделаны. Мы рассказываем им, из чего они сделаны. Что еще более важно, мы рассказываем им, какими они могут быть.

Без сомнения, важны семейные традиции. Все они сыграли большую роль в нашем детстве. Они помогли сформировать и сформировать то, кем мы являемся сейчас. Когда я стал отцом, было очень весело создавать новые традиции вместе с моей девочкой. Всегда есть место для создания новых вместе. В целом, существует и будет множество традиций, которые сделают обычные дни необычными.


7 причин, почему традиции так важны

Когда вы слышите слово праздник , что приходит на ум? Если вы похожи на большинство людей, покупки, вечеринки, распродажи и каталоги занимают первые места в вашем списке. По правде говоря, многие праздники становятся настолько коммерциализированными, что наши гордые традиции рискуют превратиться в банальность.

Многие из нас даже не могут вспомнить истинное значение праздников. День поминовения превратился из воспоминаний о наших павших солдатах в неофициальное начало лета.Роль Дня труда в признании достижений профсоюзов теперь знаменует только конец лета и возвращение в школу. День ветеранов отмечается как выходной день.

Значение традиций

Традиции представляют собой важную часть нашей культуры. Они помогают формировать структуру и основу наших семей и нашего общества. Они напоминают нам, что мы — часть истории, которая определяет наше прошлое, формирует то, кем мы являемся сегодня и кем мы, вероятно, станем. Игнорируя значение наших традиций, мы рискуем нанести ущерб основам нашей идентичности.

  • Традиция создает ощущение комфорта и принадлежности. Он объединяет семьи и позволяет людям снова общаться с друзьями.
  • Традиция укрепляет такие ценности, как свобода, вера, честность, хорошее образование, личная ответственность, сильная трудовая этика и ценность самоотверженности.
  • Tradition — это форум, на котором можно продемонстрировать образцы для подражания и отметить то, что действительно важно в жизни.
  • Tradition предлагает возможность сказать «спасибо» за тот вклад, который кто-то сделал.
  • Традиции позволяют нам продемонстрировать принципы наших отцов-основателей, воспевать разнообразие и объединяться как страна.
  • Традиции служат для создания незабываемых воспоминаний для наших семей и друзей.
  • Tradition предлагает отличный контекст для значимой паузы и размышлений.

Как руководители, образцы для подражания и родители, мы должны стремиться использовать каждую доступную нам возможность, чтобы укрепить ценности и убеждения, которыми мы дорожим. Альтернативой действию является принятие этих ценностей как должное.В результате наши убеждения со временем станут настолько размытыми, что наш образ жизни станет для нас чуждым. Это похоже на крепкое здоровье. Вы можете принимать это как должное, пока не потеряете. Если мы пренебрегаем нашими ценностями, однажды мы откроем глаза и больше не сможем узнавать «наш мир». Ценности, которые поддерживают основу нашей страны, нашей семьи и нашей веры, будут дрейфовать так долго, что ткань нашего общества будет разорвана.

Это адаптировано из книги «Следуй своей совести»: Измените свою жизнь и жизнь других людей Фрэнк Зонненберг © 2014 Франк Зонненберг.Все права защищены.

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7 способов жить с целями
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Важность бабушек и дедушек в жизни детей и советы по сближению

Хотя количество детей, рожденных в совместных семьях, может быть намного меньше, чем раньше, бабушки и дедушки и их взаимодействие с внуками все еще существуют. Мы редко понимаем важность бабушек и дедушек для их внуков, поскольку можем рассматривать это только как присутствие дополнительных членов семьи. Начиная с знакомства ваших детей с историческими аспектами семьи и заканчивая тем, что они воодушевляют их рост, бабушки и дедушки чрезвычайно важны для правильного формирования эмоционального роста ребенка.

Почему бабушки и дедушки важны для ваших детей

Хорошие отношения с другими членами семьи — это хорошо приучать детей. Однако роль бабушек и дедушек в развитии ребенка гораздо глубже, и они могут помочь им разными способами.

1. Первый внешний залог для детей

В зависимости от того, насколько близки бабушка и дедушка к семье, некоторые дети могут расти в их присутствии с самого младенчества, в то время как другие могут начинать встречаться с ними по мере взросления.В большинстве случаев эта связь с бабушкой и дедушкой является первой связью в их жизни, которую они формируют отдельно от связи с родителями. В то время как дети, как правило, полагаются на своих родителей в вопросах выживания и приверженности своим решениям, связь с бабушками и дедушками позволяет большинству детей довольно легко открываться и быть честными.

2. Преодоление разрыва в поколении

Мы все выросли на разных этапах истории и пережили разные стороны жизни вместе. Сегодняшний мир сильно зависит от технологий и способности справляться с новыми вещами быстрее и разумнее.В то время как дети могут легко освоить это, бабушки и дедушки обычно сталкиваются с трудностями, когда примиряются с ними. С другой стороны, раннее знакомство с различными аспектами мира может застать многих детей неподготовленными, и они не смогут понять, почему определенные вещи существуют именно так. Связь между бабушками и дедушками и детьми может помочь им помочь друг другу: дети учат своих бабушек и дедушек пользоваться устройствами, а бабушки и дедушки рассказывают детям мудрые истории и открывают им различные жизненные события.

3. Упрощенный и легкий уход за детьми

Современные родители с нетерпением ждут возвращения к своей трудовой жизни и продолжения своей карьеры, как только смогут, после рождения ребенка. Выбор в пользу присмотра за детьми или няни — это не только тяжелый труд, но и отсутствие теплых узы доверия и знакомства. Наличие бабушки и дедушки в непосредственной близости от них обычно может работать им на пользу, поскольку у них обычно есть все время в течение дня. Сделав их частью жизни вашего ребенка на определенный период времени, бабушки и дедушки получат возможность общаться с детьми и наладить связь, в то время как у вашего ребенка будет кто-то, кто будет о них хорошо заботиться.

4. Безопасный бунт

Большинство дедушек и бабушек безмерно любят своих внуков. Иногда даже до того, что баловали их и соглашались на каждое их требование. С другой стороны, дети также могут найти видимость комфорта и безопасности со своими бабушками и дедушками, поскольку они могут легко открывать им другие аспекты своей жизни или даже наслаждаться отсутствием строгих правил, которые родители могут наложить на них. Хотя важно прийти к консенсусу с дедушкой и бабушкой относительно того, какие правила должны соблюдаться буквой, вашим детям может быть позволено восстать против системы, хорошо зная, что их бабушка и дедушка заботятся о них.Пропуск домашних заданий и быстрый поход в парк доставят детям огромную радость.

5. Другой способ дисциплины и совета

Родители обычно строго следят за своими детьми, и советы обычно сопровождаются отсутствием выбора. Из-за этого дети иногда становятся интровертами или постоянно спорят с родителями, воздерживаясь от выполнения того, что от них просят. Присутствие бабушек и дедушек может быть весьма эффективным в таких случаях. Они обладают огромным терпением и могут сформулировать ваши собственные требования так, чтобы они не казались такими утомительными, как для ребенка.Огромный жизненный опыт, который несут бабушки и дедушки, и мудрость, с которой они справляются с ситуациями, могут сделать ваших детей более открытыми для того, чтобы следовать их словам и принимать их советы. Работа в команде всегда работает.

6. Знакомство с другой жизнью

Бабушки и дедушки имеют преимущество в том, что касается знаний и опыта в различных сферах жизни, в силу их возраста. Это может превратить их в сокровищницу историй и забавных моментов, о которых стоит рассказать, а некоторые даже связаны с вами.Когда ваш ребенок проводит время со своими бабушкой и дедушкой, его разум открывается для понимания, насколько разными могут быть жизни, и даже начинает представлять вас ребенком, когда вы были в том же возрасте, что и он. Некоторые бабушки и дедушки могут слишком вмешиваться в этом отношении, поскольку они склонны ставить собственную мудрость выше необходимости воспитывать ребенка по-своему. На этих условиях всегда можно прийти к компромиссу, но позволить вашим детям испытать, какой может быть другая жизнь, и позволить им пожинать плоды чудесных историй, всегда важно для формирования из него сильного человека.

Советы по установлению здоровой связи между бабушками, дедушками и внуками

Когда вы узнаете, как бабушка и дедушка влияют на внуков и какие преимущества это потенциально имеет, вы можете работать над тем, чтобы между ними обоими начала развиваться хорошая связь. Использование нескольких советов в этих строках всегда может упростить задачу.

1. Создание семейного древа

Это может быть не новое занятие, и вы вполне можете сделать это со своим ребенком самостоятельно.Однако дедушки и бабушки — лучший выбор в этом отношении, поскольку они могут обеспечить гораздо более широкое пространство дерева. Кроме того, знакомство вашего малыша с другими членами семьи также может сопровождаться историями из их жизни, некоторые из которых могут быть вдохновляющими, а другие — забавными. Это также позволяет вашим бабушкам и дедушкам сохранять ясную память.

2. Обучение хобби

Очень велика вероятность, что дедушка и бабушка могли знать определенный навык или хобби, которые могут быть не распространены в наши дни.Это может быть довольно увлекательно для вашего малыша и сделать его увлекательным занятием для них обоих. Бабушки и дедушки любят, когда они могут научить своих внуков новому навыку, и ваш малыш будет в восторге, когда узнает его и продемонстрирует его вам и его друзьям в школе. Совместное времяпрепровождение с этими навыками может помочь создать особую связь между ними обоими, которая будет незаменимой.

3. Оставайтесь на связи по почте

Не все бабушки и дедушки остаются рядом со своими внуками.На самом деле это может дать детям возможность поддерживать с ними связь различными способами. Пусть ваш ребенок напишет рукописное письмо бабушке и дедушке с соответствующей почтовой маркой и конвертом. Получение письма от внуков может принести им много счастья. Позже ваши дети могут даже научить их пользоваться электронной почтой, а затем общаться с ними через нее.

4. Создавайте фото воспоминания

Позвольте вашим детям делать селфи с бабушкой и дедушкой и даже научите их делать несколько селфи самостоятельно.Делая это на регулярной основе, можно составить изящный альбом, в котором прослеживается рост вашего ребенка с присутствием бабушек и дедушек повсюду, создавая прекрасную коллекцию воспоминаний, которые вы все можете пролистать вместе.

5. Используйте технологии

С появлением цифровых устройств общаться с кем угодно стало очень легко. Используйте видеозвонки, чтобы регулярно разговаривать с бабушками и дедушками, или позвольте детям показать им что-нибудь интересное, что они сделали. Бабушки и дедушки могут даже записать собственные истории или видеоролики и отправить их своим внукам в качестве воспоминаний.

6. Старайтесь посещать как можно чаще

Нет ничего лучше, чем встретиться с кем-то лично и провести время вместе. Независимо от того, где останавливаются ваши бабушка и дедушка, постарайтесь запланировать поездку хотя бы один или два раза в год, чтобы у ваших детей была возможность установить с ними связь. Бабушки и дедушки будут рады, если их семья будет рядом, и даже будут вместе отмечать некоторые семейные торжества.

Влияние бабушек и дедушек на эмоциональное развитие ребенка обычно недооценивается и вообще не может быть определено количественно.Связь, которую они оба разделяют, совершенно разная, и ее нелегко воспроизвести. Убедитесь, что ваши дети проводят вместе как можно больше времени, и позвольте им быть более чуткими и разносторонними личностями, когда они вырастут.

Читайте также: Как улучшить родительские навыки?
