1. Tell me about the house/flat you live in. | I live in a comfortable flat in a 5-storied block of flats. We have a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. There are all modern conveniences in our flat: gas, electricity, cold and hot running water, a microwave, the Internet. Our flat is nicely and comfortably furnished. We have everything we need here. My parents’ bedroom is the biggest. I have my own room which I call “my haven”. But I should say that our favourite room is the kitchen because we all get together there, eat tasty food and talk to each other. | |
2. Do you mind living in your city? | No, I don’t. I think my city is a very nice place to live in. | |
3. Ask me about the house/flat I live in. | ||
4. Your friend wants to decorate his/her room and make it look more modern. Give him/her a piece of advice on how to do it. | I would recommend him to furnish it in a minimalism style. I think we should have much space in the rooms. | |
5. They say that the place where you live reflects your character and personality. What do you think about it? | I think it’s true. When you come to someone’s place you can see different things that can tell you much about their owner: what he likes, what he is interested in, weather he is neat or not and so on. | |
1. Tell me about the system of education in Belarus. | Education in Belarus is free and compulsory from age 6 to 17. From age 6 to 10 children attend primary school where they learn how to read and write, study the basics of essential subjects. From 10 to 15 pupils attend secondary school where they study Russian, Belarusian, Literature, Maths, Natural sciences, History and a foreign language. After grade 9 pupils sit their exams and can either leave school and enter some college or continue studying in high school for two more years. After leaving school they may try to enter a university or a college. | |
2. Have you decided what will do after leaving school? | Yes, I am going to enter the State Belarusian University and to become a historian. | |
3. Ask me about the school I went to when I was young. | 1. Were you a member of any club? 2. Did you have a lot of friends at school? 3. How did you spend your free time? 4. Were you a member of any youth organization? 5. Did you like going to school? | |
4. Give a piece of advice on how to be successful in life. | First of all, you should set your goals. Then you should step by step achieve them. | |
5. Some people think that education is a key to success. Do you agree with it? | I agree up to the point. Good education gives you a good chance to achieve success but you should be determined and hardworking. Only in this case you will be able to become successful. | |
1. What role does the Internet play in your life? | Nowadays, no one can deny the importance of the Internet. Sitting in front of a computer, clicking a mouse, you can shop, download many interesting films, books, read news about the subject which is interesting for you, play computer games with other players, chat and send mails to your friends. The Internet has drastically (кардинально) changed everything. With the advent of the Internet many other media sources became unnecessary. You can find the information you’re looking for in 5 seconds. Just google it and here is the answer. It is very convenient for students, professionals, experts and all other people. With the help of the Internet people from different parts of the planet can communicate with each other and share information without leaving their home. It has become easier to meet like-minded people from all over the world and become friends with them. However, the Internet is not always a blessing (благословение) as we become extremely addicted to it and may lose our communication skills. The fact is that we now tend to get stick to our smartphones and other electronic devices and neglect real communication. The Internet can be a blessing, but we should use it carefully in order not to turn the blessing into a curse (проклятие). | |
Yes, there are. I can’t live without my smartphone. I use it every day to come in touch with my friends or to get information from the Internet. | ||
3. What questions will you ask a British teenager about the media he/she likes best of all? | 1. What are your favourite mass media? 2. Do you prefer getting news from TV of from the Internet? 3. Are you registered in any social network? 4. How much time do you spend surfing the Internet? 5. Do you think the Internet is a reliable source of information? | |
4. I’d like to watch something entertaining on TV. What programme will you advise me to watch? | I’d recommend you to watch some good comedy. It will help you relax and get a positive mood. | |
5. Do you think newspapers will disappear in twenty years’ time? | I think yes. Newspapers are rapidly losing popularity among population. Nowadays they are mostly read by elder generation. The young prefer reading everything on-line. So I think in some 20-30 years there will be no need in newspapers. | |
1. What kind of art do you prefer? Why? | I like many kinds of art: theatre, cinema, painting… but the kind of
art which I’m most interested in is music. It isn’t classical music but
modern. My favorite kind of music is techno. Although I also like dance, pop and hip-hop music, it depends. I like to listen to pop while I’m learning or doing my homework. Pop music is better because it is calmer than techno. Music makes me feel better when I’m sad or tired. Techno and dance music is the best for discos. Some people say that techno is boring, because there is the same melody all the time. It is true for some albums but not for all. Nowadays we have many good techno albums, which are the best for dancing and having fun. I don’t like to dance to pop or hip-hop music, because it’s too slow for me. It is good just to listen to. | |
2. Do you like to visit museums? Why or why not? | Yes, I do. When visiting a museum you can learn a lot about our history, nature, geography and so on. You can get acquainted with some art works and just get aesthetic pleasure. | |
3. Ask me questions about the comedy I have recently seen. | 1. Who is the director of the film? 3. Who played the main roles? 4. Would you recommend me to watch it? 5. Was the plot really exiting? | |
4. Give me a piece of advice on what architectural monuments are worth visiting in Belarus. | I would recommend you to visit Mir and Nesvizh Castles. It’s worth seeing both monuments as they are very beautiful. Moreover, they are located in the same direction and not far from each other. | |
5. People say that creative activities are very good for our mental health. Do you agree with it? Why or why not? | Yes, I agree. Creative art is a very effective way to stimulate the brain and anyone can do it. Activities like painting, sculpting, drawing, and photography are relaxing and rewarding hobbies that can lower your stress levels and leave you feeling mentally clear and calm. | |
5. Youth and society | ||
1. What national and international youth organizations do you know? | There are a lot of youth organizations in the world. They play an important role in the life of teenagers and young people. They help them to make new friends, to work as a team, to find things they are interested in and do some public work. More than that Youth organizations create necessary conditions for development of an individual. There are numerous youth organizations in Great Britain. Some are large and some are small, some nation-wide and some local. Probably the largest are the Boy Scouts, the Girl Guides Association, the Young Men’s Christian Association and the Young Women’s Christian Association. Also I should mention The Youth Parliament. What concerns our country, the most popular and big organizations are the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization and the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth. The main aim of the BRSM is to create conditions for all-round development of young people and to contribute to creation of a civil society in Belarus. | |
2. Are you a member of any youth organization? | Yes, I am a member of …./ No, I’m not a member of any organization. | |
3. What questions will you ask your friend who belongs to a group of goths? | 1. Why do you wear black clothes? 2. What is the aim of your organization? 3. What activities do you do in your organization? 4. Why did you decide to join this organization? 5. Is it easy to join this organization? | |
4. What will you advise a person who wants to express himself/herself? | When you come out of your comfort zone, you can express yourself in front of the whole world, and there is no better stage to express yourself as some youth organization. So join one and you’ll have a lot of opportunities to express yourself. | |
5. If you had a power to solve a single problem in today’s world, what would it be? | I would give everyone an extreme sense of empathy. Because if everyone could easily imagine other people’s situations then many of the world’s problems would simply vanish. | |
6. Science and modern technologies | ||
1. What is the role of science in our fast-moving world? | Scientific research has a history of thousands of years. Science has offered many gifts to mankind. Fire was the first discovery and wheel was the first invention. Since that time we have travelled far. We can’t live without electricity. Everything in our life depends on it. I can’t imagine my life without modern gadgets and devices. I have a lot of them at home. I can do nothing without the Internet and my mobile phone. If we had no Internet we wouldn’t obtain the necessary information as quickly as possible, we would lose an important source of education and communication. Mobile phones provide users an access to the Internet, sending and receiving e-mails and text messages, watching TV, listening to music, taking photos, navigating by the Global Positioning System and phoning. My mum uses a lot of modern devices for cooking. They save her spare time and make her life easier. So I can say that the role of science in our fast-moving world is obvious. | |
2. Do you support cloning? | Yes, if you speak about animals. In this case it might be helpful. But if you speak about cloning humans I’m definitely against it. | |
3. What questions will you ask a most outstanding scientist? | 1. Why is your area of scientific discovery important for the ordinary citizen of this country? 2. What is the coolest thing about your work? 3. What’s your assessment of the current state of cloning? 4. What do you want to achieve with your research? 5. Why did you become a scientist? | |
4. Give me a piece of advice on how to make my house more secure and comfortable for living. What modern appliances and gadgets can I use? | Nowadays many things at home can be controlled with the help of your smartphone. For example you can watch a video from you cameras or control your car from anywhere and many other things. You just have to be smart enough to use these apps. | |
5. People are becoming more dependent on high-tech devices. Is it good or bad? | To my mind it’s neither good nor bad. It’s our reality. It’s impossible to imagine our modern life without high-tech devices. The question of becoming dependent on high-tech devices lies in the sphere of personal attitude towards it. Every person decides himself whether to be reasonable or not. | |
7. Outstanding people | ||
1. Tell me about some Belarusians who are well known all around the world. | There are a lot of famous people among Belarusians: writers and poets, politicians and cosmonauts, artists and sportsmen. They are historic figures and our contemporaries. First of all I would like to mention the names of outstanding Belarusian enlighteners Frantsisk Skoryna and St. Eufrasiniya of Polotsk. Then we can’t but speak about our outstanding writers Yakub Kolas, Yanka Kupala and Maksim Bogdanovich. We can also be proud of world-famouse artists Mark Shagal and Kazimir Malevitch. The names of Daryia Domracheva, Viktoria Azarenka, Alexander Hleb and Maxim Mirny gave our country the opportunity to boast about good achievements in sport. But the most prominent person in Belarus is certainly Boris Kit – a great mathematician, physicist, chemist and educator, doctor of philosophy in mathematics and in the History of Science, a citizen of the world. | |
2. Are you a quick learner? | Yes, it doesn’t take me much time to learn something. / No, it always takes me much time to learn something. | |
3. Your British friend writes an article about famous British politicians. What questions will you ask him/her? | 1. Who is the most prominent politician in Great Britain from your point of view? 2. Why did you decide to write this article? 3. Where do you take information for the article? 4. What questions would you ask a politician if you had a chance? 5. Would you like to become a politician? | |
4. Your British friend is interested in Russian and Belarusian literature/ what kind of books will you advise him/her to read? | I would recommend him/her to read something classical. Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky from Russian literature and Bykov, Kupala, Kolas from Belarusian literature. | |
5. What do you think is more important: IQ, hard work, persistence or a solid upbringing on the way to success? | There’s no doubt IQ plays a big role in academic achievement, but acceptance into the University far from guarantees professional success. I think that you should combine all of the mentioned above to become successful. Everything depends on your personality. | |
1. What does your immediate family mean to you? | Family plays a very important role in every person’s life. For me my family is my haven. It gives me a sense of safety and stability. I can always come clean with my thoughts and feelings to my family members. And I’m sure that I will always get understanding, support and love from all of them. They are always ready to give me a helping hand. And of course I’m also always there for them. | |
2. Are there any family traditions that you follow? | Yes, sure. In the evening we always get together at the dinner, discuss what happened during the day, then watch TV. Traditionally we also celebrate all holydays together. | |
3. What questions will you ask a British teenager about his/her family? | 1. Do you have any special family traditions? 2. How do you usually celebrate birthdays? 3. Do you decorate your house before holydays? 4. How do you usually spend your weekends? 5. What is your favourite holiday? | |
4. What can you advise people who want to have a good relationship with their parents and grandparents? | They should first of all respect, love and support each other. They also should spend time together, help each other and understand each other. | |
5. They say that parent and children have difficulties understanding each other because of the generation gap. What do you think about it? | Personally I think that if you have a close and happy family, if you trust your family members, there is no such a problem. Because you can talk to each other and understand each other. | |
1. What do you want to be in future? | As you know, our modern world makes a person be flexible and mobile, creative and inventive. Modern life makes a person broaden his horizons, use modern technologies and learn foreign languages. To get knowledge people need education, they need to turn theory into practice. Nowadays good education means a good job. I am leaving school soon and I’m thinking about possible careers and jobs. It’s very difficult to choose your future career because there are many alternatives and you don’t know where to start. It’s a very difficult decision to choose the right job. Of course, I want a profitable job, but I also want to enjoy the profession in which I’ll be engaged. I want a creative job, no matter what the profession will be. Maybe I’ll become a specialist in business matters like my mother. 2) I think that the profession of programmer can give many opportunities. Computers are the most rapidly changing sphere of modern technology. We are living in the age of information. And I think that the future is just filled with computers. So after I finish school I want to enter the university and study computer science. | |
2. Is work essential to have a happy life? Why or Why not? | Of course, work is essential for all human beings. Nowadays money is the only reason why people work. They work to get things they need to live. People stay at work for at least a third of their day .So I think it is also very important to get personal satisfaction through the work. | |
3. What questions do you expect from your future employer at a job interview? | 1. What is your greatest strength? 2. What are your salary expectations? 3. What do you know about this company? 4. Why do you want to work here? 5. What foreign languages can you speak? | |
4. Give me some advice on how to create a positive impression on the employer at a job interview. | First of all be sure of your strengths. Speak distinctly, have eye-to-eye contact, smile. Don’t interrupt and don’t hurry to ask questions. If you are clever and positive, everything will be ok in the end. | |
5. Some people think that it is necessary to have computer skills to get a good job. Do you agree with this? | Yes, I think they are absolutely right. Nowadays computers have become a part of our lives. They are everywhere. They make our lives and our work easier. So, to become a good specialist and to get a good job you really have to master computer. | |
1. What attracts tourists to Belarus? | Today Belarus is becoming more and more popular as a tourist destination. Mir and Nesvizh Castles have been visited by thousands of people from Belarus. The country has great natural beauty – including two national parks designated World Heritage sites by the United Nations – and a wealth of attractions, including ancient cities, medieval castles, art galleries and museums. One of the main attractions of Belarus is the largest Lake Naroch on its territory; its area is about 79 square kilometers. It is in Mink region. Belarus is often called the lungs of Europe due to its territory which is by a third covered by forests. For instance, the Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park is probably the only existing old-growth forest in Europe. It is exotics for tourists from France or Germany. Besides being famous for its old-growing trees, Belovezhskaya Pushcha is known to tourists for the diversity of wild animals. | |
2. What parts of Belarus have you visited? | I have visited many Belarusian cities in different regions. I’ve visited such cities as _________________ | |
3. What questions about Belarus do you expect to hear from a British teenager | 1. What places are worth seeing in Belarus? 2. What are the biggest industrial centres of Belarus? 3. What problems is the country facing at present? 4. What are the most popular holidays in Belarus? 5. Are there any places of interest in your native town? | |
4. What Belarusian festivals would you advise a foreigner to visit? | I would recommend you to visit Slavyanskiy bazar. It is my favourite since various singers from different countries take part in it. It unites the culture of and traditions of Slavic countries. If you like retro songs so golden hit will be your choice. There are also a lot of festivals which take place in Belarus: “Friendship Wreath”, “Dazhynki”, “Listopad”. | |
5. They say that the Belarusian language is losing popularity. Do you agree with this? Why (not)? | I disagree with this opinion. Here are some facts. Firstly, there are many young people who speak Belarusian because they like it and respect their roots. Secondly, many elderly people speak Belarusian, because it’s the language of their youth. There are many books in Belarusian. They are very interesting, I like reading them. There are also many interesting programmes on TV in Belarusian. | |
1. Do you share the opinion that our planet is in danger? | Environment is the nature around us: air, water, trees, flowers, animals, birds and insects. Nature has served people for many years, but people’s interference in nature has increased and the results are dramatic. Nowadays mankind faces numerous problems which threaten our environment. The most serious ecological problems are: noise from cars and buses; destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty; shortage of natural resources; the growth of population; pollution in its many forms People understand that the planet needs their immediate help if they want to survive and they take measures to protect nature. I strongly believe that we must consume less, recycle more, conserve wildlife and nature, act according to the dictum «think globally, act locally». If we don’t realize that we are responsible for what’s happening around us, we will never feel secure about the future of the world we live in. | |
2. Is your city/town/village polluted? Why or why not? | Of course, our city is polluted and the most important problems are litter, air and water pollution. The cars and factories in our city are giving off dangerous fumes. Litter is garbage – like food, paper and cans – on the ground or in the streets. It makes the city look dirty, and it spoils the view. | |
3. Ask your British friend what environmental problems they are concerned about. | 1. What are the most urgent ecological problems in your country? 2. What actions does your government do to stop global warming? 3. How to stop deforestation without any harm to national economy? 4. What do you think people should do to protect the environment? 5. Do you agree that air pollution is a cause of people’s health problems? | |
4. Give a piece of advice on what people can do to protect the environment. | People can plant trees and create parks for endangered animals. They can recycle their wastes; persuade enterprises to stop polluting activities. And it is now more than ever apparent that at the same time people are destroying their bodies and their future. | |
5. Now the risk of ecological disasters still exists. What do you think about it? | I completely agree. Every year world industry pollutes the atmosphere with about 1000 million tons of dust and other harmful substances. Many cities suffer from smog. Vast forests are cut and burn in fire. Their disappearance upsets the oxygen balance. As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of rivers and lakes dry up. The pollution of air and the world’s ocean, destruction of the ozone layer is the result of man’s careless interaction with nature, sign of the ecological crises. | |
12.National character and stereotypes | ||
1. What can you tell me about the Belarusian people? | Different from anyone else, Belarusians are able to adapt to any circumstances — not to change the circumstances but to change themselves. The second aspect of the Belarusian character is that a Belarusian holds tight to what he/she has gained. He/she regards the external world with little trust. At the same time, in the view of Belarusians themselves, they are loved and respected by everyone. Belarusian people have always enjoyed receiving guests and have been perfect at this. This tradition is alive today. To sum up, Belarusian features of character are: tolerance and a lack of temper. Belarusians are kind, soft, soulful, and hospitable. They are easy to be ruled; they are hard-working, reserved, not very jolly; they are rather pessimistic, stubborn and peaceful. | |
2. Would you like to visit Great Britain? Why or why not? | Yes, I would, because we have studied a lot about this country and its places of interest. I think it would be very exciting to see all these places with my own eyes. | |
3. Ask your British friend how they celebrate Christmas in their family. | 1. Do you decorate the house before Christmas? 2. Do you prefer to celebrate Christmas with family or with friends? 3. What special dishes do you cook for Christmas? 4. Are there any special Christmas traditions in your family? 5. You prepare gifts for all members of the family, don’t you? | |
4. Your British friend wants to discover Belarusian cuisine. What advice will you give him/her? | I would strongly recommend to taste draniki or kolduny. These dishes are really tasty and not known abroad. | |
5. What do you think is the best symbol of Belarus? | Belarus has its national symbols. They are national anthem, national emblem and the national flag. Our flag is green, red and white. Our country has other symbols too. Belarus is famous for its white storks. People say, they are the symbols of good luck. The white colour is the symbol of peace. So I would say that it’s the best symbol of our country. | |
1. How do you prefer to travel? | There are a lot of ways of travelling. People can travel by car, by plane, by ship, by train, by coach or on foot. Travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling but it is rather expenieve. Modern trains are also rather comfortable and travelling by train is convenient and cheap. Travelling by coach is rather cheap, but I wouldn’t say it’s very comfortable. My favourite way of travelling is travelling by car. I think this is one of the most comfortable means of travelling. You can enjoy the view looking through the window and this way of travelling is rather fast. You can travel to different cities and towns of your native country and even abroad. And you can stop whenever you want and drop in any place you like. | |
2. Do you bring home souvenirs from your trips? Why or why not? | Yes, I like bringing souvenirs from my trips. When I see them they remind me of the places I had visited and of emotions that I had experienced. | |
3. You are going on a trip around England. What questions will you ask your British friends? | 1. What places of interest would you recommend me to visit? 2. Where should I stop to make accommodation cheap? 3. What national dishes would you recommend me to taste? 4. What is the best way to get to Britain from Belarus? 5. will you be able to show me some interesting places? | |
4. Your American friend wants to visit Belarus. Which places will you advise him/her to visit? | I would advise him to visit Mir and Nesvizh castles. They are very beautiful and are situated not far from Minsk. | |
5. Nowadays people enjoy travelling a lot. What are the reasons do you think? | Traveling nowadays has become an important part of modern life. Millions of people all over the world travel about their own countries and to foreign lands as well. People travel to visit natural destinations such as seas, lakes, rivers, mountain ranges, deserts and so on. It’s always interesting to discover new things and other ways of life, to meet different people, taste different food, examine various architectural styles, visit museums and picture galleries. It’s common knowledge that travelling is a key to understanding other cultures and a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the world we live in. | |
14.Great Britain and English-speaking countries | ||
1. What can you tell me about the parts Great Britain consists of? |
— Hello! I am Mark. I would like to tell you about my summer holidays. I spent my holidays in the camp. I had a lot of fun there. I swam in the swimming.
Presentation on theme: «- Hello! I am Mark. I would like to tell you about my summer holidays. I spent my holidays in the camp. I had a lot of fun there. I swam in the swimming.»— Presentation transcript:


4 — Hello! I am Mark. I would like to tell you about my summer holidays. I spent my holidays in the camp. I had a lot of fun there. I swam in the swimming pool. I played basketball and tennis. I went to the disco club. It was exciting. I took a lot of photos. I had a great time in the camp. And what about you?


6 Read books work in the garden Go for walks fly a kite Swim in the sea go hiking (поход) Earn money have a picnic Watch TV make barbecue Go fishing go sunbathing (загорать) Play computer games walk in the park Help your grandparents take a photo



9 Past Simple Past Progressive Past Perfect

10 Past Simple Ved V2 Past Progressive was Ving were Ving Past Perfect Ved V3

11 Read books work in the garden Go for walks fly a kite Swim in the sea go hiking (поход) Earn money have a picnic Watch TV make barbecue Go fishing lie in the sun (загорать) Play computer games walk in the park Help your grandparents take a photo with my parents with my friends alone


13 Complete the sentences. Письмо личного характера (ex.2 p 6 (AB)

14 New words Ex 2 p 6-7 (AB)

As I am a girl and hopefully a would-be mother, I think that family is one of the most important things that a person should value and make his or her priority. It’s the family that gives you support and stability, a consolation in sorrow and where you can find understanding even if you do things wrong. It’s the idea of devotion and absence of betrayal that makes you feel secure. The importance of family bonds has been portrayed in proverbs and sayings by all nations. We often say «East or West, home is best», «My home is my castle» and I’m sure there are wise sayings like these in other languages. It seems a bit sad that families are getting so small these days. A family with three or four children is not a common thing. More often you will find many families where there is just Mummy, Dad, one kid and may be a dog. I don’t know what it feels like being an only child in the family. There are three children in our family. So by modern standards we are considered to be a fairy large family. | Так как я девушка и, надеюсь, будущая мама, я думаю, что семья – это одна из самых важных вещей, которую человек должен ценить и сделать своим приоритетом. Именно семья дает вам поддержку и стабильность, утешение в печали и понимание, если что-то идет не так. Преданность и отсутствие предательства позволяет вам чувствовать себя в безопасности. Важность семейных уз запечатлена в пословицах и поговорках всех народов. Мы часто говорим “В гостях хорошо, но дома лучше”, “Мой дом – моя крепость”, и я уверена, что в других языках есть подобные мудрые высказывания. Немного печально, что семьи сегодня становятся такими малочисленными. Семья из трех или четырех человек не очень распространены. Чаще вы встретите семьи, где есть просто мама, папа, один ребенок и, может быть, еще и собака. Я не представляю, как это – быть единственным ребенком в семье. Так что по современным стандартам, мы считаемся достаточно большой семьей. | |
Here I should say as well that I am lucky to have been brought up in a friendly two-parent family. This is not always the case. The number of problem families has grown up lately due to many reasons: material, economic, housing difficulties and heavy drinking. | Следует отметить, что я счастлива вырасти в дружной семье, где есть папа и мама. Так бывает не всегда. В последнее время количество проблемных семей выросло по многим причинам: материальным, экономическим, из-за жилищных проблем и проблем с алкоголем. | |
I’d like to give a brief description of each of us. Firstly my father, the head and the main supporter of our family. He is a research worker by profession. About 10 years ago he was with the Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Administration. But he had to quit it and look for a better paid job to support the many of us. He went in for trade. At present he is trying his luck in several trade aspects. | Я бы хотела дать краткое описание каждого из нас. Во-первых, мой отец, глава и главный содержатель нашей семьи. Он исследователь по профессии. Около 10 лет назад он работал в Центральном научно-исследовательском институте технологий и управления. Но он был вынужден уйти оттуда ради более оплачиваемой работы, чтобы содержать нас всех. Он занялся торговлей. В настоящее время он пробует свои силы в нескольких сферах торговли. | |
Generally speaking my father and me are very similar in character though in appearance I take after my mother. He is determined, strong-willed, energetic but at the same time he is reserved and thoughtful. He always achieves the aims he sets. He looks very businesslike and at the same time he tries not to lose the sense of humour. And though he is very busy, he always devotes his free time to the children, mainly to my younger brother and sister because he takes me for a grown-up person he trusts me and relies on me. He is even sure that I can be his partner in business translating some business papers and documents for him. In my turn I try to be most helpful and it makes me feel important and grown-up. | В общем и целом, мы с папой очень похожи по характеру, хотя внешне я похожа на маму. Он решителен, волевой, энергичный, но иногда он замкнут и задумчив. Он всегда достигает цели, которые ставит. Он выглядит очень по-деловому, и в то же время старается не терять чувство юмора. И хотя он очень занят, он всегда уделяет время детям, главным образом моему младшему брату и сестре, так как он считает меня взрослой доверяет и полагается на меня. Он даже уверен в том, что я могу быть его бизнес-партнером, который переводит деловые бумаги и документы. В свою очередь, я пытаюсь помогать, чем могу, и это позволяет мне чувствовать себя значимой и взрослой. | |
My mother has turned 40 this year. But if you look at her you won’t give her a year older than 30. My mother is a programmer by profession. But as I was a very feeble child almost until the age of 9 my mother stayed out of work. It happened so that up to now she hadn’t got a chance to start working again as the two younger children came. So she has to sacrifice her career to the upbringing of the three of us. But while she was looking after the smaller ones she took an interest in psychology. And when the children got a little older, she became a student of the Pedagogical university. She is exactly the person about whom the saying goes «It’s never too late to learn». She is a very attractive, self-possessed, sociable and persistent woman. She is concerned about her appearance, tries to be in good shape, elegant and dressed according to the latest vogue, that’s why she looks so good for her age. | Мой маме в этом году исполнилось 40 лет. Но если вы на нее посмотрите, то не дадите больше 30. Моя мама программист по профессии. Но так как до 9 лет я была очень болезненным ребенком, то моя мама не работала. Так получилось, что до настоящего времени у нее не было возможности снова начать работать, так как родились два младших ребенка. Так что ей пришлось пожертвовать своей карьерой ради воспитания нас троих. Но пока она заботилась о младших детях, то заинтересовалась психологией. А когда дети немного подросли, она стала поступила учиться в педагогический университет. Она как раз та самая, о которой говорится в пословице: “Учиться никогда не поздно”. Она очень привлекательная, спокойная, общительная и настойчивая женщина. Она заботится о своей внешности, пытается быть в хорошей форме, элегантна и одевается по последней моде, вот почему она выглядит так хорошо для своего возраста. | |
In fact I’m more attached to my mother than to my father. We understand each other better which I think is quite natural. We can spend hours and hours on end talking about our family problems, fashions, views on education, people’s relations, their ambitions and the like. | На самом деле я более привязана к моей маме, чем к папе. Мы лучше понимаем друг друга, что, по моему мнению, естественно. Мы можем провести много часов в разговорах о семейных проблемах, моде, взглядах на образование, отношениях между людьми, амбициях и т.п. | |
My younger brother is only 7 years old. He studies at the same school I do. He does well at school which makes all of us happy. He is a diligent, kind and intelligent boy. He is tall for his age, sporty and we hope he’ll make a good basketball player one day. | Моему младшему брату только 7 лет. Он учится в той же школе, что и я. Он хорошо успевает в школе, что радует нас. Он прилежный, добрый и умный мальчик. Он высокий для своего возраста, спортивный, и мы надеемся, что когда-нибудь из него выйдет хороший баскетболист. | |
As for my younger sister she is only 4 years of age. She is a very pretty, lively, cheerful and energetic little thing. She is very restless and it’s hard for her to stay in one and the same place for more than a minute, so when the two of them are playing they make a hell of the house. | Что касается моей младшей сестры, то ей всего 4 года. Она очень милая, подвижная, радостная и энергичная малютка. Она очень беспокойная, и для нее трудно оставаться на одном и том же месте более одной минуты, так что, когда они вдвоем играют, то превращают дом в ад. | |
Of course I have many remote relations: two grandmothers and a grandfather, aunts, uncles and cousins. But only my grandfather and grandmother on the mother’s side live in Moscow. Though my grandma is already an elderly woman, she often visits us, helps my mother to look after the children and always brings something delicious to eat. We all enjoy her visits. Now to cut the long story short I’d like to say that my family means much to me. I can’t say we are free from problems, but they are not serious so as to threaten our happy childhood. That’s all I can say about my family. | Конечно, у меня много дальних родственников: две бабушки и один дедушка, тети, дяди и двоюродные братья и сестры. Но только мои дедушка и бабушка по материнской линии живут в Москве. Хотя моя бабушка уже пожилая, она часто навещает нас, помогает моей маме присматривать за детьми и всегда приносит что-нибудь вкусное поесть. Нам всем нравятся ее визиты. В общем, я бы хотела заметить, что моя семья многое значит для меня. Я не могу сказать, что у нас нет проблем, но они не серьезны, чтобы угрожать нашему счастливому детству. Это все, что бы я хотела сказать о своей семье. |
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