Вариант 1 » Незнайка — варианты ЕГЭ, ОГЭ, ВПР 2023
Раздел 1. Аудирование
Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A—G. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в поле справа.
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A. TV may have a negative effect on learning.
B. TV should change in the future.
C. TV can teach a lot.
D. TV has many functions.
E. TV can ruin family life.
F. TV should be switched on and off in time.
G. TV can be a good friend.
Вы услышите радиопередачу о звездах современной рок-музыки. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A— G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в поле справа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
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1. Rock stars’ income cannot be compared with income in any other professional category.
2. Some rock stars admit that they earn more than they deserve.
3. Being a good singer is more important than being lucky in show business.
4. Star fans are not happy when a rock star appears too often on TV and in movies.
5. Rock stars support charity programs in many different ways.
6. Most rock stars end their life in poverty.
7. The stage life of many rock stars is not long.
Вы услышите интервью, которое школьница берет у своей бабушки для школьной радиогазеты. В заданиях 3—9 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
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The girl’s grandmother goes by the name of Elaine because
1. it is only natural to go by one’s first name for a girl.
2. she didn’t like her real first name and changed it when she grew up.
3. she wanted to avoid confusion with other female members in the family.
Elaine liked primary school because
1. she could be alone at least on the way to school.
2. her teacher always made her feel special.
3. she could learn more, listening to older kids.
Among Elaine’s chores was
1. waxing the floors.
2. tidying the closets.
3. washing the dishes.
When in high school Elaine
1. proved to be a natural dancer.
2. couldn’t learn to play basketball.
3. could take athletics with boys.
She got a chance to go to college because
1. her employer helped her to continue her education.
2. she earned enough money working at the creamery and at the cafeteria.
3. she got an academic scholarship.
She majored in
1. economics.
2. home economics education.
3. education.
Elaine had a big family, and remembering her kids growing up
1. she feels sorry she had so many children.
2. she wishes she had more.
3. she believes it was a reward for all her previous problems.
Раздел 2. Чтение
Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. A taste of everything
2. Shop till you drop
3. City’s tourist attractions
4. Ancient traditions live on
5. Activities for the adventurous and hardy
6. On the crossroads of religions
7. For the body, mind and soul
8. From the high peaks to the deep seas
A. Today Jakarta has much to offer, ranging from museums, art and antique markets, first class shopping to accommodations and a wide variety of cultural activities. Jakarta’s most famous landmark, the National Monument or Monas is a 137m obelisk topped with a flame sculpture coated with 35 kg of gold. Among other places one can mention the National museum that holds an extensive collection of ethnographic artifacts and relics, the Maritime Museum that exhibits Indonesia’s seafaring traditions, including models of sea going vessels.
B. Sumatra is a paradise for nature lovers, its national parks are the largest in the world, home to a variety of monkeys, tigers and elephants. Facing the open sea, the western coastline of Sumatra and the waters surrounding Nias Island have big waves that make them one of the best surfer’s beaches in Indonesia. There are beautiful coral reefs that are ideal for diving. For those who prefer night dives, the waters of Riau Archipelago offer a rewarding experience with marine scavengers of the dark waters.
C. Various establishments offer professional pampering service with floral baths, body scrubs, aromatic oils, massages and meditation; rituals and treatments that use spices and aromatic herbs to promote physical and mental wellness. Various spa hotels are extremely popular. Indonesians believe that when treating the body you cure the mind.
D. Jakarta has a distinctly cosmopolitan flavor. Tantalize your taste buds with a gastronomic spree around the city’s many eateries. Like French gourmet dining, exotic Asian cuisine, American fast food, stylish cafes, restaurants all compete to find a way into your heart through your stomach. The taste of Indonesia’s many cultures can be found in almost any corner of the city: hot and spicy food from West Sumatra, sweet tastes of Dental Java, the tangy fish dishes of North Sulawesi.
E. In the face of constant exposure to modernization and foreign influences, the native people still faithfully cling to their culture and rituals. The pre-Hindu Bali Aga tribe still maintains their own traditions of architecture, pagan religion, dance and music, such as unique rituals of dances and gladiator-like battles between youths. On the island of Siberut native tribes have retained their Neolithic hunter-gathering culture.
F. Whether you are a serious spender or half hearted shopper, there is sure to be something for everybody in Jakarta. Catering to diverse tastes and pockets, the wide variety of things you can buy in Jakarta is mind boggling from the best of local handicrafts to haute couture labels. Modern super and hyper markets, multi-level shopping centers, retail and specialty shops, sell quality goods at a competitive price. Sidewalk bargains range from tropical blooms of vivid colors and scents in attractive bouquets to luscious fruits of the seasons.
G. The land’s long and rich history can’t be separated from the influence of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. There is one of the oldest Hindu temples in Java, the majestic Buddhist ‘monastery on the hill’, Borobudur, the largest Buddhist monument in the world. About 17 km away from this monastery is a 9th century temple complex built by the San jay a dynasty. Prambanan complex is dedicated to the Hindu trinity: Ciwa, Vishnu and Brahma. The spread of Islam also left interesting monuments such as the 15th century Minaret Mosque in Kudus.
Установите соответствие тем 1 — 7 текстам A — F. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. whatever it costs
2. most excellent impression
3. you have never heard of before, and nobody else either
4. in the first three years you do not need to learn or use any other adjectives
5. would never know it really well
6. far from being the whole vocabulary of the language
7. and all this
When I arrived in England I thought I knew English. After I’d been here an hour I realized that I did not understand one word. In the first week I picked up a tolerable working knowledge of the language and the next seven years convinced me gradually but thoroughly that I A _________________ , let alone perfectly. This is sad. My only consolation being that nobody speaks English perfectly.
Remember that those five hundred words an average Englishman uses are В _________________. You may learn another five hundred and another five thousand and yet another fifty thousand and still you may come across a further fifty thousand С _________________.
If you live here long enough you will find out to your greatest amazement that the adjective nice is not the only adjective the language possesses, in spite of the fact that D _________________.
You can say that the weather is nice, a restaurant is nice, Mr. Soandso is nice, Mrs. Soandso’s clothes are nice, you had a nice time, E _________________.
Then you have to decide on your accent. The easiest way to give the impression of having a good accent or no foreign accent at all is to hold an unlit pipe in your mouth, to mutter between your teeth and finish all your sentences with the question: «isn’t it?» People will not understand much, but they are accustomed to that and they will get a F _________________.
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.
A good night’s sleep — an impossible dream?
Tonight, do yourself a favor. Shut off the TV, log off the Internet and unplug the phone. Relax, take a bath, maybe sip some herbal tea. Then move into the bedroom. Set your alarm clock for a time no less than eight hours in the future, fluff up your pillows and lay your head down for a peaceful night of restorative shut-eye. That’s what American doctors advise.
American sleep experts are sounding an alarm over America’s sleep deficit. They say Americans are a somnambulant nation, stumbling groggily through their waking hours for lack of sufficient sleep. They are working longer days — and, increasingly, nights — and they are playing longer, too, as TV and the Internet expand the range of round-the-clock entertainment options. By some estimates, Americans are sleeping as much as an hour and a half less per night than they did at the turn of the century — and the problem is likely to get worse.
The health repercussions of sleep deprivation are not well understood, but sleep researchers point to ills ranging from heart problems to depression. In a famous experiment conducted at the University of Chicago in 1988, rats kept from sleeping died after two and a half weeks. People are not likely to drop dead in the same way, but sleep deprivation may cost them their lives indirectly, when an exhausted doctor prescribes the wrong dosage or a sleepy driver weaves into someone’s lane.
What irritates sleep experts most is the fact that much sleep deprivation is voluntary. «People have regarded sleep as a commodity that they could shortchange,» says one of them. «It’s been considered a mark of very hard work and upward mobility to get very little sleep. It’s a macho attitude». Slumber scientists hope that attitude will change. They say people have learned to modify their behavior in terms of lowering their cholesterol and increasing exercise. Doctors also think people need to be educated that allowing enough time for sleep and taking strategic naps are the most reliable ways to promote alertness behind the wheel and on the job.
Well, naps would be nice, but at the moment, employers tend to frown on them. And what about the increasing numbers of people who work at night? Not only must they work while their bodies’ light-activated circadian rhythms tell them to sleep, they also find it tough to get to sleep after work. Biologists say night workers have a hard time not paying attention to the 9-to-5 day because of noises or family obligations or that’s the only time they can go to the dentist. There are not too many dentists open at midnight.
As one might imagine, companies are springing up to take advantage of sleeplessness. One of the companies makes specially designed shift-work lighting systems intended to keep workers alert around the clock. Shiftwork’s theory is that bright light, delivered in a controlled fashion, can help adjust people’s biological clocks. The company president says they are using light like a medicine. So far, such special lighting has been the province of NASA astronauts and nuclear power plant workers. He thinks that in the future, such systems may pop up in places like hospitals and 24-hour credit-card processing centers. Other researchers are experimenting with everything from welder’s goggles (which night workers wear during the day) to human growth hormones. And, of course, there is always what doctors refer to as «therapeutic caffeine use», but everyone is already familiar with that.
So, is a good night’s sleep an impossible dream for Americans? Maybe so.
The advice of American doctors is all about
1. ways to reduce negative effect of modern technologies.
2. complex measures that ensure healthy sleep.
3. positive effect of herbal therapy.
4. the process of restoring from unexpected psychological stress.
Americans are referred to as a «somnambulant nation» because
1. they need special help to fall asleep.
2. are sleepwalkers.
3. regularly wake up at night.
4. don’t get enough sleep to function effectively.
Experiments with sleep deprivation proved that
1. it inevitably leads to death.
2. its repercussions have finally become predictable.
3. it is likely to result in cardio or nervous problems.
4. animal and human reactions are almost alike.
There is a tendency to sleep less because
1. people want to look tough at any cost.
2. people think they can reduce sleeping hours without any harm.
3. people have learned to cope with less sleep just as they have learned to lower cholesterol.
4. otherwise they lose career and social opportunities.
Having naps during the day would be nice, but
1. doctors do not find them effective.
2. people won’t take them voluntarily.
3. bosses are against this.
4. it is difficult to arrange.
People who work at night can hardly
1. fulfill traditional family obligations.
2. consult doctors when needed.
3. socialize to their liking.
4. ever sleep without ear-plugs.
The main aim of specially designed shift-work lighting system is
1. to help people feel alert at night.
2. to provide better lightning.
3. to prevent heart diseases.
4. to stimulate human growth hormones.
Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные жирными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Перенесите полученный ответ в соответствующее поле справа. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19 — 25. Ответ пишите без пробелов и иных знаков.
Who really discovered America?
Name Everybody knows that Christopher Columbus discovered America. However, America ___________ after Amerigo Vespucci who explored the eastern coast of South America.
Be Was he really the first to reach the continent? The great Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdal believed that ancient people ___________ able to build boats that could cross oceans.
LeaveTo test his ideas, Heyerdal decided to build a copy of an ancient Egyptian boat. On May 25, 1969 the boat called Ra ___________ a port in Morocco.
SeamanOn May 17, 1970 Ra with two ___________ on board successfully crossed the Atlantic, proving that ancient civilizations had enough skill to reach America long before Columbus.
Labor Day
OneLabor Day is a holiday in honor of workers. On September 5, 1882 the ___________ Labor Day parade was held in New York.
Carry20,000 workers marched up Broadway, ___________ banners «Labor creates all wealth». After the parade, there were picnics all around the city.
ManyThe next year even ___________ people took part in the celebration. In 1894, Congress made it a national holiday. Today most Americans consider Labor Day the end of the summer. They enjoy the last three-day weekend on the beaches and in the parks.
Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные жирными буквам в конце строк 26—31, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните соответствующее поле справа полученными словами. Каждое поле соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26—31.
Castle Clinton
DefenseCastle Clinton was built in the times of Napoleonic wars and great tension between Britain and the US. New York was almost ___________ and in a short time five new forts, Castle Clinton among them, were built.
EntertainHowever, it was never used as a fortress. In 1824, it became a place of public ___________ .
ScienceA newspaper described it as a «fanciful garden, tastefully ornamented with shrubs and flowers». The garden was the setting for band concerts, fireworks and demonstrations of the latest ___________ achievements.
RemarkMany ___________ people were honored at the Garden, President Andrew Jackson among them.
VisitIn 1896 Castle Clinton became the city Aquarium and thousands of ___________ rushed to see fish that came from the waters around New York.
VaryLater exotic fish from around the world were brought to the Aquarium and the collection grew in number and ___________ .
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32 — 38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32 — 38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
Sharing music with friends
Sharing music with friends Brenda is a nineteen-year old full-time college student, and she earns money working part time as a waitress. Brenda loves to listen to music like most young people, but she can’t [32] ___ the high CD prices that record companies [33] ___ for popular CDs. Brenda says that the prices of CDs are ridiculously high at $17 to $20 each and there are only two or three good songs on each CD.
She [34] ___ an apartment with three other roommates. She pays her own [35] ___ and she also pays most of her [36] ___. Her solution to expensive CDs is to download or copy music from the Internet. Brenda and millions of other people are called «downloaders» because they download free file-sharing software and music. When Brenda later gives, shares, or trades her music files free over the Internet, she is also an uploader. She considers herself an active music uploader, but the music industry considers her a [37] ___. From 2001 on, the Recording Industry Association of America has sued and fined dozens of file-sharing services, for uploading music files, and hundreds of people, for [38] ___ the law by downloading music.
1. provide
2. supply
3. afford
4. allow
1. offer
2. charge
3. suggest
4. propose
1. leases
2. lends
3. hires
4. rents
1. lessons
2. classes
3. tuition
4. education
1. costs
2. fees
3. expenses
4. payments
1. thief
2. cheater
3. burglar
4. bandit
1. undermining
2. disobeying
3. breaking
4. ruining
Раздел 4. Письмо
При выполнении заданий 39 и 40 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Alice:
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Sorting out your bedroom
…Last Monday my new friend Sarah came round. Well, my bedroom is always a bit messy, but that day I managed to tidy it in ten minutes. Hope my mum will never know that I put the clothes that were all over the floor into the bin bags and pretended it was for charity. What about you? Does your room look like a bomb has exploded? How often do you sort out your room? Do you have any speed-cleaning tips?
By the way, a new supermarket has opened nearby…
— answer her questions;
— ask 3 questions about the new supermarket.
Write 100 — 140 words.
Remember the rules of email writing.
40. 1 Imagine that you are doing a project on the most desired domestic appliances among teenagers in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject — the results of opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
— select and describe 2–3 main features;
— make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
— outline a problem that can arise with domestic appliances and suggest a way of solving it;
— conclude by giving your personal opinion on the role of modern home appliances in our life.
40.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on what is important when choosing an online grocery store in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
— select and describe 2–3 main features;
— make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
— outline a problem that can arise when doing grocery shopping online and suggest a way of solving it;
— conclude by giving your personal opinion on the role of online shopping in our life.
Раздел 5. Говорение
Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Physical activity is an essential part of people’s development. Exercising as little as 30 minutes a day can greatly improve your health. Exercise makes us strong, fast, patient and disciplined. Regular physical activity is important for our overall health and well-being. Physical exercise strengthens the immune system, improves mental health and helps prevent such diseases as heart and cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.
Regular exercise can help improve your mood, reduce the risk of chronic disease, increase energy levels and even improve sleep. Exercise causes endorphins to be released in the brain. Endorphins are chemicals produced by your body that reduce pain and can make you feel happier.
That is why exercise is the best remedy for depression and stress. Exercise also increases the flow of oxygen to the brain and improves mental clarity and memory.
If your goal is to increase your life span and to have good health, you should lead a healthy lifestyle.
Study the advertisement.
You are considering buying this Tesla phone and now you’d like tp get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out the following:
- solar charging
- the number of cameras
- monthly charge for using Starlink
- battery capacity
You have 20 seconds to ask each questions.
Показать ответ
1. Does the phone have solar charging?
2. How many cameras does the phone have?
3. What is monthly charge for using Starlink?
4. What is the battery capacity which I can use?
You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2-3 sentences).
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s IT Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss the Internet. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: How often do you use the Internet?
Student: ________________________________________________________________
Interviewer: What do you usually use the Internet for?
Student: _________________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Can the Internet be dangerous? Why?
Student: _________________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Did you use the Internet for studying last year?
Student: _________________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Would you like to study online instead of attending classes at school?
Student: _________________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for the interview!
Показать ответ
1. I use the Internet every day. I can use it for 10 hours in a day, because the Internet helps me to do the work.
2. I usually use the Internet for finding the necessary information for my study and my work. The Internet is very useful system and it gives a lot of opportunity for developing.
3. Yes, I think that the Internet can be dangerous, because sometimes there is a lot of unsafe and false information, which can lead to confusion. Also surfing the Internet can take all the day.
4. Yes, of course, I used the Internet for studying last year. I had lessons online and all my books and resourses were at the computer and in the Internet.
5. No, I wouldn’t like to study online, because I prefer meeting people face to face. I like the real communication and I have a lot of friends. I want to see them from time to time.
Imagine that you are doing a project “Ways of Spending Leisure Time” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:
- give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;
- say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;
- mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two ways of spending leisure time;
- express your opinion on the subject of the project – which way of spending your leisure time you would prefer and why.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences for each item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.
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Вариант 2 » Незнайка — варианты ЕГЭ, ОГЭ, ВПР 2023
Раздел 1. Аудирование
Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1—6 и утверждениями, данными в списке A—G. Используйте каждую букву, обозначающую утверждение, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в поле справа.
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A. The speaker has some time to herself / himself at work.
B. The speaker hasn’t given up the job because she / he likes dealing with customers.
C. There is a growing need for the speaker’s services.
D. Although the job is boring the speaker does it because it is well-paid.
E. The speaker enjoys her / his job although she / he doesn’t make good money.
F. The speaker agrees to do any job because she / he needs money badly.
G. The speaker likes the environment and the fact that she / he doesn’t have to work too quickly.
Вы услышите разговор между подругами. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений 1 — 7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
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1. Every year Betsy spends the New Year abroad.
2. Betsy thinks that the trip was not worth the money.
3. There is an active volcano on the island.
4. Betsy led an active life on the island.
5. The zoo had more than a hundred species of wild birds.
6. There are no snow-capped mountains on the island.
7. Foreigners are not allowed to own property on the island.
В заданиях 3—9 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.
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Robert and Amy fell in love with each other
1. after eating out together.
2. after a few months working together.
3. when they first met on the film set.
When Robert decided to propose to Amy, he
1. was sure that Amy would accept his proposal.
2. wanted to do it in a proper way.
3. knew the exact place in Madrid to do it.
The wedding ceremony in the film reminded Robert and Amy of their own wedding because
1. both weddings took place in the same settings.
2. there was an explosion during both weddings.
3. there were some of the same people at both weddings.
According to Amy, she is different from Robert because she
1. is less open to new ideas than her husband.
2. comes from a smaller family than Robert.
3. has different views on family life.
Amy felt uncomfortable at school because
1. she missed her mother very much.
2. her mother taught at the same school.
3. the teachers and the headmistress disliked her.
If Amy hadn’t become an actress, her parents would have
1. understood and supported her.
2. been displeased with her.
3. insisted on her joining the family business.
Amy is sure that if you have a child, you
1. can do without having a friend.
2. should think more about the future.
3. can cope with any problem.
Раздел 2. Чтение
Установите соответствие тем 1 — 8 текстам A — G. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. Party dessert
2. Outdoor game
3. Taking care of a pet
4. Collecting things
5. Giving a party
6. Party animals
7. Fun on the way
8. Party game
A. Ask your parents for permission to have a party. Decide what kind of party you want and whether it will be held indoors or outdoors. Send written invitations to your friends. Tell them what kind of party you are having, at what time, where, and whether or not the guests should wear costumes. Make a list of games you would like to play. Ask your mother to help you prepare refreshments. Ice cream, cake, cookies, and lemonade are good for any party.
B. This activity makes everybody laugh. Have the guests sit around the room. Choose one person to be a pussycat. The pussy must go over to a guest and do his/her best to make the guest laugh. He/she can make funny meows and walk around like a cat. The pussy goes from one guest to another until someone laughs. The first one to laugh becomes the new pussy.
C. It’s easy to make a cake from a cake mix that you get from the grocery store. You usually add only water or milk. Cake mixes come in many flavours, such as chocolate, lemon, banana, vanilla and others. When you make a cake from a mix, always follow the directions on the package carefully. Then you can be sure that your cake will turn out right and your guests will enjoy it. Many mixes have a small envelope of powdered frosting hidden inside the flour.
D. As you ride on a bus with your friends, get someone to start singing. Everyone joins in. At the first crossroad, another person starts a different song, and everyone joins in. Keep changing songs at every crossroad.
E. Looking after cats is easy. They wash themselves every day and eat almost any food. Cats like to drink milk and cream. But they need to be fed on fish, beef, liver, and other kinds of meat. They need a clean, dry bed at night. You can use a basket or a cardboard box for your cat’s bed. Cats like to play with a rubber ball or chase a string.
F. You can have a whole army of toy soldiers made of tin, wood or plastic. Some may be dressed in fancy uniforms, some may be sitting on horses. Others may be ready for battle, carrying guns and shoulder packs. You can have soldiers from other countries, or only Civil War soldiers or only modern soldiers. If you get two soldiers that are alike, trade your extra soldier with another toy soldier lover.
G. Even animals get involved in elections. The donkey and elephant have been political symbols in the USA for more than 100 years. Why? In 1828, Democrat Andrew Jackson ran for president. Critics said he was stubborn as a donkey. The donkey has been the symbol of the Democratic Party ever since. In the 1870s, newspaper cartoonists began using the elephant to stand for the Republican Party.
Установите соответствие тем 1 — 7 текстам A — F. Занесите свои ответы в соответствующее поле справа. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
1. which is above Earth’s atmosphere.
2. which are transmitted to scientists on Earth.
3. which is invisible to the human eye.
4. who calculated the speed at which galaxies move.
5. so it has a clear view of space.
6. because many stars are in clouds of gas.
7. but where it is.
Before the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, scientists thought they knew the universe. They were wrong. The Hubble Space Telescope has changed many scientists’ view of the universe. The telescope is named after American astronomer Edwin Hubble, A ___.
He established that many galaxies exist and developed the first system for their classifications. In many ways, Hubble is like any other telescope. It simply gathers light. It is roughly the size of a large school bus. What makes Hubble special is not what it is, В ___ .
Hubble was launched in 1990 from the «Discovery» space shuttle and it is about 350 miles above our planet, С ___ .
It is far from the glare of city lights, it doesn’t have to look through the air, D ___ .
And what a view it is! Hubble is so powerful it could spot a fly on the moon. Yet in an average orbit, it uses the same amount of energy as 28 100-watt light bulbs. Hubble pictures require no film. The telescope takes digital images E ___ .
Hubble has snapped photos of storms on Saturn and exploding stars. Hubble doesn’t just focus on our solar system. It also peers into our galaxy and beyond. Many Hubble photos show the stars that make up the Milky Way galaxy. A galaxy is a city of stars. Hubble cannot take pictures of the sun or other very bright objects, because doing so could «fry» the telescope’s instruments, but it can detect infrared and ultra violet light F ___ . Some of the sights of our solar system that Hubble has glimpsed may even change the number of planets in it.
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12—18, обводя цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа.
Whilst travelling in 2001, I had my first but definitely not last go at snowboarding. Rhona and I went to the Cardona ski resort, a couple of hours from Queenstown in New Zealand. We had been staying in Queenstown for a couple of weeks and had tried a couple of the local ski resorts. They had been so popular, that there was almost no room to stay. The problem for me with this was that with so many people moving around me, my eyes were constantly re-focusing. This meant that I couldn’t see a thing! As I had never snowboarded before, we decided that it was going to be a problem. A guy at one of the local ski rental shops recommended that we should try Cardona.
On arrival I went straight to the Ski Patrol and explained my situation. They suggested that I should wear a vest, that they supplied, with the words ‘BLIND SKIER’ on the front and back on top of my jacket. They told me that this was more for the benefit of the other skiers around me. I must admit, I wasn’t very keen to do this, but thought I would give it a try.
Once onto the slopes, I put my vest on and began to practise my limited skills. Because I have done some other board sports, i. e. skateboarding, surfing, etc., it wasn’t too hard to learn the basics. Once I was comfortable with this, I headed off for the ski lift and the big slopes. As I stood in the queue I could hear people talking about that ‘poor blind guy’. This niggled me a bit, but I decided to try to ignore it. At the top of the lift I stepped off and strapped my feet onto the board.
As we headed off I could hear more people talking about the vest. I was starting to get paranoid. Then as I gathered speed and Rhona would shout directions, I realized that the people who saw the vest were getting out of my way. Fantastic! This was better than a white stick in a crowd. We picked up speed turning left, then right, hitting a few bumps, but mainly going really well. I even managed to control the snowboard. Well, sort of control it. Before I knew it, we had zipped down a long straight slope and had come to the end of the run. The adrenaline was buzzing and I was ‘high as a kite’. What a feeling. I got back on the ski lift and headed back up. This time I was going to do the run solo!
I had memorized the slope from my first run and felt very confident. As I came off the lift, I rushed to get started. Again, I could hear people talking about me, but now it didn’t matter. The vest was a definite benefit for the novice snowboarder! I took the first stage at a steady pace, looking for my first left bend. No problems there. I found that easy enough. I was now looking for my fast approaching right bend. I missed this one completely and ended up in the safety netting at the edge of the run.
At this point, I decided I was not the world’s best snowboarder and would have to take things a little slower. As the day progressed, so did my skills. I had a great time. Even taking ‘air’ on quite a few occasions. However this was not deliberate! I was now very wary about that bend I had missed , so I started to take it a bit earlier. Unfortunately, this meant that I would leap about 2 metres into the air. And what was more surprising than being airborne, was the fact that on half a dozen occasions, (out of about 30), I landed on my feet and carried on downhill. The rest of the time I fell on my bottom. I heard some people comment on how brave ‘that blind guy’ was. Little did they know it was lack of skill rather than bravery.
We boarded at Cardona for two days and had a fantastic time. Because it is a bit of a drive away from most of the tourist places, it is not as busy as the other ski resorts. It is mostly visited by the locals and I think that says something. If you get the chance, I would definitely recommend Cardona. I would also like to thank the Ski Patrol for that great suggestion. Without the vest, I am sure there could have been some crashes, caused by me. But with the vest, everyone just got out of the way. However, I think that if I was to get a vest for myself, it would probably read ‘BLIND&DAFT’.
The narrator and his companion decided to choose the Cardona ski resort because
1. it was a short distance from Queenstown.
2. they couldn’t find a room at other resorts.
3. somebody said that it was worth going to.
4. it was popular with snowboarders.
The Ski Patrol suggested that the narrator should wear a vest in order to
1. make it easier for them to locate the narrator in case of an accident.
2. make the narrator feel more confident during his first go at snow- boarding.
3. keep an eye on him on the slope.
4. prevent other people from colliding with him on the slopes.
When the narrator was standing in the queue he
1. felt annoyed by people’s comments.
2. felt comfortable in his vest.
3. tried to focus his eyes on the track.
4. tried to ignore his fear.
«This» in «This was better than a white stick in the crowd» refers to
1. the fact that people were getting out of the narrator’s way.
2. the narrator’s moving at a high speed down the slope.
3. the fact that Rhona was giving the narrator directions.
4. the narrator’s hearing more people talking about the vest.
The narrator did the second run solo and he
1. tried to memorize all the bends.
2. failed to go round one of the bends.
3. tried not to listen to Rhona’s directions.
4. fell down and was injured.
The narrator believes that his successful leaps into the air and landing on his feet were due to
1. his personal courage.
2. people’s encouragement.
3. his intensive practising.
4. pure chance.
The narrator recommends the Cardona ski resort because
1. of the Ski Patrol efficient service
2. skiers are supplied with vests there.
3. it is less crowded than other places.
4. there are few crashes on the slopes.
Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика
Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные жирными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19—25, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Перенесите полученный ответ в соответствующее поле справа. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19 — 25. Ответ пишите без пробелов и иных знаков.
Paul Anthony Samuelson, a Nobel Prize Winner in Economics
EducatePaul Samuelson was born on May 15, 1915, in Gary, Indiana. He ___ at the University of Chicago in Illinois and Harvard University.
WriteIn 1947, Samuelson ___ «Foundations of Economic Analysis» in which he used the language of mathematics to explain the world of economics.
ImportantIn 1948 he published «Economics» which is considered to be the ___ economics text of our time.
GiveSamuelson ___ the 1970 Nobel Prize in Economics for doing «more than any other contemporary economist to raise the level of scientific analysis in economic theory.»
GreatSamuelson says that he finds the ___ pleasure in solving problems of economics and it is the mathematical work.
DoBut while he ___ it, he thinks about the real-world problems.
DoSamuelson’s life work has been to use economics in the service of humanity. He ___ more than anyone of his time to influence government policy at the highest level.
Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные жирными буквам в конце строк 26—31, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните соответствующее поле справа полученными словами. Каждое поле соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26—31.
The King’s New Dress
ExpenseMany years ago, there was a King who spent all his time and money on dressing up. He loved riding round in his ______ garments so that everybody could see him.
DifferHis wardrobes contained clothes of ___ patterns and designs.
HonestOne day two ___ men appeared at the palace and said they could make beautiful clothes which had magical properties.
VisibleOnly clever people would be able to see them — but they would be ___ to anyone who was stupid or not good at their job. The King thought this was an excellent opportunity to find out who was wise and who was foolish in his kingdom.
WonderThe two men were given gold and silver thread and two ___ weaving machines and they started to work.
CertainAfter several weeks the King decided to send an old and honest minister, who was ___ clever and good at his job, to visit the two men. Can you guess what he saw?
Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 32 — 38. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 32 — 38, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.
Your Future World
What will you be doing in 2025? Will you be living in an undersea research station? Will you be the chief engineer 32 ___ a bridge across to the planet Mars? the Atlantic Ocean? Will you be leading an 33 ___ Will you be…? You can daydream, of course, but nobody knows exactly what the world will be 34 ___ . But scientists have made some guesses. Based on the advances made, they believe people will be healthier. Diphtheria, malaria, tuberculosis, polio and many other killers are under control now. These diseases are on the way out, 35 ___ to germ-killing chemicals, new ways of finding out about our bodies, and new ways of providing clean, safe 36 ___ and water. Healthier people live longer, so we can expect the world’s population to 37 ___ sharply. It may double in the next forty years! This brings up a serious problem: how will we find food, water, and minerals for such a huge population? Scientists are at work on some solutions. From the ocean they hope to get new fertilizers to increase the yield of the soil; new chemicals to kill crop-destroying insects without 38 ___ other animals, new sources of water or supplies of food.
1. inventing
2. designing
3. scheming
4. doing
1. exploration
2. expenditure
3. expedition
4. exhibit
1. like
2. alike
3. likely
4. likable
1. as a result
2. because
3. on account
4. thanks
1. eat
2. feed
3. food
4. cooking
1. decrease
2. distract
3. dissolve
4. increase
1. hurting
2. harming
3. injuring
4. wounding
Раздел 4. Письмо
При выполнении заданий 39 и 40 особое внимание обратите на то, что Ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям, сделанным в БЛАНКЕ ОТВЕТОВ. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом. Обратите внимание также на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма текста. Тексты недостаточного объёма, а также часть текста, превышающая требуемый объём, не оцениваются.
You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend ou have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Mark:
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Household chores
…Can you imagine we’ve just come home from the supermarket and it turned out that we spent 5 hours there! I can’t believe it! We wasted so much time shopping for food. I just hate it when mum asks me to help her with that. What about you? How do you help your parents during the week? What is your least favourite household chore? Why don’t you like doing it?
By the way, father bought a new lawnmower last week…
Write an email to Mark.
In your message:
– answer his questions;
– ask 3 questions about his father’s lawn mower.
40.1 Imagine that you are doing a project on jobs teenagers do round the house in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject — the results of opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project
Write 200–250 words.
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise when teenagers do housework and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of motivating teenagers to do household chores.
40.2 Imagine that you are doing a project on important factors in choosing a domestic appliance in Zetland. You have found some data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.
Write 200–250 words.v
Use the following plan:
– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and describe 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with domestic appliances and suggest a way of solving it;
– conclude by giving your personal opinion on the importance of home appliances in our life
Раздел 5. Говорение
Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
In Ancient Greece sports became such a prominent part of their culture that the Greeks created the Olympic Games, which in ancient times were held every four years in Olympia, an area of flat land and an ancient religious centre in the west of the Peloponnese in Greece. The Ancient Olympic Games featured mainly athletic but also combat and chariot racing events.
During the games, all conflicts among the participating city-states were postponed until the games were finished. The Olympics were of fundamental religious importance, featuring sporting events alongside ritual sacrifices honoring both Zeus and Pelops, divine hero and mythical king of Olympia.
The winners of the events were admired and immortalized in poems and statues. The Olympic Games reached their zenith in the 6th and 5th centuries BC, but then gradually declined in importance as the Romans gained power and influence in Greece. Scholars think that the last Games were held in 393 AD
Study the advertisement.
You are considering celebrating your birthday at a restaurant and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask four direct questions to find out about the following:
- location
- music choice
- price per person
- discounts
You have 20 seconds to ask each questions.
Показать ответ
Where is your hotel located?
Do we have oportunity to choose the music?
What is the price for one person?
Does your restaurant provide any discounts?
You are going to give an interview. You have to answer five questions. Give full answers to the questions (2-3 sentences). Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Future Career Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss his future career. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: What two school subjects are the most important for your future job?
Student: ________________________________________________________________
Interviewer: What job would you like to have in the future?
Student: _________________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Do your relatives approve of your career choice?
Student: _________________________________________________________________
Interviewer: What job did you use to like when you were younger?
Student: _________________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Would you like to follow in your parents’ footsteps in choosing a career? Why?
Student: _________________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Thank you very much for the interview!
Показать ответ
For my future job the most important school subjects are the chemistry and biology, because I want to be a doctor. I like this profession and I think that it is really excellent to help people’s health.
I want to be a therapist. I am interested in learning people’s body and it is a real opportunity to improve health.
Yes, they do. My parents approve of my career choice. My farthet is a dentist and he is very glad that I want to be a doctor, too.
When I was younger, I used to be a stewardess. I liked the planes a lot in the childhood, that is why I wanted to fly a lot.
Yes, I would like to follow in my parents’ footsteps. I see how my dad helps people and it motivates me.
Imagine that you are doing a project “Types of Shopping” together with your friend. You have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the friend about the photos:
- give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project
- say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project
- mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two types of shopping
- express your opinion on the subject of the project – which type of shopping you would prefer and why
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2-3 sentences for each item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You have to talk continuously.
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- Они поставили лежачих полицейских на дороге, что привело к ______ авариям. *
- избегать
- запрещать
- предотвращать
- запрещать
- Вы ______ уборку. Я бы сделал это сегодня вечером.*
- не нужно было делать
- нельзя было делать
- нельзя было делать
- не нужно было делать
- Можете ли вы сказать мне, когда ______ ?*
- поезд уходит
- поезд уходит
- покидает поезд
- , покидает ли поезд
- Как долго ______ английский? дней назад.*
- на
- в
- на
- на
- Вам не разрешено пользоваться мобильным телефоном, поэтому ______.*
- нет смысла оставлять его на
- нет смысла оставлять на
- нет смысла оставлять на
- нет смысла оставлять на
- Если бы я только ______ богаче. быть
- выше
- выше
- выше
- выше
- работал
- работал
- работал
- работал
- и
- некоторые
- шт.
- шт.
- почти
- едва
- Часто
- Всегда
- .
- К этому времени в следующем году я ______ все экзамены*
- сдам
- сдам
- Take
- принял
- ______ лучшая команда, мы проиграли матч.*
- , несмотря на
- , несмотря на
- , несмотря на
- , хотя
- закрыть
- закрыть
- закрыть
- закрыть0058
- еще не
- Ever
- Уже
- Не
- .
- Это ______ мой брат.*
- это возраст, который я не видел
- это возраст, с которого я видел
- был возраст, который я не видел
- был возраст, с которого я видел
- Доктор дал мне ______ для некоторого лекарства вчера.*
- Примечание
- Получение
- Рецепт
- Рецепт
- .
- для выполнения
- для выполнения
- ближайший
- ближайший
- ближайший
- ближайший
- обвинена
- обвиняема
- арестована
- обвинена
- не было
- не было
- не было
- не было
- для покупки
- купить
- купить
- купить
- много
- много
- много
- немного
- сверкнуло
- ударило
- ударило
- сверкнуло
- SO
- Ни
- , ни
- NO
- as if
- as
- likes
- if
- from
- at
- to
- beyond
- on
- to
- в
- для
- не пойдет
- не пойдет
- не пойдет на
- не пойдет на
- Вы ходили
- Вы ходили
- Вы ходили
- . Вы ходили
- 0499 ______ вчера в школу?*
- придет
- придет
- придет
- придет
Каждый год мы помогаем тысячам студентов достичь своих целей в изучении английского языка. Свяжитесь с нами чтобы узнать больше.
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