Материал по английскому языку «Варианты эссе для подготовки к письменной части ЕГЭ»
Childhood is the safest period of human life.
It is a fact, when we are little our parents look after us very carefully. So, there is an opinion that a children’s life is less trouble-some and dangerous than an adult’s one.
As far as I am concerned, I agree with this statement for a good reason. First of all, as I have mentioned before, children are always watched by their parents. That is why even if a child hurts himself\herself or gets into a trouble his\her mother or father will necessarily help him\her. Furthermore, a person under age does not a full list of rights and responsibilities, so babies’ and teenagers’ life seems to be safe. For example, they cannot buy alcohol; go for a walk at night and so on.
However, some people believe that childhood is a really unsafe period of human life. In their view, children are too lively and, as a result, get injuries very often. Moreover, they have not enough life experience.
As for me, I don’t support these ideas. Obviously, children have always been active and unexperienced and these facts do not make their life dangerous.
To conclude, I am sure, childhood is the safest period of our life and we should be grateful for this benefit to our parents. I wish I hadn’t been a child yet.
(216 слов)
Mass Media’s importance in the life of a society has been growing rapidly nowadays.
In fact, diverse accidents, occurrences and other events happen every day in the whole world. And the main goal of the Mass Media is informing people honestly about all of them. However, there is the opinion that Mass Media activity should be limited.
As for me, I am at one with the supporters of this point of view for many reasons. First of all, the majority of the incidents described on TV or in some newspapers today are connected with criminals, violence and physical injuries. No doubt, the information like this influences people’s mood negatively. Moreover, if children watch so many cruel things daily, they may grow up with different mental illnesses and, as a result, can be dangerous for a society. In addition to that, some intelligence data given by unreliable Mass Media appears to be incorrect or even libel. That is why the Media have to be controlled by law or special organizations.
Despite all these facts a lot of people are sure the Mass Media should be free of any censorship. In their view, journalists have to show happenings in the way they really have come about without any hiding.
Actually, I cannot agree with this idea fully. Unquestionably, the consequences of such true or severe portion of information could be unpredictable.
To sum up, the Mass Media are an integral part of our life. But it necessarily should be limited because some information is obviously harmful. (241 слово)
Having pets helps to reduce stress.
It is well-known, the fast pace of our modern life appears to be one of the reasons why many people have stress. No doubt, there are a lot of ways to reduce it such as playing sports games or collecting antique things. Besides, some people believe that pets can make matters better.
As for me, I suppose pets animals really assist to reduce stress so I agree with the latter statement for a good reason. First of all, if you have a pet you can be sure that someone always waits for you coming back home as well as needs your care and attention. These facts, unquestionably, help to be in a good mood. Furthermore, some kinds of pets like dogs and horses can diversify your life very much by accompanying you during your morning run or horse riding, for example.
However, there is a point of view that very often stress growth is caused by home animals. The supporters of this idea think so, probably, because pets often are the real source of furniture damage or dirt in a house.
Actually, I wouldn’t support these people. I’d advise them to learn how to forbid our “younger brothers” for their weaknesses and to see positive moments in keeping them more than negative ones.
To sum up, pets play an important role in people’ lives. They help us not only to reduce stress but to make our life better and more enjoyable. (242 слова)
Schools should allow their students choose school subjects for studying.
It goes without saying the majority of senior pupils have already decided what kind of profession they’ll have in the future. So, there is an opinion that high school students should be allowed to study only those subjects which are required for entering universities (higher schools).
From my point of view, this position is not reasonable. I think so because, firstly, if children in high school concentrated on profile subjects only and stopped paying attention to other disciplines, they would be illiterate in the latter-day spheres. Secondly, I think not quite all students studying for examples in the tenth grade are sure what type of work they want to do. That is why such teenagers should be given a chance to try their best in different branches of science equally.
However, some people believe senior pupils have to focus on their special subjects during their final school years. The supporters of this idea guess that “unnecessary” disciplines take too much time to learn them well and get a good mark in a certificate of secondary education. Thus, these subjects distract school leavers from their major goal. Moreover, certain areas of science could seem uninteresting or, probably, extremely difficult for some students — this is the main reason why they disapprove of the existing school system.
As for me, I cannot agree with the position like this. No doubt, studying at school is not easy but if you want to be a worthy member of society you should be widely educated.
To conclude, students have to think seriously about their future studies but also not to forget about their complete school education. (270 слов)
It is impossible to live without cars and they really make our life more comfortable and convenient.
There is no need to say that cars have become a part and a parcel of our life. In fact, millions of people use them every day to get to work or some other places. But despite there is a point of view that cars make our life worse and it would be nice to live without them.
As far as I am concerned I agree with the idea of cars as the problem maker fully for many reasons. First of all, too much air pollution is caused by cars. As scientific studies say, the main source of big city habitants’ breath problems are traffic fumes. Furthermore, air pollution leads to acid rains which kill plants and trees. Secondly, a constantly growing number of personal cars is the reason why huge traffic jams exist nowadays. Thus, it is not only people who drive cars but also passengers of public transport who suffer from this problem. No doubt, if everyone tried to use the underground or, for example, bicycles more often, our cities would be healthier places to live in.
However, some people believe it is impossible to live without cars in our modern world. The supporters of this opinion are sure that there is no alternative replacement to cars if you work far away from home or need to get to some hard accessible place urgently. Moreover, vehicles give a good chance to make the transportation of children and elder people quicker and more convenient.
As for me, I don’t agree with position like this. Obviously, the world would be better if people from all countries made an attempt to use the most economical means of transport.
To conclude, personal cars have become a big danger to the environment and people’s health. So, the world free of them could be much safer. (302 слова)
Many people think that we should explore space and visit other planets. However, some people say that space exploration is a waste of time and money.
There is no need to say that space is an unexplored and alluring world which makes people interested in researching countless galaxies and stars. But it is a fact space exploration is a really expensive cost item of any country’s economy.
As far as I am concerned, space should be explored for a good reason. First of all, we know very little about our universe and it undoubtedly appears to be a big source of danger for the Earth from time to time. That is why scientists have to study space processes in order to predict some possible disaster and try to avoid it. Furthermore, our own planet has become overpopulated and full of litter over the last centuries. So, if astronauts found some other planet suitable for living human beings it would become a lifeline for our civilization.
However, many people are sure that space exploration is a waste of time and money. In their opinion, the money spent on spaceships or difficult scientific studies could be used to solve the most burning global problems, such as famine or poverty in some African countries. Besides, the supporters of this point of view think that missions in the open space are too dangerous and harmful for cosmonauts and they are not worth someone’s life’s risk.
I do not agree with the position space exploration is unnecessary because of the lack of money or huge risks. I suppose these obstacles are not big enough for the mankind to stop making the essential space discoveries.
To conclude, space research seems to be a quite unsafe and expensive activity but despite this people should aim to learn as much as possible about it. (280 слов)
Professional sport is harmful for health.
In fact, sport is a type of activity which many people enjoy. All kinds of sports can be divided into amateur and professional. And there is an opinion the latter are quite dangerous and not useful for athletes.
As far as I’m concerned, I agree with this point of view for many reasons. Firstly, if a sportsperson wants to get success (for example, to win the Olympic Games), he\she should start his\her sport career since childhood. No doubt, during the process of hard daily trainings children can be injured very often. Unfortunately, such sport traumas appear to be really tragic sometimes. Secondly, it is well-known that professional athletes must follow some strict diets and live according to fixed schedules. To my mind, such type of lifestyles is tiring and unhealthy.
Nevertheless, some people believe professional sport seems to be exciting and there is nothing to worry about. In their opinion, experienced sportsmen are used to training intensively and getting injuries. Moreover, the fantastic performances shown by professional athletes are worth all sacrifices.
I think, this position is not reasonable. Obviously, health is unquestionably the most important thing in our life. And we should not endanger ourselves just to show an extraordinary trick.
To conclude, if I were asked what is more preferable to me – a professional or amateur sport – I would choose the latter because it is much easier and safe. (231 слово)
Learning foreign languages gives more possibilities in future career.
It is a fact foreign language proficiency opens a great number of opportunities in different spheres of life. For instance, there is an opinion that a person knowing some foreign language well can earn the money by working as an interpreter.
As far as I am concerned, I cannot agree with this statement for many reasons. First of all, it is obvious if you want to provide the services of translation qualitatively, it is not enough just to speak a foreign language fluently. At least this job requires a whole list of special simultaneous translation skills which can be got only in universities or on completing some courses. Furthermore, a real interpreter should not only have deep lexical and grammar knowledge but also be polite, patient and friendly. That is why this profession is not suitable for everyone (even with great language experience).
However, some people think if you have mastered a foreign language, you are sure to be successful as an interpreter. From their point of view, language interpretation can be limited to language knowledge and basic speaking skills are enough to be a specialist in this sphere.
But I suppose, this position does not seem to be reasonable because the profession of an interpreter is undoubtedly demands lots of experience in a great number of spheres such as culture, economics etc.
To conclude, the job of a specialist like that has become wide spread over the past years but we should not mix up the notions of an interpreter and just a person knowing a foreign language well. (260 слов)
Nowadays libraries have become less popular.
It is well known people today are very busy to visit public libraries more or less often. Moreover, there are a lot of other factors threatening libraries in our modern life. That’s why the possibility that they can disappear in the future exists.
From my point of view this threat is far from being real and this idea can be explained and proved. Firstly, despite the number of people attending libraries just to read books regularly has been reduced they will always be the only and irreplaceable source of rare and unique information from different branches of science. Secondly, I believe a love of reading traditional books hasn’t been killed totally by modern entertainment gadgets and public library fans will always exist.
However, there is an opinion that public libraries will go away very soon. The supporters of this idea think so because people today are not really keen on reading. In fact, they would rather watch TV or surf the Internet. Besides, even if avid readers still remain in our society they mainly prefer to use electronic books because of their mobility and a wide range of available literature.
As far as I am concerned, I suppose neither the watching TV nor the reading an electronic book anywhere can take the place of a serious and thought provoking process of reading books in a public library.
To conclude, the popularity of public libraries can really go down but the importance of them for spiritual development of people is unquestionable. (250 слов)
Classmates can be the best friends forever. ( тема ЕГЭ 2014)
It is well known school friends are real friends. While studying at school young people are used to sharing the same opinions on different subjects as well as relying on their classmates in troubles. Ideally, this friendship will last forever. But it’s not easy to remain it.
I strongly believe that school friends are forever. Firstly, they’d known one another for 11 years. Secondly, they shared exciting, happy moments as well as the minutes of sorrow and disappointments connected with bad marks or some other problems at school. So they had a lot of chances not only to enjoy their friendship but to test it — a friend in need is a friend indeed. Thirdly, they learnt to appreciate their friendship, to support one another as well as to put up with one another after quarrels.
But there are people who think that the life after graduating school can separate school friends and not give them a chance to be together any more. The supporters of this idea believe entering different universities or moving to other cities are the inevitable barriers for school friendship. Besides, they are sure the interests of former classmates are getting different quickly.
From my point of view, this fear to loose school friendship is unreasonable. Firstly, distance can’t prevent the devoted friends from remaining the best ones thanks to different means of communications and ways of gathering together. Secondly, school years did a lot to strengthen friendship and to keep it for a long time.
To conclude, school friendship could become the best gift in someone’s life if he could make his best friend at school. (270 слов)
People can be talented and as the result of this talent very successful. But the discipline is not less important in life.
There is no need to say that any activity people are involved in talent is a quite important characteristic. However, some people believe discipline is more significant. It plays not less important role in any business than any talent.
As far as I am concerned, I’m a supporter of the last mentioned point of view for a good reason. First off all, I think any person can achieve success working hard and overcoming hardships despite the lack of any specific talent. But if there is no discipline in your occupation it will be very troublesome to reach your goals. Furthermore, only few percent of people are really gifted nowadays as it has always been, so it’s not reasonable to rely on their talent.
Nevertheless, the opinion that talent is more important has become widespread. People sharing this idea are sure that if you are gifted, everything you have to do will be done well without a strict discipline. Moreover, they guess talented persons just do not need control because they are able to get success much easier and faster than others.
As for me, I disagree with the position like that because I suppose, discipline is an integral part of any serious occupation including such areas as studying or professional spheres.
To sum up, I would like to stress that a strong discipline in any activity necessarily helps to organize the process in an excellent way. (236 слов)
There is the opinion that only English as an international language should be learnt at school nowadays as a foreign language.
It’s a well-known fact that learning foreign languages not only extends people’s outlook but gives a person more opportunities in his future career as well as in the process of communicating in a “global village”. Today there are nice possibilities for student to learn more than one foreign language at school. Meanwhile some people suppose English is the only one which deserves attention.
In my opinion, English is unquestionably popular nowadays but school children should have a chance to learn other foreign languages. I think so because, no doubt, if a student studies not only English but some other language he’ll find a good job and he’s likely to become successful. Moreover, learning several foreign languages pupils have a better chance to explore different cultures, peoples and their ancient traditions.
However, the point of view that only English can be included into the school programme has become widespread. The supporters of this opinion believe there’s no need to waste time learning some “exotic” language because only English is considered to be an international one and it’s sure to be in great demand. Furthermore, they guess school children are overcharged with a serious school curricular without the second foreign language.
As for me, I cannot agree with this viewpoint for a good reason. Obviously, learning any foreign language one can broaden his mind to a considerable extent.
To conclude, young people studying at school shouldn’t be limited by only English because everyone has the right to be more educated. (248 слов)
Some people believe that teenagers today are generally rude, lazy and badly behaved. Other people, however, think that teens have such a reputation for no reason.
In fact, there’s an opinion that teenagers are quite impolite and impatient nowadays. Are they really so badly behaved or is it just a firm stereotype?
In my view, teens today do not differ from the ones living, for example, ten years ago and it’s a mistake to say that present-day young people are more lazy or rude. First of all, we should not forget that some irritation is typical of teens. And it’s not surprising because I know from my personal experience that children at the age of fourteen or sixteen are pressed with so much information and feelings. Furthermore, adults are not pleasant with contemporary teenagers probably because they notice their harmful behavior rather than some positive deeds. For instance, there’re many teenage communities which take part in various voluntary events and public works.
However, a lot of people are sure that the majority of teens are bad-mannered. Perhaps, these people deal with more aggressive and unpredictable among them or meet them wandering in the street and that’s why they’re not satisfied with the teenagers’ manners at all. Unfortunately, the modern society contains different kinds of personalities so I cannot disagree with this point of view fully.
To conclude, teenagers with good and bad reputation have always existed and if I could I would ask adults not to be quick to make criticizing remarks concerning us. (229 слов)
Computer technologies and the Internet have changed our lives to a considerable extent over the past few years. There are disadvantages as well good points of these civilization’s items.
No wonder, those changes have concerned not only our everyday life but learning and teaching as well. Many people believe that the Internet lectures and webinars are of the great use for students. However, in my view, there’ll be a lot of minuses. Firstly, using the Internet lectures in academic studies is not the best idea. One reason for this statement is the level of lecturer (student) contact that we are used to may be reduced and it could cause reception problems. Besides, if the importance of attending classes is decreased, lectures and students will seldom meet each other and there will be fewer possibilities for consultations. In other words, student’s knowledge could suffer seriously. Apart from this negative impact that the Internet may have on lecture/ student relationships, we also have to consider the drawbacks to students ‘health. What I mean is attending university lectures gives students an opportunity to change the usual scenery, to have some activity during the way from home to campus as well as to meet friends and acquaintances. If it’s no longer necessary to leave home then students may suffer physically and mentally.
However, it would be a mistake to mention that the Internet lecture method is useless or even unhealthy. We shouldn’t forget that it’s an excellent way not to be retarded for people who have no possibilities to attend university lectures for some reasons.
To conclude, we cannot deny the value of the Internet as a source of information but we have to stand against the developing and unhealthy dependence on it. (289 слов)
When teens reach the age of 18 many of them are independent and responsible enough to live by themselves. So, there’s an opinion that people of age shouldn’t continue to live with their parents.
As for me, I cannot agree with this statement fully. I my view, it’s too categorically to say that after finishing school children would rather leave home to start living on their own. First of all, it is very problematic for them to study and to provide for their living at the same time as they used to be cared and supported by their parents and even can’t exist without the last ones. Furthermore, most of 18 year-old persons are immature. In other words, if they live alone they seem not to be able to manage their budget in some cases. It takes much time to learn how to overcome hardships as well as to manage time or budget.
However, there are people who are sure that it would be better if children at the age of 18 existed separately from their parents. To their mind, such children will get used to adult life faster if they start living independently earlier. Moreover, sometimes it becomes troublesome for parents to live together with a grown up child.
To conclude, one day children have to start an adult life but it doesn’t mean that they ought to leave home at teen’s age. They should get used to the new process of studying first before having been faced the great amount of living apart from their families problems. (259 слов)
Today there is an opinion that if you want to get success in any sphere you should be gifted. However, some people are sure that the capacity of working hard is a more significant quality in any achievement.
As for me, I support the persons thinking that hard work means a lot in getting success for a good reason. First of all, if you work hard permanently for a long time you undoubtedly improve your skills and make yourself better and better. Thus, such people even have some advantages over the ones who just rely on their talent. Moreover, the history knows a great number of examples of those who despite of the lack of their talent have got a big success. For instance, L.V.Betehoven or A. Einstein.
But there are people in our modern society who believe that the talent is a decisive factor in getting serious achievements. From their point of view, if the person possesses some special feature (skill) he is sure to get success. In other words, such persons do not have to work harder than the others. I think it is not quite logical to think so because all people should do their best to succeed, in my view, — no matter if they have talent or not.
To sum up, I’d like to highlight that both – talent and hard work are important for someone in making success. It’s easier for a gifted and hard working person to reach the goals on his way to success as well as to loose any gift for a lazy one. (261 слово)
Темы эссе для ЕГЭ по английскому языку
18 марта 2020
В закладки
Темы составлены на основе учебников М. В. Вербицкой.
1. Smoking should be prohibited.
2. Travelling abroad helps to understand your own country.
3. The growth of cities is harmful to the environment.
4. Technical progress is harmful for the humanity.
5. The most important thing in life is health.
6. The most important thing in life is love.
7. Social media interaction is important for modern teenagers.
8. The most important thing in life is family.
9. The most important thing in life is work.
10. School classmates make the best friends.
11. It’s easier to make friends that to keep them.
12. The circus is the best entertainment for children.
13. Childhood is the safest period of human life.
15. Some people think that Russian is easier to learn than English.
16. It’s better to read a book rather than watch its screen version.
17. Following the fashion trends is waste of time and money.

19. In the digital age museums are still important.
20. A teacher should always be strict.
21. Organized travel is not as interesting as independent travel.
22. Playing sports helps to reduce stress.
23. Having a computer at home will help children to get a better education.
25. Cars are important modern type of transport.
26. To be rich means to be successful.
27. Future will bring only positive impact on the world.
28. Appearance is the most important thing for a modern teenager.
29. All school subjects should be equally important for a pupil.
30. Genetically modified products are not harmful for the health of people.
31. Cities provide people with more advantages than villages.
32. Graffiti should be considered as an act of vandalism.
33. Taking a gap year after school is necessary step for every teenager.

35. Diets are important to stay fit and healthy.
36. Healthy eating is an important part of everyday life.
37. Having only one language of communication on our planet is a wise decision.
38. Zoos should be prohibited.
39. Zoos help most animals to survive.
40. Studying a foreign language abroad is important for everyone.
41. Knowing one foreign language isn’t enough.
42. The Internet is the most useful invention in the world.
43. Human cloning experiments should be prohibited.
44. The Internet will be the main source of studying in the future.
46. Space exploration is very important for the future of our planet.
47. Space travelling should be available for everyone in the future.
48. Mobile phones are one of the most convenient ways of communication.
49. Modern teenagers are criticized for no reason.

50. Young generation lives better that people lived in the past.
51. Soap operas are not interesting and take too much time.
52. Violence on TV should be prohibited.
53. To be rich means to be happy.
54. Distant learning will become the only type of education in the future.
56. Home schooling is very convenient way of studying.
57. Government should be responsible for people’s health.
58. Holidays are important for every culture.
59. Modern life is impossible without travelling.
60. Travelling broadens one’s outlook.
61. One should choose a future profession according to personal interests and talents.
62. Parents should allow teenagers to work part-time.
63. Work from home is better that the work in an office.
64. Reality show is one of the best TV shows.
65. Digital literacy is an important part of modern life.
Какой этап жизни самый важный?
Видеозапись «Мастер-класса по воспитанию детей: какой самый важный этап в жизни?»
Пиа: «Здравствуйте, я доктор Пиа Ребелло Бритто, ученый из ЮНИСЕФ, где мы работаем, чтобы помочь развитию мозга младенцев».
Гроувер: «И это я, твой милый и очаровательный друг, Гроувер!»
Пия: «И Гроувер поможет мне объяснить, как сделать так, чтобы дети росли умнее, сильнее и добрее… потому что именно это они делают на Улице Сезам каждый день».
Гроувер: «Я думал, мы собираемся поговорить об этом маленьком саженце!
Ой! Посмотрите, как это мило! Да, вы! Да, вы!»
Пия: «Выглядит очень здоровым, Гроувер. Ты, должно быть, хорошо о нем заботишься.
Гроувер: «О, я».
Пия: «Но прежде чем мы начнем, у меня к вам важный вопрос».
Гроувер: «Что это?»
Pia: «Знаете ли вы, что на протяжении всей жизни человека — от младенцев до взрослых — какой этап жизни самый важный?»
Гроувер: «Доктор Пиа! Конечно, я знаю, какой самый важный этап…»
Пия: «Ммм хм?»
Гроувер: «…жизни…»
Пия: «Ммм хм?»
Гроувер: «…есть».
Пиа: «Я помогу тебе.
Самый важный период жизни — это первые несколько лет, когда вы еще ребенок. Именно тогда мозг растет очень быстро — быстрее, чем когда-либо в нашей жизни. Каждую секунду мозг создает [более 1 миллиона] новых соединений! На самом деле, некоторые считают, что более 80% мозга формируется к тому времени, когда ребенку исполняется три года».
Гроувер: «Подождите. Ты хочешь сказать, что все это сделал мой маленький мохнатый мозг монстра? Еще до того, как мне исполнилось три года? Я даже умнее, чем я думал, ха-ха!»
Пиа: «Вы точно! Но мозг может делать это только тогда, когда он получает питательную пищу, время для игр, много любви и безопасности… Это «есть, играть, любить»!»
Гроувер: «Да, это просто, доктор Пиа! Я ем, играю и люблю каждый день со своими друзьями на Улице Сезам».
Пиа: «И поэтому ты мне помогаешь! Мозг ребенка ничем не отличается от саженца».
Гроувер: «Подождите, что вы имеете в виду?»
Пиа: «Их обоих надо кормить!
Знаете ли вы, что более половины каждого приема пищи идет на формирование мозга ребенка? Вся эта энергия зажигает мозговые связи».
Гроувер: «Точно так же, как этому маленькому саженцу нужно много воды…
О, у вас есть немного воды. Да, и почва и солнечный свет, чтобы он мог вырасти большим и сильным!»
Пиа: «Точно. Поэтому, если саженец не будет получать воду и солнечный свет, он не зацветет.
Дальше игра. Разговаривать, петь, обниматься, играть с маленьким ребенком — это не только весело, но и важно активировать эти мозговые связи».
Гроувер: «О, я умею играть!
Тег! Ты это!»
Пиа: «Наконец, детям нужна любовь — много любви и безопасная, счастливая среда, чтобы процветать».
Гровер: «О да, любовь. Я посажу тебя у своего окна, где ты будешь сидеть под теплым солнцем и быть счастливым и в безопасности, а также иметь прекрасный вид на Улицу Сезам!»
Пиа: «Иными словами, дети растут и учатся в повседневных моментах. Мы не должны недооценивать силу питательной пищи, игр и большой любви — любить детей — это то, что им нужно, чтобы быть здоровыми и сильными».
Гроувер: «Да, точно так же, как этот милый саженец когда-нибудь вырастет в большой красивый цветок!»
Пиа: «И когда о каждом цветке заботятся, Гроувер, у нас получается прекрасный сад.
Итак, присоединяйтесь к «Улице Сезам» и ЮНИСЕФ, чтобы сделать ранние моменты важными и дать самым маленьким в вашей жизни лучшее начало!»
Гроувер: «Лучший. Ты заслужил это, в конце концов».
Доктор Пиа Бритто является руководителем отдела развития детей младшего возраста ЮНИСЕФ. Снято с Гроувером из «Улицы Сезам».
Раннее развитие мозга и здоровье
Ранние годы жизни ребенка очень важны для дальнейшего здоровья и развития

Насколько хорошо развивается мозг, зависит от многих факторов помимо генов, таких как:
- Правильное питание, начиная с беременности
- Воздействие токсинов или инфекций
Опыт ребенка с другими людьми и миром
Воспитание и чуткая забота о теле и разуме ребенка являются ключом к поддержке здорового развития мозга. Положительный или отрицательный опыт может влиять на развитие ребенка и иметь последствия на всю жизнь. Чтобы воспитывать тело и разум своего ребенка, родители и опекуны нуждаются в поддержке и нужных ресурсах. Правильный уход за детьми, начинающийся еще до рождения и продолжающийся в детстве, гарантирует, что мозг ребенка хорошо растет и полностью раскрывает свой потенциал. CDC работает над тем, чтобы защитить детей, чтобы у их мозга было здоровое начало.
Важность опыта раннего детства для развития мозга
Дети рождаются готовыми к обучению, и в течение многих лет они приобретают множество навыков. Они полагаются на родителей, членов семьи и других опекунов как на своих первых учителей, чтобы развить необходимые навыки, чтобы стать независимыми и вести здоровую и успешную жизнь. На рост мозга сильно влияет опыт общения ребенка с другими людьми и миром. Забота о разуме имеет решающее значение для роста мозга. Дети растут и учатся лучше всего в безопасной среде, где они защищены от пренебрежения и экстремального или хронического стресса, где есть множество возможностей для игр и исследований.
Родители и другие опекуны могут способствовать здоровому развитию мозга, разговаривая со своим ребенком, играя с ним и заботясь о нем. Дети лучше всего учатся, когда родители по очереди говорят и играют, и опираются на навыки и интересы своего ребенка.
Воздействие стресса и травмы может иметь долгосрочные негативные последствия для мозга ребенка, в то время как разговор, чтение и игра могут стимулировать рост мозга. Обеспечение родителей, опекунов и поставщиков услуг по уходу за детьми младшего возраста ресурсами и навыками для обеспечения безопасного, стабильного, заботливого и стимулирующего ухода является важной целью общественного здравоохранения.
Когда дети находятся в группе риска, отслеживание их развития и контроль за тем, чтобы они достигли основных этапов развития, может помочь обеспечить раннее выявление любых проблем и предоставление детям необходимого вмешательства.
Узнайте больше о поддержке детского опыта:
- Отслеживание этапов развития
- Предотвращение жестокого обращения и пренебрежения
- Советы позитивного воспитания
- Здоровый уход за детьми
Здоровое начало для мозга
Для правильного обучения и роста мозг ребенка должен быть здоровым и защищенным от болезней и других рисков. Содействие развитию здорового мозга можно начать еще до беременности. Например, здоровое питание и правильные питательные вещества, такие как достаточное количество фолиевой кислоты, будут способствовать здоровой беременности и здоровой нервной системе растущего ребенка. Прививки могут защитить беременных женщин от инфекций , которые могут нанести вред мозгу будущего ребенка.
Во время беременности мозг может подвергаться воздействию многих типов рисков, таких как инфекционные заболевания, такие как цитомегаловирус или вирус Зика, воздействие токсинов, в том числе в результате курения или алкоголя, или когда беременные матери испытывают стресс, травму или психическое расстройство состояния, такие как депрессия. Регулярный уход за здоровьем во время беременности может помочь предотвратить осложнения, в том числе преждевременные роды, которые могут повлиять на мозг ребенка. Скрининг новорожденных может выявить потенциально опасные для мозга ребенка состояния, например фенилкетонурию (ФКУ).
Здоровый рост мозга в младенчестве по-прежнему зависит от правильного ухода и питания. Поскольку детский мозг все еще растет, они особенно уязвимы к черепно-мозговым травмам, инфекциям или токсинам, таким как свинец. Детские вакцины, такие как вакцина против кори, могут защитить детей от опасных осложнений, таких как отек головного мозга. Предоставление родителям и опекунам доступа к здоровой пище и местам для жизни и игр, которые являются здоровыми и безопасными для их ребенка, может помочь им обеспечить более заботливый уход.
Узнайте больше о рекомендуемом уходе:
- До беременности
- Во время беременности
- Около рождения
- В младенчестве
- В раннем детстве
Что делает CDC для поддержки здоровья мозга на ранних стадиях?
Центры по контролю и профилактике заболеваний (CDC) стремятся поддерживать здоровье головного мозга в раннем возрасте с помощью программ, основанных на фактических данных, и партнерств внутри сообществ.
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